Bank Needed
Yes please. Bank and vault storage would be great.
Can charge a monthly fee or something for vault use.
If a bank is required to venture out in fear of being looted dry then OOC courtesy is more so needed to be addressed. Personally I’m not on board with the banks in trying to prevent pvp looting. It would lead to whoever you are conflicting with(if they were interested) to likely take something even more important. Such as armor, weapons, consumables as everyone would visit the bank before leaving and I can see that leading to even worse IC/OOC experiences. There is also a lot of risk with banditry that should be considered. Everyone likes hunting a good ole bandit.
One of the reasons Shark’s wererat was awesome was because all Eris took from winning pvp was 250 coins. An idea that would be less likely to occur with a bank. I think it may be important that if you are conflicting with someone IC to talk to the player about each others expectations in effort of being courteous and having fun.
As for storage I would suggest testing out the claimable bases and following up with the dm team with any suggestions.
the experince on arelith is that no one steps out of the door without going to the bank so even if you were to manage to defeat a lvl 30 character the best you come up with is a couple thousand coins, and that in an evironment that people sit with over a million in their bank accounts.
banks dont work because if you stop people taking your gold then you are likely to lose items that will bother you more, or even worse you get a FD and have to be raised losing xps.
There should be a risk of coming up with nothing for the bandit as well, so I agree with bank sentiment
@onlylobo The risk of being a Bandit is the fact you become a criminal, and potentially get exiled and/or become kill on sight for a bounty.
If you're willing to risk all that, you shouldn't also have to deal with the fact that even if you manage to pull it off flawlessly you potentially walk away empty handed, while still suffering all the downsides of being a bandit.
With the primary method currently being lopsided ganks, i disagree
There is nothing saying that if I go outside right now and rob a random person they will have any money on them.
Sounds like a challenge for bandits to spend time casing their mark.
Not sure it's needed, given that there are 6 claimable bases and lots of factions, all with storage. I've never encountered a mugger that took all my gold. Often, you get the option to pay a fee and move on or fight and risk losing more, like gold and consumables.
The most valuable items you have would be in the character inventory anyway; regular kit load-out, consumables and plot related items (which we aren't meant to store in a chest iirc).
@listen4silence I have not seen that option. It's just been walking then bam, I'm down. So yeah. Bank me
@onlylobo Did they take much? Clean out your gold and supplies?
@listen4silence I take issue with being invisi Ganked in the first place. Can't defend against that also with loseing thousands of gold in the first place
@onlylobo Didn't you invis gank the Beholder guys?
@Zap it was done to me by them, and I didn't know the pvp rules as they never came up
Looks like this will be a back and forth that doesn't gain any benefit from one side being upset they got attacked, and the other side being the group being the ones attacking. However, you invis ganked another PC and didn't give them a courtesy of RPing an exectuion with them either so save the woe is me.
A villain should instill fear into other players. If you are afraid to walk out of the city they are doing their jobs correctly. You can already store gear in a permanent base or faction storage.
@onlylobo Generally scummy tactics beget scummy tactics. i.e. If one team invis ganks another, they should expect the same in return. If one team stockpiles win buttons, so will the other.
Villains, criminals and bandits have always had an admirable level of restraint when it comes to mechanical pvp, both granting their targets one or more "outs" during initiation (as Listen described) or only stealing a token amount of gold/consumables in the outcome.
I have played CoA for 9 years and will +1 everything @Zap @listen4silence @Cadiz and @Ruler have said so far.
@gDarDog again, pvp rules never came up before, so being confused on what is supposed to be done I need clarification. As it stands the tanking has caused issues with my understanding of this
Having a Bank encourages gold hoarding and discourages criminal concepts. Neither of these things are positives.
If you want to have lots of gold, great. Be ready to defend it. If you don't want to take that risk, spend it, use it, fund plots with it. Use your consumables, don't just save them all up for that special moment.
generally letting the loser of the pvp a way to emerge alive with only dignity lost is a good start.
"i'll leave you for the crows... [motions the cirlcing birds]" then exits leaving the beaten down player on 1 hp to heal themselves, etc etc
@Zap Having a bank also encourages literally every criminal PC to make one of their goals be "rob the bank". I'm pretty sure this has happened in CoA's past. I remember a certain DM complaining about it.
@SteelsSweets said in Bank Needed:
There is nothing saying that if I go outside right now and rob a random person they will have any money on them.
Sounds like a challenge for bandits to spend time casing their mark.
True! But it is fair to say they likely will have something else of worth. That said, most villains I come across take far less in consideration to how much risk they take. Gold is easily replaced. The real takeaway is the intriguing conflict and story that comes as a result. Many villains have different motives, not always coin. But this is a generic instance. Dario wanted only to plant maggots for example.
@onlylobo said in Bank Needed:
There should be a risk of coming up with nothing for the bandit as well, so I agree with bank sentiment
There is! There is the risk of losing the pvp, the target escaping, or ending in a draw. And the bandit losing makes for a fun story as well. Even if they "win" gold is not worth the risk they take.