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Latest posts made by SteelsSweets
RE: Celestial Concerto giving bonus to Non-Good PCs
I don't play my bard at the moment but I think that is correct.
Only the "good" people get heals but everyone gets everything else.
The info in the forum is kind of confusing but the way it reads, that is how it is meant to work.
It does say effects good aligned PCs only but later on it specifically points out that only good get heals. Personally, I like it the way it is.
RE: To many of something in the Smugglers Tunnels
I can't comment on the bug vs web thing but can it be thinned out a little even if it isn't the culprit?
RE: Bank Needed
There is nothing saying that if I go outside right now and rob a random person they will have any money on them.
Sounds like a challenge for bandits to spend time casing their mark.
Starter Quests in Eveningstar
You can start there but there are no noob quests.
Please add?
RE: Bank Needed
Yes please. Bank and vault storage would be great.
Can charge a monthly fee or something for vault use.
XP Marker
Make the South Horn Memorial book thing an xp marker.
RE: Enemy summons not vanishing on summoner death
Use the little child's top shaped widget on them.
They unsummon without going hostile.
Also you can hit R and they will unsummon as well even if you are not able to rest.
RE: Enemy summons not vanishing on summoner death
PC summoners.
NPC summoners. The one I can think of specifically is the druid in the Halfhap quest.