Elks do not drop pelts
Area name: unknown
Issue Location: unknown
Quest Name: unknown
Store Name: none
NPC Name: Elk
NPC Location: unknown
Server Version: unknown
Screen Shot: none
Time: unknownIssue Description:
Elks apparently do not drop any pelts, yet. -
Sorry, but I have none of this info - which is why I only wanted to mention it on Discord in the first place. I then thought that Echo wanted it here as a reminder.
Area name: Stormhorns
Issue Location:
Quest Name:
Store Name:
NPC Name: Elk
NPC Location:
Server Version: 240704 Strife 8447
Screen Shot:Issue Description:
Thanks @Zolm! Does version 8447 mean that you enountered this yourself today?
Issue description: I received an IC report yesterday (from someone who does not use the forums), which referred to two Expeditions somewhere into the Stormhorns sometime during the last two or three weeks, indicating that individual Elks were encountered that were „too young“; adding OOC, that this meant that they did not drop a pelt.
@EyeOfGruumsh No, it's the version I logged in on, I cannot confirm if Elks do not drop pelt and which version it is.
Also - might want to edit the top post to add the standard bug report format, just giving you a hand ;)
Ok, done.
issue is in the naming system "elk bull" and "female elk" whereas the script looks for just "elk" in the name to match
skin of a ANIMALNAME
temporary fix is i've put the skin in the inventory until skinning can be reworked
live v8455
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on