Seeking Suggestions for Loot
Maybe I'll put the existing items found on quests in there too and tweak them to be useful, the admins will decide if the change is worthwhile and acceptable or not. But some more variety, new and interesting items wouldn't hurt as well.
@Acemvi said in Seeking Suggestions for Loot:
if we could adjust the existing loot rather than create entirely new ones
Yes, but this requires exporting every single quest area and sending them out to players, which is highly unlikely to happen.
@Echo said in Seeking Suggestions for Loot:
@Acemvi said in Seeking Suggestions for Loot:
if we could adjust the existing loot rather than create entirely new ones
Yes, but this requires exporting every single quest area and sending them out to players, which is highly unlikely to happen.
hm... just need the loot chests...
If you export just the chest does it add everything to the palette? Or is that if you import a chest? I can never remember.
It just seems like a lot of work to create and remove the more useless loot if we could just edit the ones that exist and fill in the blanks (if any) afterwards instead.
Well this way you get to pick a new flavor/theme if you so desire, rather than building on the stuff we've made which isnt very much liked/preferred. :D
Right, but it's not like the themes of the quest loot are the problem, it's that a lot of them are just... useless.
On that note, it would free up some design space if you were willing to upgrade some of the craftable gear as well because a lot of the craftable gear is equally useless. Craftable armor that isn't made of adamantium or mithril is basically pointless.
This is kinda why I think a small bump in the loot level overall isn't a bad thing. Even gear that's supposed to be desirable (like craftable gear) has very little design space to work with, and that bleeds over into quest loot as well due to the "can't be better than craftable gear" thing.
Easiest is for each quest to be done with flavour and thematic items and then add in what the community thinks is a reasonable amount for consumables and items with prestige. That also is the opportunity for the quest difficulty to be assessed by the community and a discussion to b e had to justify why this quest gets great loot and that quest gets more consumables and this other quest is more about xp etc.
Doing quest loot and balance of the encounters in said quests is a lot of work so we are happy folks are volunteering to help out.
Make a chest. Add the items to it. If you need help with prestige item please ask, it is really easy so don’t worry nothing breaks. Export .erf to a dm.
Along with each quest some ideas of background content and fluff stuff could be recommended.
It would be helpful if each quest that is being worked on has its own thread opened in the Suggestions/ Quest feedback forum. Discussions brainstorming of content etc can all be done there before any items even get made. Just a thought. That’s how the DMs do it for these types of things. We can also chime in to help with any questions about power levels and ideas for fun stuff.
Again thanks in advance for the help.
Each quest has 1-3 chests (low, mid, high).
That means 1-3 exports per quest.
Multiplied by however many quests we have.
That's going to take a lot of time on my end. Time I could spend building other stuff, tbh.
Plus, I want to see what you guys come up with on your own regarding loot. -
Right! I forgot that the quests have 3 chests so when making the items keep in mind where they should be/how much of a chance they should have to spawn.
Also the “can’t be better than craftable loot” is explained further as this.
The easy quests (4-6) should be in line with the low end crafting. That doesn’t mean that no quest item can be better it is to serve as a guideline for the general power level. All the crafting stats are done basically so an easy comparisons.
Repeat for the moderate (6-8) and hard quests.(7-10)
We can certainly discuss more as each quest is opened up for review on the forum.
I'll be honest, there is probably nothing more important to CoA at the moment than a quest and loot revamp. This should really be priority number 1 for most of us. Every single time there's a reboot of the server's setting people leave because there's a content drought and invariably it's due to a lack of interesting quests.
It's probably really boring work, I suppose, but it's vital.
No one is disagreeing that this needs fixing. Thanks for the help.
@Echo I think we don't need the export, I want to run quests IG anyway, I'll just screenshot the interesting pieces after them :)
And since I died 3-4 times in a row, I can do that with newb quests too for now heheWhat really would help is:
- base item changes (2da)
- HAKs that contain appearances (relevant to quest loot items) and stuff IF there is any
- Which variables to set on prestige items
- Script(s) & variables that "generates" the loot on the chest (to set the correct variables, if any, and to test out the items)
- Anything else I forgot but is needed to create appropriate quest loot
I'm requesting these so the Admins should only need to vote / feedback on the items and not completely redo them because of variables and stuff.
In the meanwhile I'll do items that use the basic appearances / item types, and will revisit them when I know which variables to set.If you or any other admin can put those here or send me on Discord, I'd be really happy!
@Prof-Misclick said in Seeking Suggestions for Loot:
It would be helpful if each quest that is being worked on has its own thread opened in the Suggestions/ Quest feedback forum. Discussions brainstorming of content etc can all be done there before any items even get made. Just a thought. That’s how the DMs do it for these types of things. We can also chime in to help with any questions about power levels and ideas for fun stuff.
wilco, good idea
And a small note: I am too not a time god so don't expect instant results, but if you guys think that loot normalizing will help get players back and I won't sit around alone in the EU times, I'm all in for it. Crafting gets boring when you have nothing else to do (and are not in a major faction just trying to keep yours alive) :(
Anyway, cheers!
@Wulfric said in Seeking Suggestions for Loot:
base item changes (2da)
Not sure what you mean here
HAKs that contain appearances (relevant to quest loot items) and stuff IF there is any
Not sure how to upload those here as the files are huge and there are several of them. I'll see about making a place for people to download them.
Which variables to set on prestige items
Script(s) & variables that "generates" the loot on the chest:
Chests are in the standard palette already with the correct names/tags:
Anything else I forgot but is needed to create appropriate quest loot
Not sure...?
@Echo said in Seeking Suggestions for Loot:
base item changes (2da)
Not sure what you mean here
Was thinking that there are some new custom base items used on CoA that's in the baseitems.2da
For the haks I think a google drive link is the best
thanks for the answers!
Doesn't everyone have the haks.. so ... they can you know, play on the server?
@Zool nope, because nwsync
@Zool said in Seeking Suggestions for Loot:
Doesn't everyone have the haks.. so ... they can you know, play on the server?
It is in a compacted and merged format that you can't directly use. If you have all the time on earth you can extract them but it would take ages :D
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