Module Changes
Will be moving to the new version NWN EE 1.79
Everyone will need to update their client to the newest version. Fingers crossed. :smiling_face_with_halo:
- New explorable areas in the Hullack Forest (Some are hidden, good luck finding them ;) )
- Dwarven Brewery expansion is now available IG
- Several secrets added IG across the module, happy searching
- More new and exciting monsters have been added to the CARES
- Crafting is slowly being implemented, I hope to have the first type fully implemented by the end of the week or early next week and the second round before the New Year.
- On login you should get a Tradeskill Journal. Weight SHOULD be 0.2lb. If yours is "too heavy" (aka standard 1 lb) ask a DM to remove it from your inventory. Upon relogging you should get the new, low-weight version
- Crafting Stations of various kinds are being added in to places/locations
- More resources are becoming available
- A few minor bug fixes
- Quest gold and exp have been bumped up slightly
- Crafting stations added to various areas
- Lots of crafting placeables available (ores, gems, sand, clay, plants, trees, etc)
mineable ores added
choppable trees added6615
reduced weight of crafting books
reduced weight of summoning books (see a DM to have yours swapped out)
More crafting stations added to Outskirts: Moonsea Ride, Outskirts: East Way, Immersea, Hunter's Union, Interiors (Elven & Dwarven Areas)6616
Lowered weights and costs on some basic items
Increased costs on some crafting items
Made more things available from merchants (basic materials like scrolls and bottles)6617
added skin-able animals to CARES & some quests
6619, 620, 6621, 6622
Edits to crafting scripts6625
Added ore/gem mining to various places
Fixed Larloch's spell
Got rid of ability to make electrical traps
Got rid of ability to make deadly traps6628
Fixed medkit crafting
Scaled back crafting xp
Minor edits6632/6633
Fixed exploit from the Ingot Recycler
Fixed some DM-only stuff
Updated/fixed a lot of small bugs inside crafting
Added blood vials & scripts for your blood-draining fun -
New Dragontouched will have -2 dex. This should not affect current PCs. If it does contact a DM. Some housekeeping stuff was done for Misrim.
- Quest EXP will no longer be handed out in lump sums but instead scale based of the PC level
- EXP given per NPC via Courier has been lowered from 25 to 5
- Commoner NPCs should now have random rumours available to be uncovered, if you find a speechless NPC please bug report them
@Puffy said in Module Changes:
Commoner NPCs should now have random rumours available to be uncovered, if you find a speechless NPC please bug report them
The rumours are currently bugged, showing old messages from v5. This is being investigated as we speak.
Bospir has been updated, with the road made into one area and the village into another
Slight tweaks IG to reflect recent IG events -
Echo's changes:
6674: Light Miner's Pick added6677: lowered the weight of food crafting materials
6679: decreasing crafting material weight
increasing DC for iron armor crafting6680: Added Smith's Mallett, fixed blueberry pie recipe
6681: potion recipes require 2 flasks but create 2 potions
fixed various typos around the module
Added Long jump to Frozen River area to access spawning gems
Fixed typo causing plants to not spawn in Redwoods Backwoods area6683: removed DR on harvestable trees
Fixed baker's yeast cost6685: added carrion crawlers, carrion crawler brains for poison-crafting
lowered % chance of snake spawning
added plants specific to poison-crafting
added venom glands to spiders for poison-crafting6686: Expanded Masoner's Bridge map
Added "Black Adder Venom Gland" to Black Adders
Added "Vial of Troll's Blood" to certain Trolls
Wrote the script for Recipe Levels 1-3 of poisons
Added "Small Centipede" to cares6688: Fixed an exploit in weapon crafting & recycling
Increased DC of iron weapon crafting, lowered XP progression for the same
Decreased # of ingots needed for daggers, light hammers, and rapiers
Increased the # of bullets (30), darts (25), throwing axes (10), and shurikens (25) produced from one ingot. (Was 1 per ingot!)
Reduced weight of feathers and decreased their value6689: Moss Wasp added to CARES
Poison crafting is now based on 50% wis, 30% int, 20% dex6694: Fixed iron drake cave ores
added arsenic, medium spider venom, carrion crawler brain juice to poison-making
Made bear on Dwarf Rescue not AE'able/Tamable/Companionable
Maybe fixed rescue dwarf's convo
Maybe fixed journal for dwarf rescue quest6696: Fixed typos in greenblood and striped toadstool poison recipes
Removed bludgeoning dr from the 2 iron helms I missed previously6702: Attempted a fix for Striped Toadstools not respawning items
fixed pot of clay (maybe)
fixed summoned spiders dropping venom glands6703: adjustments to gem mining % chances
6706: added Bucket o' Bait to the Fishmonger in Immersea
Added loot to Dwarf Rescue quest main and optional areas, put down more waypoints
Made some adjustments to shadow summoning theme creatures
created Hullack Ranger in Webbed Maze to teleport players to the exit waypoint
Set max buy price on shops to 15
Added NEP potions to potion shop
fixed gold issue on watchtower quest6709:
Added more ores and gems to various areas6711: Crafting Studs now creates 4 studs instead of 1 (uses 2 copper ingots)
Added Studs to WoodTailor Shop for 10g each (costs a little more than crafting them would)
Lowered cost of clay from 5 to 3 to make crafting studs more enticing than buying them6712: Added craftable belts
fixed wildwalker merchant -
Spawn at temples fixed
Respawn at corpse after it got moved fixed (Thanks, Deth)
fixed the nwnx includes that got overwritten
fixed the v5_i_utils that got overwritten
fix attempt on Touch of Ages spell6716:
Edited Gem Crusher script to allow crushing of cut and fine gems
Added bell to mortuary
Troubleshooting for Hillmarch area -- what is causing the lag there?!
Added storage to druid groves
Another attempt to fix the hullack druid spawn point
Imported PC Mode Switch script
Edits to crafting menu dialogue
Fixed Bospir inn NPC dialogue
Resized the rest triggers at Bospir inn so that you can make it into the room before resting
Fixed TAGs on Silver Ruby Amulet, Platinum Fire Opal Amulet, Platinum Alexandrite Amulet, Gold Feldspar Amulet, Gold Fire Opal Necklace
Added a shortcut out of the Bospir Farm quest (thanks to @Puffy )6719:
Maybe druids can get wood from trees without bashing them down? (Nope!) (Thanks, @Sljppers ) (thanks @farglenargle )6721: (Thanks, @Haquin ) -
- Monsters now drop loot, currently limited to prestige point items and gold only. The % chance of loot drop goes up based of the creature level and the party size, rewarding larger parties and those whom dare take a challenge.
Please note some monster types may not drop loot.
Once this version will be live, players will have two new dot commands to play with. They were tested, but if any bug is discovered feel free to report it.
.setemote# :
- What is It? This new dot command helps you bypass the pesky character limit of macros in Quickbars and let you set much MUCHHH longer emotes for yourself. Additionally you do not need to set them in your quickbar at all. Currently you will be able to set for yourself up to 10 emotes.
- How Does it work? Simply type %(#0099ff)[.setemote# X TEXT] (X is a number between 1-10 and TEXT is the emote you want). You will receive a confirmation message upon success and the emote will be saved on your BIC file persistently. %(#ff0000)[Be advised that it will run over any pre-existing emote you may have saved so be careful!]
.em# :
- What is It? This new dot command helps you reach out and speak the saved emote of choice. Currently you are able to use up to 10 saved emotes.
- How Does it work? Simply type %(#0099ff)[.em# X] (X is a number between 1-10). The Emote will be spoken right away from the saved variable on your BIC file.
Includes few major fixes - Especially around conversation and selection of choices(Fugue for example, Player Tools, etc).
Please report any bug you find and make sure it is elaborate as possible(What Dialogue options you used, who you talked with and where, etc). -
Characters can now acquire new languages in-game.Certain lore / language placeables will now provide insight into what language they're composed in.
Points invested in Lore will provide additional value towards learning any given language.The more you explore and study, the greater the opportunity for insight.
Bear in mind that some languages are more difficult to grasp than others.Any respective character requires a minimum of Intelligence 12 and an additional free language slot in order to learn a new tongue in this manner.
Special Change(Not linked to any version):
We have made a change to two key major files:
- File that deals with language translations
- File that deals with options carried over in conversations
We did not merge this with any version, so we can monitor any impact closely.
Please keep your eyes open and report any issues you may encounter in Languages/Conversation areas. -
- Immersea updated to reflect recent events
- Prestige chests added to Faceless Inn and Immersea
- New hints added to the Stonelands and Tilverton, CARES reviewed