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Latest posts made by farglenargle
RE: SF/GSF Illusion not giving ghostly visage buffs.
RE: Rugai Turdarr Second Skills Points Missing
I think I found the bug! Fix coming soon.
RE: Dawnknight Evelyn
Here is my report on the events in the tomb; may the Scribe bless my quill, and strike me down if any falsehoods be borne forthwith.
For full context:
Some weeks ago, I accompanied the members of the House of the Morning into their first foray into this unearthed tomb. We were given visions of the past, of the life of a man by the name of Eveningstar---the namesake of the village they call home. Our place in the vision was to hold off the forces of darkness to allow them to retreat from a doomed town, and later to hold our ground and keep vast hordes of undead from engulfing their new settlement. In this we were successful, and were spoken to by the tomb's guardian, a celestial who loved this Eveningstar fellow so much that she bound herself in service and defense of the tomb.
Our most recent foray had us confront the present and a possible future. In the present, we were bade to cast judgment upon various figures of recent Arabellan history, who laid out their faults in full before us:
- The Masked King Gondegal, who laid the seeds of revolution but failed to see them to fruition, and instead reinforced power structures that kept people unequal, was found guilty;
- Lord Jastyne Vaylan, who rejected the crown and established the council, but at one point slaughtered a group of elves as an act of defiance against her handlers who wanted her to become queen at the cost of her agency, was found guilty;
- Bishop Charisbonde Belon, who sought to bring prosperity by any means possible, even deception and political scheming, was found guilty;
- Lady Islyn Mossmere, née Misrim, who did all she could to curtail the crimes and cruelty of her brother Obyn, but was paralyzed by fear and love into not acting overtly against him, was found innocent;
- Queen Kestrel Goldfeather, who used her position in the Revolution to savagely destroy all noble houses whom had opposed her own in the name of familial preservation, was found guilty.
Whether these verdicts meant anything for these souls, most of whom yet live, is not known. It is possible this was merely a test by the celestial---more on this in time.
The possible future we saw was one where evil had one, and all had decayed. We fought through a nameless city, killing scores of undead, and finally found ourselves in a total wasteland, dead gods' corpses lying above us. Yet again, it is unclear whether this future was genuine, or a means of getting a point across.
These trials completed, we were able to access the final, deepest part of the tomb, within which lay the Golden Chalice of Lathander. But, before we could get there, we were confronted by the celestial, who gave us a different offer: five lives of good hearted men sacrificed, for her freedom, and a crusade against all evil. And here the meaning of each vision becomes clear.
The past was to show the love she had for this man named Eveningstar.
The future, to show us what might happen if we rejected her offer.
And the present, to show to us and emphasize the truth that all mortals are fallible.
It is this last point that sticks in my mind, for on further interrogation, it became clear that her "crusade against all evil" would mean the end of all mortal life as we know it. She took our fallibility as evidence of our corrupt nature in contrast to the sacrosanct celestials, and would see us all dead in order to wipe evil clean. I am proud to say that those present rejected this offer---but this placed us in pitched combat with her.
It was a brutal battle. As is already known, our Sergeant, Arthas Vanderale, fell in the fighting. As did two of the Awakened of the House of the Morning. But the celestial was, thankfully and barely, defeated---and I believe that with that, all of Arabel, and perhaps even the world, can sleep easier now. The lives lost deeply sadden me, but on reflection, given the gravity of it all, I know they cannot have been lost in vain.
Finally, the Chalice was recovered, and is now in the hands of the Order of the Aster.
-Lieutenant Tieto Vedeni
RE: Owlbear Quest cannot be completed
Tested; journal updates now if you kill the boss, but the boss doesn't spawn (oops!). Fix coming soon!
RE: Owlbear Quest cannot be completed
Didn't work again just now; fix attempted v7317, please test once it's up (if I don't beat you to it ;)).
Recommendation for Shalanna
I find Awakened Shalanna to be a very reliable person, a talented hunter of both the living and dead, and a relentless force of optimism in the wake of darkness. Even with her heart missing from her body, she still faces the trials and tribulations we of the House endure, without wavering.
She has demonstrated trustworthiness, resolve, compassion, and a deep respect for the natural life Lathander's Light fosters. Her being the first of our House present at the Redwood when it came under assault by the necromancer in scarlet today exemplifies each and every one of these traits. I therefore formally put forth my recommendation that she be promoted.
-Dawnsquire Lautrec
// OOC: Forum account is Cpt_Elrad, IG account is (I believe) also Cpt_Elrad.
RE: Remove or loosen alignment restrictions on most faction gear
Wholeheartedly agree with this. Was also going to use the Crimsons as an example; I'm not sure how the playerbase felt in general about our previous slate of factions, but it must be said that they were able to have and maintain distinct identities while also being much looser on alignment, and (as far as I can remember) having many fewer alignment restrictions on gear, with some having basically none at all.
This has the advantage of allowing much greater player freedom, and making the prospect of DM factions as the dominant focus much less chafing to people who seek to create interesting concepts that fit in with this landscape. I can see having concerns that this would be detrimental to the factions' overall identities, but as many examples in the past have shown, this is the kind of thing that can be handled through RP rather than mechanics---mechanical restrictions/gates on alignment are unnecessary when, given how heavy this server is on roleplay, and how experienced the playerbase is with it on average, one can always reasonably expect that social/factional consequences will wind up effectively being mechanical consequences.
Oaths and Prayers of the House of the Morning
I was inspired this fair Dawn to make a prayer to holy Lathander, and I feel that, since it felt as though it came through me and not from me, it will not be self-aggrandizement to reproduce that prayer here, in writing, for the edification of those who may join our fold after me.
I likewise encourage my fellows of the House to write prayers, oaths, and the like, in kind, that we may learn new perspectives from one another on the glory of our Morninglord.
-Dawnsquire Lautrec
[There is a small gap, and then a transcribed prayer, in handwriting more careful but otherwise identical. Ample space is left below that.]
A humble prayer for the promise ever kept
Highest praise be unto You, O Bringer of the Dawn, for how Your Light shines upon this town and all its denizens.
I pray to You that I may be found worthy of the honor of bearing that Light in Your holy name;
that I may bring that Light and compassion to shine where there is darkness and despair;
that I may, in Your name and to uplift Your most sacred wishes, be capable of helping to right the wrongs what beset us and to see cured the taints of the land;
that those in our fold who have been harmed by wicked forces may yet live to see myriad sacred sunrises, and be made whole again.
"In the Dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer." May the promise of that Dawn ever be fulfilled. All this I pray, in the name of the Morninglord.
Report on capture attempt
Our friend Mikul, the drunken Sheriff Bron, Blood Shark Gura of the Precept, and myself went down into the smugglers' tunnels beneath the city to hunt the necromancer Rend, who was a chief player in the attack on Eveningstar. Somehow, Mikul managed to get a key to the necromancer's base, and we stormed in and captured him in a brief scuffle---he was caught red-handed (black-handed?) raising the bodies of dwarven mercenaries as henchmen when we came upon him.
After this, we dragged him to the Precept headquarters in chains (though I would have preferred we got custody, it is perhaps better not to make a thirty-mile journey with a deadly mage in tow), where Naresh prepared a vial of some kind of serum which has the ability to cut magical folk off from the Weave. This was to be his punishment, followed by a stay in our dungeons, but at the last possible moment, he was broken out by magical means---a darkness spell came upon us, and he was able to flee, as some people of the Sands were able to tunnel into the Precept's Menagerie.
We have learned that Rend is working with Nazim, the leader of the "sand snakes" (not sure if this is a real name for their group, or the drunken Sheriff's epithet...), and in particular is being tasked with raising the Scourge of the Sands from the dead. Though the capture failed, members of the Precept were able to secure blood vials for tracking, and we now have confirmed a connection between these two groups---meaning that now it will be possible to kill two birds with one stone.
They are supposedly now galvanized into a well-supplied and well-armed military force, these people of the sands; I believe it would be best if we can put some serious manpower support behind this, although one of the others opined that perhaps support for Nazim among the other tribes would fall away if it became clear he were using necromantic means to augment his own power.
At any rate, we are one step closer to solving our problem.
-Dawnsquire Lautrec
[An addendum, tacked to the previous report by a small pin:]
Forgot to mention this---Rend referred to Jack Wild, leader of the Scarlet Syndicate, as "nascent[ly] ascending". It seems that he strives for godhood...this bodes quite ill, but I am not sure what is to be done about this besides grinding the Scarlets to dust as soon as possible.
RE: Letter to Alain
I do not think I possess strong political instincts, but if you believe that I can serve Lathander in this fashion, I am open to the idea. Just let me know what I have to do.
-Dawnsquire Lautrec