Classified: [Investigation into the Mines Sabotage]
Whilst unorthodox we could perhaps approach Courtier Darendaal and bring our suspicions on Ash to her for internal investigation with the condition that if she believes there is merit to it, select councillors such as myself and yourself Daal be permitted to question him for the truth and the trial cancelled quietly.
Such would avoid another embarrasing stain on the Crownguards image such as the drunken lout Farmerson and they would owe House Mossmere and the Skulls a favour or two no doubt.
What are your thoughts on this Daal?
I am furious at Volkovs verdict, He should never have been found guilty in the first place
It is plain to see yet this halfling is corrupt and yet facts were ignored to cover things up
The miscreant thought he could bar me from the trial unless I paid my fine issued by Count Immedusk directly to him, No doubt so he could intimidate me
I informed him that whilst I appreciated Count Immerdusks offer of protection and respect Count Immerdusk I do not respect Ash personally due to his conduct and would decline
@ARampantBull said in Letter to Adrian:
Disgusting accusations.
I suggest you come and pay your fines before the trial - or I will petition to have you disallowed entry. I would do so anyway but I look forward to you making a fool of yourself when Volkov is found guilty.
I await your visit.
I filed a formal complaint with Sir Everduke yet it was too late it seems
@Hangman said in Letter: Sir Everduke:
Thank you for your letter. I am inclined to let the matter of the trial play out at court.
I thank you for your extended information pertaining to the conduct of Mister Swiftfoot. This will be investigated internally. However, I will note the letters forwarded do not overtly suggest extortion, however his threat to bar you from access to the trial is of course unfounded and will not be actioned.
Yours respectfully,
Sir Everduke.I shall be sending a formal request for Ash to appear at House Mossmere to answer for his gross slights against House Mossmeres honour and sending a formal complaint to Courtier Darendaal as she seeks an alliance with House Mossmere
That a Crown Guard representing an esteemed noble such as Count Immerdusk could behave in such a manner is most unbecoming
It is time to look once again at the sabotage.
I met Francesca Vandern earlier at the Mossmere Estate to try and convince her to tell us what really occurred as her behaviour was odd, I pointed out to her that she hates Glendur for raising her from the dead with the power of the Lady leaving her marked and owing the Lady a debt.
Despite her hatred for him she seems to often work with him even though she recoils near him.
She seemed ready to divulge something yet she suddenly lost focus and looked around the room. I believe it to be a magical compulsion of some kind
She is controlled by someone using this mark, I know Glendur also has a pact with the Lady but don't think one pact holder could control another, Our King favours the Lady and he supported the plan to restore the Eastern Marches.
Barra, What can you share upon the Lady, I do not expect you to betray your oaths yet I cannot work to undo this compulsion without more information.
Apprentice, On the topic of The Lady, I can only say there is reason for The Lady to be bound to the Ward at the Tethgard ruins.
- Barra
I know the reason she's bound there.
The Sins of Tethgard.
I know some of her crimes as well.
What I need to know is the sort of powers someone who has a pact with her may have is there nothing you can tell me at all?
I have said all I can on this subject. Sorry if that is not enough for you. I have no answers for what you are asking.
- Barra
I understand.
I suppose Archer will need to be captured before this assualt and questioned thoroughly.
I doubt he will talk willingly though.
Now back to Ser Cormaeril
I enclose a letter from him sent after I reached out to make amends
@Seter said in Letter: Ser Mordecai Cormaeril:
I would like to make something abundantly clear - We are not equal in any way.
While you are a blueblood son of a minor household, I am the heir apparent to the ancestral home of House Cormaeril in Immersea and the head of the branch within Arabel. House Cormaeril, needless I to remind you, is a house with great influence that far exceeds that of House Iverlesk or even House Mossmere, your patrons. So no, Apprentice, we are by no means equal.As your better, in the eyes of the Divine Right, I indeed must find myself rising above petty squabbles for the betterment of the realm. I will lift the ban from my household's ability to work directly with you and give you the benefit of the doubt. But this comes with a final warning, Apprentice, and you will do well to heed it.
If I so much as suspect you are doing anything other than serving this realm to the best of your abilities, especially slighting my honour yet again or harassing any of my household, I will not be so forgiving and will take this as a slight against the whole of House Cormaeril by the entirety of House Iverlesk.
Any minor slight will demand that I seek my honour defended either by the public apology I graciously spared you from writing or a duel of honour.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
I know I was wrong in openly challenging him over his command, Yet it is this attitude from him why several councillors have concerns about his command
He is so fuelled by ego that he would abandon the war of our majesties and bring forces from Cormyr to attack another noble house at any slight, Which to him is challenging his authority in any form, he demands mindless obdience and does not respect those under him if they even give advice he does not like.
This is clear from his actions towards his former Senior Retainer Vandern, Who he sidegraded to Sentinel because she would give him actual advice and made Gallica his steward who just obeys.
You have been warned and I wished to spare you and House Mossmere embarrassment for actions, though well intentioned, have been the cause of great concern. Commander Cormaeril has the full support of the Crown to prosecute this war to a swift conclusion.
This open, petulant attitude toward your superior is unseemly and runs contrary to the requirements of your station. I will leave this in the capable hands of the commander to decide how to proceed.
Dame Saga Drakebane
Twelve Council Royal Advisor@Seter You now have access to this file.
Dame Drakesbane
I am not trying to sabotage the war, In fact I have plans to bring it to a swift conclusion.
I was discussing them with Skull Dall this morning, As we know it is likely the Butler is in fact an ancient undead of some variety yet he has been granted pardon for securing the Skulls contract for our esteemed majesties.
I asked if they had a way to contact the Butler as due to his age and knowledge he may know of secret ways into Tilverton long forgotten, From there a team could use them to get in and assasinate Issacson, Or perhaps rescue loyal nobles
Once Dall confirmed for me if the Skulls could contact The Butler I would have shared the plans with the council for discussion
We could then sue Obyn for peace, He will live but lose his title, Granted to his son who will be stewarded by Talantra until he comes of age, Obyn could serve our esteemed majesty as head of the Misrim trade network after of cause paying suitable reperations to the royal coffers
I also ask you to note it is me who has been announcing what the Council is doing and soliciting adventurers aid
@V-Rage said in Announcements by the Council of Twelve Peers:
Hear ye ,Hear ye
The Council is dilligently working on Arcane Weapons of War to defeat the fiendish forces of Issacson
A prototype is to be tested soon under the watchful oversight of the arcane experts of House Mossmere and if effective will go into full production
We are also working on a war golem, to be forged by the Master smith of Tempus and Senior Retainer of House Cormaeril Tanya Vorrune.
Should you wish to know more you are encouraged to seek out a councillor to learn more and recieve guidance on how to assist.
Adrian of House Iverlesk, Apprentice of Dwight Mossmere
In service to their Majesties, Adrian of House Iverlesk, Apprentice to Dwight Mossmere
As I stated, Apprentice Iverlesk;
I will enquire if we have a way to contact this Butler.
As to anything else concerning who or what he is, all we currently have is conjecture. I am loathe to form plans to build upon unstable foundations.
I am working on it, along with the details of Project Fear.
D. Dall
Obsidian Skulls Barracks
Slingdyke -
Of course Skull Dall, But as i mentioned
I find this pertinent information
The Butler, for his part, is an unknown. Records seem to indicate he is the son of a minor noble, but the Heralds cannot find a date of birth or the official documents of such a claim- and we've been extra thorough in this investigation, even containing the Palace in Suzail for records of this, and we've come up with nothing. Either the King to the south is purposefully obfuscating, or he never existed in the first place. His knowledge and submitted scholarly articles, are, as I quote a recent scholar,
"It's as if he lived through the events as an observer, and not one studying the diaries and letters of the individuals who lived through them."
Draw what conclusions from it that you wish, but it was his word that granted us the Obsidian Skulls for this army- and for this, he will possess a full pardon of any crimes or misdeeds he partook in during Obyn's Service.
If he lived through events he would be ancient, therefore likely some form of undead or other immortal creature.
Therefore he might have relevant knowledge on any forgotten ways into Tilverton from its past that could be used
It merits further investigation to see if it can aid the war efforts
Ser Cormaeril, Dame Drakesbane
With Archers latest outburst I believe we have the truth at last.
It is becoming clear that your Sentinel Vandern was not there on your orders rather she was forced into compliance with the mark that her raising by the Lady caused.
However since she was there and I saw you meet her beforehand after a coded sending it was my duty to our majesties to investigate.
I care for her deeply and I did not want to place you in the position where you may have to disavow her actions to avoid a stain to your honour, She idolises you and it would destroy her if you did that and neither did I want her to be executed for someone elses actions
I respect your command but I do not personally like how you act to those you consider your lesser.
I ask that you do not go to the Trancendence of this, But my interpretation of Siamorphes faith is that of the Crimson Chalice, it teaches that respect goes both ways, As a noble we should be respected, Yet we must act respectfully towards those who serve us regardless of their station and if we do not treat them well they we do not deserve their service or respect
I do not purposefully slight your honour, I give you advice, You may not like it but it is not intended to slight you yet I cannot change how you view it
For the sake of the realm let us agree we will disagree on some matters but we both wish to prosecute this war their majesties have commanded us to do to the best of our abilities, We may disagree on how best to do that, yet it is the purpose of this council to debate and share ideas and that is what I do
Let us ask his Majesty to share how this mark may be removed so we can finally have this matter settled and move on soley with the war it does the realm no good if we are both at each others throats when we both want the same thing.
Also Archer may need to be executed before the March if the mark cannot be removed from Vandern, It is not just that she may be forced to their mission out of spite by this maolvent creature, Truly he behaves more like a Dhaerow than an elf
Yet another truth comes to light
I wrote to Tessaril Winters believing she was a scholar and asking her to make those under her see the truth and show contrition , After all at one point she did recieve funds from House Mossmere however what she revealed is shocking.
@SpiffyMeister said in Letter: Tessaril Winters:
Allow me to be blunt,
If I were a petty woman, I would forward this letter to Ash and have him charge you with treason as well, if only to have the bitter satisfaction of watching a bitter, petty, ambitious man such as yourself find yourself in the same boat as we- forced to prove your loyalty to a nation some of us fought, bled for, and watched friends die for in the Revolution a decade ago when we overthrew Cormyrian Kings in favor of what we now see as a new set of tyrants.
No, we made our bed, our brave, foolish brothers now march to their death- and we shall hold our head high- not as traitors, but as loyal vassals of a Kingdom whose dreams and hopes will now die with us, I can pray that the bonfire we leave behind will become the Embers to keep the tree of freedom, equality, and the hopes of a bright future alive.
Tessaril Winters
It seems Ash was a spy for them all along, working to cause discord between nobles and powers of the region to weaken the crown.
I would advise Volkovs verdict be overturned and if possible he be raised from the dead, We may not agree with who he worships yet it is not a crime.
I would advise Ash be removed from the Crown Guard for his acts of sabotage and sent to die with the Fellowship on the front, After of course being given to the Skulls to instill some discipline into this miscreant
I would advise that if they show contrition that clemency be shown to Esvele and Sapphire, for they were fooled by the manipulations of Archer and Ash.
With that I believe this matter closed, I still have suspicions but for now that is all they are. With the main perpetrators identified and no chance of the truly innocent being executed or forced to march against their will over something they had no choice in I believe it in the best interests of the realm to leave it at this.
Let us put this sordid mess behind us and get on with winning the war.
I inquired with Lady Winters about the nature of her response, and she stated you strongly implied she should ignore the Verdict of the Crown and not do as she was commanded.
You are suggesting that those responsible, who confessed and spoke brazenly of their act, should not be punished and ignore their edicts.
A soldier ignoring orders can be executed. Another suggesting they do so is like culpable. Here is the letter you provided to them. I took the liberty of marking the part in bold. They were given the choice to disband entirely or fight entirely, no middle ground. They chose to fight.
- Saga Drakesbane
I write you to ask of you to act to prevent the Fellowship dying needlessy, I believe most of their hearts to be in the right place, But if something is not done this will become another folly like Belon
I have reached out to Esvele as her Lost Coin Consortium would have had been something I would sponsor, And yet even been given knowledge to discover the truth she refuses to see and stamps petulantly like a child who has been disciplined yet refuses to admit they were wrong and say sorry.
I have grave concerns about Archer as well, Believing he is using his pact with the Lady of Tethgard to compel an innocent woman he raised from the dead using this power who was also marked and owes the Lady a debt to control her and prevent her speaking of what she knows. I would ask you to bring him before others for judgement
If you cannot make them see sense I advise you to disband your portion of the Fellowship and seek refuge elsewhere.
None of this is right and you are all being played like pawns yet your members will not open their eyes
Adrian of House Iverlesk, Apprentice to Dwight Mossmere
And fight they shall.
I am done with trying to make them see there are still suspicious circumstances.
If they still wish to hide things to seemingly protect another who is just letting them die that is on them. I cannot make them accept help they clearly do not want.
That being said my previous advice on how to move forward stands. It does the realm no good for two nobles of the realm to be bickering with each when there is a war to win.