I concur with Clerck Johannes' point.
All the other groups mentioned for special considerations have an established hierarchy, which they abide by. This is not always the case with the Druids and most of them are rarely in contact with one another.
I would propose the following changes to the Wild walkers' clause:
- Article (a) corrections: While the Wild walkers will require no approval from the Crown to hunt down Necromancers and summoners of the occult they will need to first prove association with the Wild walkers. They are also required to submit a report of their hunt and stand down if asked by the Crown. Additionally unless stipulated otherwise they are not the juries and executioners of these individuals - They must bring them back alive for trial by the rules of the kingdom
- Article (b) corrections: As it is not stipulated for nobility or the High clergy that they have absolute authority over their respective lands, this should not be given to the Druids. They are land owners upon the crown's lands
- Article (c) corrections: A peace official should be able to interfere with an established druid grove if they they go against the laws of the kingdom. I would also argue that there must be clarification on what an established druid grove is - Can a hermit living under a tree in the Mossmere gardens form a grove there?
- Article (d) corrections: I would stipulate that if the grove was established on or near the lands of the nobles, after said noble was given control over their lands they become subject to their rule
I would make clear differentiation between the different Groves and only allow such rights as specified above to groves that are allied and loyal to the Crown.
Lord Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Ruler of Immersea
Knight of the Realm of Arabel