DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble
Account name: DaWarboss(SweetTooth/Unicorn)
Character Name: Arathiel Amaratharr
Character: Sun Elf / Wizard / Lawful Good /Applying for:
Noble, member of House Amaratharr [Canon Elven noble family]
The principle objective of the character is to colonise the Hullack and have House Amaratharrs name on it officially recognised and respected. Luryhe will seek to achieve this through the following steps:
1.A) Arathiel, as a Lawful Good character, wants to advance this with the blessing of the Kingdom of Arabel. She’s not going to employ subterfuge or anything underhanded, but rather put herself and her House forward as Wardens of the Hullack legitimised by the Crown. She believes she can bridge the gap between the old and the new, having an ancestral claim of the Hullack reinforced by the new power in Arabel.
1.B) To accomplish this she wants to make herself indispensable as an asset to the Crown, specifically around matters relating to the Hullack. For instance, I note there is currently a hostile Werewolf Pack plot going on in the Hullack, I would like to position myself at the forefront of the group that ultimately deals with it. I would lead expeditions into the Hullack to cull Orc tribes etc. Make sendings and take groups on one of the many scripted quests there. Essentially, make my character synonymous with the Hullack and a positive influence on it.
1.C) Seek patronage of the Hullack Spirits, essentially their endorsement. Arathiel knows there are many ancient druid spirits that are present throughout the Hullack, she wants to find and serve each of their interests in a bid to gain their support to further solidify her claim as Warden. For instance, she may seek out the Gaoler and take on a challenge from her, something that might advance her goals.1.D) Whilst Arathiel is Lawful Good she is something of an Elven Supremacist and does look down on the people of High Crimmond. To them, rather than seeking their patronage she will look to be an influence for the better. To them she will look to impose Elven ideals and reshape them.
1.E) Ultimately I am looking to rebuild a strong Elven presence on the server, so will look to re-establish Elf Hold, form an Elven faction and repurpose the Hullack as the domain of Elves. Thats the unique story arch I’m looking to tell, all underpinned by an ancestral claim to the area which I will work to strengthen, rebuild and push as a prominent storyline on the server.
Took your app and massaged it a bit with repurposed goals and what I think to be a more realistic gameplan to get what you want.1.F) Arathiel is familiar with an ancient Elven weapon known as the Ar’cor’kerym, or Rulers Blade, which supposedly had some significance amongst the Elven community who presided over the Hullack Forrest in days of old. Luryhe will seek its whereabouts, leaning on the Spirits as and when she gains their favour, taking groups in far flung searches for clues etc.
Candy will be joiing me and Maybe Cadiz,Draco andif we're lucky I'll draw a new player to the server with it
Some nitpicking first:
A character that is racist can never be a good character, and I say this after playing countless Gold Elves. LN would be more appropriate here.
There is the name Luryhe in the first item, which I assume is a typo
He mentions being a racist and looking down on High Crimmond, which are NPCs. I am more interested to know how he would portray this with PCs.
What concerns me most is that this is a slow burn kind of concept and Unicorn can barely keep to a simple concept. We saw it firsthand when he was a bannerman of House Cormaeril.
- I dont want to approve this if he is gonna quit it after 2 weeks
- I dont want to approve this if its all gonna sum up to quest trains or DM quest attendings and nothing more
There are expectations when playing nobility, and an elven one is harder than a human. I don't see the fun this app will bring due to Unicorn not handling negativity well nor conflict which is a big part of it.
Also he hasn't shown previously a good understanding of nobility. Which is kinda crucial for the concept
If he plays a convincing elf, I would consider it.
Till then, no.
talking to him now, will post convo after
Convo here:
[10:01 AM]Echo: she question has been raised: how will you portray nobility, especially elven nobility?
[10:01 AM]Echo: we need to know that you have a good grasp of both
[10:05 AM]Sweetooth: so here is what I understand of basic nobility, you as a noble somewhere in the past got a title and land. You are sort of a middle man to the crown you collect taxes give a cut to the crown. you are responible for not only upkeep the lands and people under you but to answer the call to arms. you also represent your family
[10:06 AM]Sweetooth: So the Character plans to be sort of a snobbish but polite sort that is something of an elvish sumpricist, they know that retaking what was lost is sort of impossible at this point but wish to reclaim something of what was lost
[10:07 AM]Echo: sumpricist?
[10:08 AM]Sweetooth: supremacist
[10:08 AM]Echo: gotcha
[10:09 AM]Echo: ok so how will he act? mannerisms, etc. how will you RP him being an elven supremacist?
[10:09 AM]Sweetooth: Like treating other non efls as sort of children "Oh it's cute you think you're an expert after only 20 years of stufy"
[10:09 AM]Echo: nobility is a big deal. ELVEN nobility is a bigger deal. we just want to make sure you know that this is going to have high expectations and that you are ready to pull it off 😄
[10:10 AM]Sweetooth: Like humans are sort of amuzing like trained monkeys
[10:10 AM]Sweetooth: They haven't lived long enough to actually know anything
[10:10 AM]Sweetooth: I am simply right by virtue of being an elf and knowing better
[10:11 AM]Sweetooth: Giving other elf.. more so Sun elfs preferancial treatmen
[10:11 AM]Sweetooth: Moon elvs are OKAY..
[10:12 AM]Sweetooth: Wild elves are dirty country hicks..
[10:12 AM]Sweetooth: Halfs elf at best are someones regettable summer mistake..
[10:13 AM]Sweetooth: so sort of an elitist aswell
[10:14 AM]Echo: are you ready for any pushback you may receive from human and halfelf characters?
[10:14 AM]Sweetooth: Tots wouldn't be the first time I've been beatenup/ Killed on the sever for being a pricky racist
[10:15 AM]Sweetooth: and frankly that Elf deserved it..
[10:15 AM]Echo: and on an ooc level?
[10:15 AM]Sweetooth: nah IG
[10:15 AM]Echo: no i mean are you ready ooc for the pushback
[10:15 AM]Sweetooth: I am fine with it
[10:15 AM]Echo: i will post this conversation for the team to consider with your app -
Elven nobility is very different than human nobility, but I am not going to quite go into that.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
The principle objective of the character is to colonise the Hullack and have House Amaratharrs name on it officially recognised and respected. Luryhe will seek to achieve this through the following steps:
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
1.A) Arathiel, as a Lawful Good character, wants to advance this with the blessing of the Kingdom of Arabel. She’s not going to employ subterfuge or anything underhanded, but rather put herself and her House forward as Wardens of the Hullack legitimised by the Crown. She believes she can bridge the gap between the old and the new, having an ancestral claim of the Hullack reinforced by the new power in Arabel.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
1.B) To accomplish this...
ah good finally....
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
she wants to make herself indispensable as an asset to the Crown, specifically around matters relating to the Hullack. For instance, I note there is currently a hostile Werewolf Pack plot going on in the Hullack, I would like to position myself at the forefront of the group that ultimately deals with it. I would lead expeditions into the Hullack to cull Orc tribes etc. Make sendings and take groups on one of the many scripted quests there. Essentially, make my character synonymous with the Hullack and a positive influence on it.
Wander round the hullack and quest. Sure, obvious one.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
1.C) Seek patronage of the Hullack Spirits, essentially their endorsement. Arathiel knows there are many ancient druid spirits that are present throughout the Hullack, she wants to find and serve each of their interests in a bid to gain their support to further solidify her claim as Warden. For instance, she may seek out the Gaoler and take on a challenge from her, something that might advance her goals.
Ok, so ask an NPC for stuff.... cool.
Be nice to learn what you plan to do in the first place to get attention, or make things interesting enough for DM's to give a shit (aside from wandering around the hullack)@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
1.D) Whilst Arathiel is Lawful Good she is something of an Elven Supremacist and does look down on the people of High Crimmond. To them, rather than seeking their patronage she will look to be an influence for the better. To them she will look to impose Elven ideals and reshape them.
Some waffle about a group of NPC's no one really cares about and are really just there to have some place for outlaws to go....
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
1.E) Ultimately I am looking to rebuild a strong Elven presence on the server, so will look to re-establish Elf Hold, form an Elven faction and repurpose the Hullack as the domain of Elves. Thats the unique story arch I’m looking to tell, all underpinned by an ancestral claim to the area which I will work to strengthen, rebuild and push as a prominent storyline on the server.
Took your app and massaged it a bit with repurposed goals and what I think to be a more realistic gameplan to get what you want.Gonna have to split this up a bit.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
look to re-establish Elf Hold
K, how? that sounds pretty big.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
form an Elven faction and repurpose the Hullack as the domain of Elves.
Get some friends and wander around the hullack? alright...
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
Thats the unique story arch I’m looking to tell
Unique... maybe I have a different definition of that word.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
all underpinned by an ancestral claim to the area which I will work to strengthen, rebuild and push as a prominent storyline on the server.
Can you tell me how you are going to do any of those things aside from wandering around the hullack and asking DMs to run stuff for you? it'd be useful.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
Took your app and massaged it a bit with repurposed goals and what I think to be a more realistic gameplan to get what you want.
Why did they leave this bit in? sounds like a DM helped out a bit. It's a bit like those funny photos of kids homework with "as an AI language model I...." at the top.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
1.F) Arathiel is familiar with an ancient Elven weapon known as the Ar’cor’kerym, or Rulers Blade, which supposedly had some significance amongst the Elven community who presided over the Hullack Forrest in days of old.
This sounds kind of cool.
@echo said in DaWarboss/Arathiel Amaratharr/Elven Noble:
Luryhe will seek its whereabouts, leaning on the Spirits as and when she gains their favour, taking groups in far flung searches for clues etc.
Ah, so you're gonna wander round the hullack and beg DM's to posses NPCs for you.... I think I already read that bit.
Maybe I'm a dick but... there's nothing here saying what they will do in game beyond wander about and ask DMs for stuff.
A very flowery, trash app
Where to we stand with this? Rejected officially?
Been a few days and there are 6 nos, so yeah rejected
someone needs to talk to them about why it was rejected and give them the chance to edit it, which is what we've done for everyone else
I'd just be blunt and say there is no interest in foreign or elf nobility.
@spiffymeister sure go for it
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on