• File: Elven Monstrosity in the kings forest

    2 Posts


    Do you think you can make this creature out to be a threat to immersea with your talents?

    So that when we deal with it we can work to expand our influence to the town.



  • Investigation: Half Dragon Necromancer and the Perceptus

    12 Posts

    The half dragons are dead, myself, Fyevarra and Skarde saw them ended with aid from the celestials, one of the dragons sacrificed themselves to summon an undead monstrosity that was put down with Guardian Style.

    I'll see if we cannot negotiate favour with Eveningstar for this


  • File: Koseph of the House of the Morning

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • A Necromancer of Jergal?

    2 Posts


    I have not.

    However, could this individual be acting in an official capacity? If I'm not mistaken, the Mortuary does exist.

    Regardless, this person could be one of two things: some sort necromancer sanctioned by the Church of Cyric or just some crazed loon.


  • Proposal: How we expand our rights into Eveningstar

    3 Posts

    As you pointed out only a day or two ago Mr. Swift, our lawbooks are incomplete and in horrid condition. Perhaps they are the official church of Lathander. But unless it is made clear to the general public, how will they know their rights and obligations?


  • File: Izereth Caul

    2 Posts

    Fyevarra believes Izereth serves a being called the blue eyed man.

    From what I have gathered from Elrinde who looked through the Precepts records this blue eyed man is a beholder who takes human form somehow and is infested with parasites that lures people into the forest of eyes on dates then presumably infests them.

    The Precept supposedly killed this blue eyed man once before but it seems it may be back

    Perhaps killing it again may strike a blow against Izereth and the hive


  • Acceptance of duel of Honor: Dominic Swift and Sabriel Florent

    6 Posts

    I am going to put my foot down, I think.

    Dominic is not a noble, and has no business challenging one.

    His "Honor" is that of a follower of Helm, and is frankly, inappropriate for this organization by which, its expressed intent when told to the noble assembly, was to permit their scions and youths an opportunity to earn the favor of the King and in such glory rise beyond mere second or third spares and become an asset to their family and future lord.

    Commoners were permitted entry with the intention of them supporting the rise of their noble betters, and in so doing so, ride their coattails to glory.

    If you cannot get along, that is fine- there are no serfs in the free city of Arabel, but this idea that a commoner can challenge a noble scion is ridiculous. If you do not like her behavior, or think it is borderline criminal, a private word with your immediate superior, Sir Everduke, is enough to see discipline done.

    Enough of this, I am expecting Izereth's head in front of me, an honorable, glorious achievement that should belong to us while the savages rut with their lycan allies and caress their giant overlords. I want to know that this organization I have invested a great deal of my effort, noble stock, and time- is going to pay back dividends in glory and honor.

    I will personally see the person who does so elevated. I won't hear of a 'concerted effort,' I will only reward one.

    Count Immerdusk

  • Letter of recommendation for Wilheim to join

    5 Posts

    Dominic, you farmboy,
    If you had bothered even talking to Wilhem, you would know that he is so uneducated in our ways, that he did not know that House Goldfeather is the Crown we serve.

    He did good however, on our outing. Not a brave lad, but not all can be. If his pen in his coming report is as sharp as he was, Id not be against giving him a chance, provided he be properly educated.


  • Prospective recruit: Wilheim Drakensorrow

    4 Posts

    Wilheim sent this in at my request, there are some good ideas in it even though I am against giving druids immunity, especially for working with monsters that eat men

    @lunatichigh said in Letter: Crown Guard Proposal to Dominic, Ursula:

    @V-Rage @Silverswift
    [Two copies are sent out, one left on Dominic's desk, the other for Ursula at the Grove south of the city.]

    I have drawn up a simple proposal in the attempt to minimize collateral damage between our neighboring towns and wild allies while also strengthening the position of the Crown and its agents.

    As we know, the Lathanderites stationed in Eveningstar and the House of the Morning, along with members of the Order of the Aster, are in direct opposition to the Oathsworn and Wildwalkers of Arabel due to the latter’s decision to align with the monstrous force of Lycanthropes and Oathsworn Giantkin to do battle against Izereth the Witch and the Beholder Hive.

    It is my current understanding that Eveningstar has exiled and banned these Wildwalkers from entering the city as well.

    Now, I cannot say with absolute certainty that these creatures are necessarily a direct danger to our city nor that they can be trusted in the long term; I do, however, know that they can be utilized as a powerful force and temporary tool in the stead of Arabellan forces. Luck has it that the Crown has deemed fit the alignment of these forces in the upcoming battle.

    With that, a problem has arisen: The House of the Morning and Order of the Aster seem to be quite adamant about joining the battle and fighting on two fronts. It is understandable their position against these unsettling and unsavory allies of the Druids; but we must realize that our Wildwalker and Oathsworn allies are bearing the brunt of this war and have been willing to do so from the very beginning. I do not wish to see our allies hurt and weakened and scattered; a united, strong front that stands together is most ideal.

    Therefore, my proposal:

    Offer Immunity to the local Wildwalkers and Oathsworn for the duration of the Beholder War campaign. Under this Immunity granted by the Crown, the Druids will suffer no consequence for defending themselves against hostile Lathanderite crusaders.

    If any individual(s)actors of the Lathanderite crusade harm, capture or kill any local Wildwalkers or Oathsworn of Arabel that the city is allied with, these individual(s) will incur heavy fines, imprisonment or execution for the duration of the Beholder War campaign and shall be extradited to Arabel for crimes committed.

    Eveningstar shall also suffer sanctions on trade and military if her actors are in violation of this proposal, to be later determined by Crown Officials.

    As a precaution to avoid misuse by any bad actors, the Crown Guard shall work alongside Precept Arcanum and other prominent factions within the city to ensure that the Beholder Menace can never be replicated in the future. Any and all evidence of Izereth the Witch, her allies, and the Beholder Hive that any party may come across shall be handled properly and with care and promptly turned in to the Crown Guard or Precept Arcanum for future research and study into methods of prevention and security. Individual(s) that fail to comply will be held in contempt and conspiracy and subject to severe punishment by Crown Forces.

    This is only a mere draft of my proposal, but I do hope that it is well received and read over and given thought. Our allies are vital to the safety and security of our fair city. Yet, some allies cannot be reasoned with and it saddens me that it is the people of the wilds that are more reasonable than the "civilized" folk of Eveningstar.


    Lay About Wilhem Alun Drakensorrow
    Crown Guard Aspirant

    [An additional note below that seems to be, more or less, implied to be not included within the proposal on Dominic's copy]

    I would also like to add that if the House of the Morning draws more and more fanatics and crusaders to their town, they may become truly a threat to our city. We should, at the very least, be mindful of this force and their radical ideals that empower and embolden their actions.

    Just an aside.

    [On Ursula's copy, an additional note is left]

    I figure you wish to see how I am using my words to benefit you and your tribe. These are terms meant to protect you. Let me know if this is acceptable.


  • Note: Adelaide

    2 Posts

    Dear Dominic

    I will seek him for aid in being a proper Lathanderite.

    Thanks for the note.


  • File: Arcanist Registry

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Note for Dominic

    2 Posts

    Mr. Swift,
    While you await whatever reprimand you are about to recieve for your blatant disrespect, I shall honor my word, and deliver to you the song as promised. I fear it may have been sung once or twice already, the others were curious as to what I was working on.

    No reply necessary.

    S. F

    Borrowed feathers make no bird

    Promised you a song, I shall not lie
    But once you hear it, you likely will sigh
    Impart upon you a lesson I shall attempt
    You shall bow to your betters, not show them contempt!

    Dear little Swift, with Helmsblade in hand,
    Crying in frustration, your bloodline so bland
    Your uniform teal, your arrogance absurd
    For borrowed feathers, never make you a bird

    A farmboy in act and with no decorum
    It is time you learn how to act in a courtroom
    For while you may be skilled with a sword,
    A teal uniform, will not make you a lord

    Learn your place, Dominic Swift
    Or in the Crownguard you create a rift
    Stop undermining our rule, it is highly treasonous
    Acknowledge the nobles, and that you are far beneath us

  • [DM]Formal letter of complaint: Dominic Swift

    3 Posts

    It is appreciated. His actions of doing this in broad daylight, in public, has minimized my ability to represent the Crown. In my latest meeting with representatives from other organizations, I had to sit and be questioned, second guessed and further disrespected. For is Dominic can do so, why shouldnt they?
    They see his public taunts, disrespect and defiance of my noble blood,as a way to "grab" power not given to him, and therefore sit on the fence, to see whether his or "my" words or his carry most weight.

    I know he has been in the Guard for a while. I did my best to teach him decorom, and nobless oblige, hoping it would inspire him to acting with grace and style, expected of the noble class, and therefore of those we share a uniform with.
    It has worked wonders with Adelaide, who has converted to the Lathanderite faith, found her place, and is pursuing her dream of becoming a knight one day, to better serve the people. She sees how we act, and tries to emulate it, to become a better version of herself.

    Dominic on the other hand, has not taken to my teachings. He may be able to swing a sword, but lacks any respect of nobility, and definitely lacks any form of grace or style.

    I leave the matter in your hands, and hope for a swift resolution.

    Sabriel Florent

  • File: Ma'Crag

    7 Posts

    I have presented and offer to the Church of Morning. The Bishop allows us a bit more free reign. Could be allowed to chase criminals who move into his domain. Or something similar. In exchange the Crown uses the laws of heresy and official churches, and makes his Lathanderite teachings the official of the land, protecting them against heresy.


  • Research: Aumantorian tome

    5 Posts

    Miss Florent

    They may need to be sung.

    The issue is the tome is in the celestial, The only person who can comprehend the hymns I know of is Kira.

    She would need to translate the tome and see if singing them in common works, Or else be given a heavy escort due to her blindness as we dont want to put her in undue danger


  • 'House' Ambrose

    13 Posts

    Miss Florent

    Since you seem to get on with Ambrose would you look into this?


    Perhaps a mage (Likely Fyevarra) could use it to locate Leonhard



  • Classified: Letter to Count Immerdusk and Miss Florent

    6 Posts

    The count doesn’t need to babysit you.

    If they are a commoner, no warrant is required.


  • Rumor from the Ravens

    9 Posts

    Start a separate file on the Fellowship.

    If they don't answer another summons for questioning on why they keep sending to meet with Izereth then seek them out and bring them in


  • Investigation: The Giants of the Druids

    6 Posts


    You can remind them all you like. Druids have been tepid friends and enemies on and off for centuries, often working beside communities but as often against. They can vanish into woodlands and groves and bring to bare powers that would prove vastly detrimental to the welfare of the Kingdom.

    I have it on good authority that they are expending considerable power to maintain their front against the Beholderkin and while the Hierophant's arrogance is frankly alarming...

    The King is covering his actions for the time being.

    After this conflict, we can seek a reckoning, but for now, they are serving Crown interests.

    Count Immerdusk
  • Report: Lycan attack in the sewers

    1 Posts
    No one has replied