'House' Ambrose
It seems from this that House Ambrose went extinct
I have spoken with Sir Tomas, and will be helping him find the papers of nobility, that were lost in the rebellion. In return, he shall assist us in hunting down and capturing rogue rebels. Leave him be, if he steps out of line I shall deal with it myself. But for now, you sit, wait, and practice patience.S. Florent
Except if his house was wiped out by Gondegals men would that not most likely make them Cormyrean nobles?
Now we may be at peace with Cormyr and I have nothing against them but have you considered Tomas may hold a grudge against Arabel and empowering him may not be the best idea
The House, like many others, lost their nobility under Gondegal, and their lands divvied among the new Peerage.
Only the royal family may reinstate their titles.
Count Immerdusk
As that is what he seeks, should we not afford him the chance to earn it? Trying to punish a man for calling himself the Duke of Rags seems unnecessary cruel, if giving him a bit of room to see whether he still has nobility in his blood or not can give us so much more.S. Florent
Who said anything about punishing him?
Advising him it is not wise to use titles of nobility when he is not of the nobility seems fair however.
I am not some common militia private, or silly Greywatch, trying to impose tyranny with what petty authority I have found through a uniform.
If you find that trying to correct all you meet is the best way to protect the Kingdom, and Count Immerdusk agrees, then do what you wish. I know nothing I can say will seemingly change your mind, and I do not make a habbit of repeating myself.S. Florent.
There is a chance Ambrose may be the lycan that was reported to have attacked an adventurer in the sewers
He walked into the faceless seeking donations to Ilmater with his mouth and hands covered in blood even though he himself seemed unharmed, He also backed away from Silvara when she walked into the inn wearing silver jewelry and seemed to be struggling to maintain control.
He was also not answering when he first walked in and I asked him what caused him to be covered in blood .
Kamlen has reported that she made a poster seeking silvered weapons and Ambrose invited her to the sewers, There he warned her not to bring such into the sewers.
She was reluctant to say more, being Tymoran and a little flighty around guards.
I bought her a few drinks to get her more talkative and just before she left she blurted it out she found a lycan following Ilmater a strange thing, I asked if she said Ambrose was a lycan and she tried to back pedal saying he called them avatars of Ilmater or something because they suffer a curse. Though it may just be an oddity of his what with the various heresies around the town
There is a chance that he may be a lycan what with the previous events of him walking uninjured into the Faceless with blood on his face and mouth and his extreme aversion to silver though he could be allergic but along with his seemingly considering lycans holy it all does seem a little odd
You seem to have a good relationship with him Miss Florent, can you look into this?
Miss Florent
Since you seem to get on with Ambrose would you look into this?
Perhaps a mage (Likely Fyevarra) could use it to locate Leonhard