• This topic is deleted!

    2 Posts
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  • The fate of House Florent

    1 Posts
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  • Colour Scheme

    3 Posts

    I have received feedback from the citizenry and one person said he finds the colour scheme offensive.

    Ser Blackgrain

  • Proposal - Half Orc Ban

    3 Posts

    I have made contact with the Blood and Bones half-orcs. I cannot find a file on this group.


  • Warrant Request: Sabriel Florent

    11 Posts

    I have spoken to the Iluminated Blade about this, and they claim it was bequeathed to them by one 'Johan Faust' upon the death of Sabriel Florent.

  • Lawbook Revisions

    1 Posts
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  • Complaint - Lodgings

    1 Posts
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  • The Wilds

    2 Posts

    Obviously these uncouth savages are faffing around, I’d expect nothing less from uncultured cretins - and it also seems a band of half orc scum has “claimed” the Hullack


  • File: The Holy War

    3 Posts

    The Churches of Lathander and Cyric have announced a holy war

    The situation is complex. Neither party is without fault, with the Cyricists actively seeking to create discord within the Kingdom and threatening the populace by withdrawing their services, and the Lathanderites fueling the conflict through their heresy.

    While we made numerous attempts to apprehend the Cyricists prior to the proclamation of war, I recognise that these failed both due to the lack of tactical approach and limited evidence to support our actions. Failure to take quick and sufficient action means the situation has escalated to one in which Crown Guard individuals have less control given the religious nature of this conflict, the complex political interactions, the size of the opposing forces, as well as our own limited resources.

    The background papers have further information about events, if required.

    I propose we maintain a position of public neutrality and mininal interference in the interim

    The Crown Guard, as an extension of the Crown itself, has several options to consider in deciding their immediate role in this conflict:

    Remain publicly neutral, use minimal force to restore order and security (status quo, recommended in interim) Remain publicly neutral, use maximum force to end the conflict and stabilise the region Publicly support the House of the Morning, and by extension, the Bishopric of Eveningstar Publicly support the Church of Cyric.

    The options outlined here are the product of an initial assessment will evolve as the conflict progresses, with any decision reviewed as required.

    Option Implementation Rationale Risks Mitigation Option 1 Publicly neutral ie no support for either faction, maintain open communication with both factions, establish perimeter to contain conflict, regulate rules of conflict, protect non-combatants and private property, use force where risk of escalation beyond perimeter Religious conflict vs our role as secular organisation, duty to maintain order and security regardless of faith, complex situation requiring more strategic approach, limited resources to use more force Opposing factions gain political power and territory, benefits Cyricists who support this position, lose opportunity for CG to gain prestige, lose relationship with both parties, reputational risk with general populace Use as interim measure (not long-term position, see other options), deal with proxies (eg mercenaries) to gain prestige Option 2 Publicly neutral, use Kingdom forces to quickly override both factions and restore regional stability Gain prestige, restore reputation, reduce opponent's political power, gain power in territories Limited resources and tactical expertise, interfering in religious matters risks fallout with faithful Use as final resort when factions have weakened each other Option 3 Publicly announce support for House of the Morning, lend resources to faction, withhold resources from Cyricists, publicly condemn Cyricists and punish them for misdeeds and failure of duty Eveningstar is established sub-state, expect our support, good allies generally more trustworthy than evil ones, popular among people Propogate heresy, lost first conflict, gives Bishopric greater power Negotiate for greater power in Bishopric Option 4 Publicly announce support for Church of Cyric, lend resources to faction, withhold resources from Lathanderites, publicly condemn Lathanderites and punish them for heresies Responsible for rites of death, relied upon by populace, won first conflict, demonstrated power Untrustworthy, seek to undermine Crown's authority, linked to suspicious characters, likely linked to Tilverton's ambitions Negotiate for greater power (what, where? Still unclear)

    Sub-options include covertly supporting one faction over the other (eg with information, funding) despite public neutrality, or lending aid depending on circumstances and offers given in turn.

    Option 1 is most suitable for our current circumstances, and my own capabilities. I do not have the capacity alone to carry out this action, and therefore seek the following support from superiors:

    Re-station Guards (Crown and/or Militia) to the western and northern outskirts, to manage any outspill of conflict. A group of 4-5 is recommended, including 2 scouts Expediate requests for bounties or funding where this supports our role (eg, rewarding contractors) Provide advice on strategic and political issues as they arise, and respond quickly where I escalate issues.

    I will also aim to achieve the following on my own:

    Maintain open communication with factions and assert our right to passage through conflict areas without interference Support or contract adventurers and mercenaries to investigate and gather intel, deal with issues on the periphery, and protect citizens and private property Promote permanent recruitment to the Guard, including among the plebs.

    I also suggest that any of the Crown Guard who wish to join either side are choosing faith over duty to kingdom, and must remove their uniform.

    //I don't know how audacious this is but thought I would give it a shot given my limited playtime.

  • File: The Elven Fellowship

    54 Posts

    The bounty is removed

    Unfortunately I cannot speak Elven, You can of course negioate with the elves on their posters though I doubt they actually control the Hullack, Being a great druid means he stewards part of it nothing more.

    I know he has no love for the necromancers so having the fellowship cause them problems benefits us


  • File: The Church of Cyric

    51 Posts

    It is unfortunate we were not able to deal with this before it escalated to such a public farce.

    Now, we should draw a line around the arena. Publicly maintain our neutrality in our duty to the Kingdom. Don't get involved in a holy war, let the zealots destroy each other. If they cross that line, harm the greater Kingdom, we cut them down no matter what side.

    Quietly continue working to bring down those agents of chaos. Patrol the roads, destroy the undead, rescue farmers and damsels in distress.

  • Investigation: Planar Threat

    31 Posts

    Myself and Florent spoke with the Sabre

    He gave us three options to kill his father and remove the devilish forces from the war

    The first would need a larger force than can likely be mustered to storm a hellish fort and fight our way to him

    The second is being teleported close and trying to move quietly and kill him, with the caveat we'd have to fight a large force if discovered

    The third is a portal be opened near the ward near the fort, the Angels would likely charge in and be a distraction whilst a group heads to the leader of the devils.

    Personally I prefer the 2nd option


  • File: Marek and his men

    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Letter: Count Immerdusk

    4 Posts
    Man in the MistM

    So to be clear, your main evidence is the word of a criminal druid? One that claims this Elrinde was fighting alongside him?

    I don't much like these Cyricists, mind you, but it seems to me that even if this is true the only casualty is a woman who was aiding a known criminal with an actual bounty, and if anything these Cyricists are doing more about this spider freak than anyone else has thus far.

    Capture this Seaharice and bring him in so we can question him more directly before bringing him the crowns justice. If he truly is telling the truth he would come in willingly would he not?

  • File: The Redbeards

    4 Posts

    Redbeard. I think that is the mercenary company Fyeverra mentioned. Watch your head around them. Marchetti still wants your sword.

  • File: The laws on magical crimes

    4 Posts

    Good luck figuring out who left some undead on a road.
    Them carrying Cyricist stuff could be some other necromancer still couldn't it?


  • Warrant Requests: Marchetti and Kold

    5 Posts

    While the Count may not approve, consider that Eveningstar has their own lawbook. In cooperation the Order it may be possible to pass a harsher judgement on these Cyricists, so long as it is done on their lands. As of course, I sincerely doubt the Church of Lathander will be bothered by any of the Cyricist's legal protection.


  • Project: Finishing Fiendsbane

    10 Posts

    I asked Atreon of the Precept to examine the sword and make an annoucement on it not being a threat to the common citizenry.

    He did so and agreed it is only a threat to planar beings

    This should thwart attempts by the Cyricist Church to claim it is a threat to the region as a whole

    @samb12345 said in Announcements of the Precept Arcanum:

    The Precept Arcanum has examined the sword Fiendsbane and found it to be a threat to... fiends. Shocking, considering its name, yes? It is not a threat, beyond any other sword is a threat, to the common citizen.

    The Precept guides and protects. The Precept is mother.


  • Warrant Requests: Kold and Enlil

    2 Posts

    Warrant approved for Enlil.

    You may fine him between 5,000 and 15,000 coins up to your own judgement, and submit him to a tendays of labour for re-education.

    Should you wish to pawn him off to the Precept instead that is your call. if the man is a sorcerer that is.


  • Sentence Request: Marchetti

    2 Posts

    This will no longer be necessary.

    It seems the church of Cyric puts some worth in this 'Marchetti.' He has been recognized as an official clergyman and thus under the protection of their church. This alone does not excuse him, however a knight of their organisation arrived to pay his fine and offer some conditions which will not be publicly discussed here.

    While I am not exactly pleased with this arrangement, it is done.

    However I will impress upon you that this decision does not come from a soft hand. If this Marchetti breaks the law again I want him flayed in the town square for all to see, if not his head on a pike.

    P.S. Dominic, well done on capturing the brigand to begin with. Even if it was done somewhat prematurely. In addition, you should submit the paperwork for a promotion, you've been running around as a grunt for far too long.

    -Count Beliard Immerdusk