Added v7670
Macabre Goblin Hood
A primitive hood with goblin ears stitched into them to make a disgusting goblin hat.
10 goblin ears, 5 cotton, 1 pattern, 2 cloth, and 2 enchanting oil.
+2 AC vs Goblinoid, Piercing/Slashing 5%, +1 Intimidate/Taunt, OUB: Evil
Polished ogre head
A hollowed out ogre head that can fit on a head.
Ogre Head, 1 cloth padding, 10 small bones, 5 enchanting oil
AC +1 vs Giants, Intimidate/Taunt +2, Bludgeoning +5% Immunity, Fear (?) 10 uses, OUB: Evil
Kobold-Tooth Arrows
Bundle of Arrow Shafts (20) Kobold Teeth (20), 5 Feather from a Falcon - Piercing 1d4 Damage, 1 Negative
Miscellaneous Meat Pie
A delicious pie recipe first described by the halforcan Yorg.
3 Wheat Corn Flour, 1 Bakers Yeast, 1 Salt, 1 Bombardier Beetle's Belly, 4 Fish Entrails, 1 Stink Gland
Endurance, 3 uses, Infestation of Maggots, single use