Pure class ranger store suggestions
There has long been talk of this store being made, but it seems to be stuck in the long list of to dos our busy dms have. To help speed things up, I will make some suggestions for it. They are all pure class ranger only, and should not be used with UMD. Some of the items are based on themes like the druid store, meaning they should not be mixed and matched.
Themes: Beastmaster, dual wielder, archerGloves of the Beastmaster
These gloves assist the ranger in nurturing, assisting and commanding the beasts of the wilderness.- 50 charges
- Awaken 5 charges
- Greater magical fang 3 charges
- Magical fang 1 use a day
- +3 animal empathy
- +3 AC vs animals and wild beasts
Bracers of archery
These bracers carry elven runes, and seem to assist the ranger in ranged attacks.
• Bonus feat: Rapid shot
• 5% piercing immunityBracers of the twin blade
These bracers assist the ranger in wielding two weapons at once, even when using heavier armor than leathers. (SHOULD NOT be used in heavy armor)
• Bonus feat: Two weapon fighting
• Bonus Feat: ambidexteritySword of natures fury
A favored weapon with rangers serving the oath. (do not use unless FE outsider, undead or abberation.)
+2 acid damage
+1 enchantment vs. undead, abberations and outsider.
+1d4 magical damage vs outsider
+1d4 divine damage vs outsider
1d4 negative damage vs. abberations.Archers bow
(do not use with beastmaster or dualwield items)
These bows of elven design, enables the ranger to take down his prey from afar.- Longbow (shortbow version too?)
- +1 AB
- +3 mighty
Second Wind
A trusted ally of any true ranger wielding two weapons, Second Wind is the perfect partner to pick apart your foes in combination to your primary weapon. (Must only be used when dual wielding, in the secondary hand.)
Dagger- +2 AB
- +1d4 slashing damage
Sometimes, it is better to dodge than to charge. (must be used in offhand, most not be used with other themed items)
Dagger:- +2 parry
- Bonus feat: Improved parry (because what ranger with respect for themselves has 13 int to take the feat)
Ring of natural attraction
Popular amongst the foresters of the region, these rings enable the ranger to bond with nature even more.
Ring:- Bonus ranger spell slots: 1/1 1/2
Rangers wetstone
Every ranger worth his salt, knows that keeping their equipment in good shape is the only way to stay alive.
10 charges:- Magic weapon (3) 1 charge
- Keens edge (x) 5 charges
Giants Bane
These greatswords are popular amongst the hunters of giants and trolls. (Do not use unless FE: Giant)- Greatsword
- +2 bludgeon damage
- +1d6 piercing damage vs giants
- +2 enchantment vs. giants.
Leaf mail
These scalemails (4/4) consist of a delicate design of leaf shaped iron plates. Tiny pieces of leather on the back of the leaves, dampens the noise the ranger would otherwise make when sneaking towards an enemy.
• +1 AC
• +3 hide
• +3 move silent
• Bonus spellslot: ranger lvl 2Thick hide armor
This studded leather, is the perfect mixture of protection and mobility, keeping the ranger well protected as he roams the wilderness.- +1 AC
- 10% immunity to piercing, slashing and bludgeon
Stalkers leathers
These types of leather armor not only protect the ranger, but also enables him to move more swiftly through the forest, remaining unseen.
Leather (2/6)- +1 AC
- +3 move silent
- One with the land 1 use a day
Professor v8101
- Implemented with some modifications
Two merchants
- Arabel: Outskirts Calanter's Road
- Collinwood
Happy Gaming.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Suggestions on