The Assault Upon Griffin Hill
And I still know you are lying.
I am done with this.
The Fellowship will receive no aid from me in this.
I shall advise House Mossmere to pull the research funding we graciously provide to Lady Winters as well as it is evident none of you are capable of even a basic bit of research
While we are getting ready to take Griffin Hill, I believe it is imperative to bring to up something that might not be known to most. There was an isolated incident not long ago, where a group of adventurers that were led on some mission by the Apprentice and the Skulls were taken captive by the Ravens and into a hidden tunnel that was dug south of the Griffin Hill towards Arabel.
While the kidnapped adventurers were rescued and the tunnel was collapsed, it made me think that perhaps this is not the sole tunnel. Such tunnels can either be used to bypass our forces all the way to Arabel or encircle our approaching force on Griffon Hill.
Wildwalker Fergusoni, would it be possible for you to identify any possible unnatural tunnels that were excavated just south of the Griffin Hill? I believe being able to locate these tunnels, if they exist, and destroy them would be a boon for us in the assault to come.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
@toportime FYI
I have checked north of the city and have only fournd the crevice just south of Slingdykes entrance hat leads to the sewers near The Crow Statue. There are also the old smuggling tunnels on the northern side of the Outskirts of Moonsea Ride that have various exits into the sewers, thout most can only be accessed by small cretures.
I have searched the Hillmarch mines and found no signs of digging through the rubble. There is also indirect paths through the Helmlands and via the Redwood to other Cave systems the lead to the sewers. There is also the long path through the Stonelands and the mountains to near the Cave systems that indirectly lead to the Crevice along the High road near the stoncliffs that lead to the sewers.
I belive those are the only feassible routes that lead from the north to the city.
- Barra
Wildwalker Fergusoni,
Thank you for beginning your search. The entrance to the mentioned tunnel was just south of the mausoleum in the Stonebolt Trail which can be seen in this map:
I would recommend that you focus some extra efforts in this area, to ensure there are no tunnels that can be used to ambush or encircle our approaching force as we take on the Griffin Hill. It is the kind of subterfuge I would expect from the Duke and his men ((OOC: You might need some DM oversight for this like @Voss_ / @SpiffyMeister / @Hangman ).
Should you require any additional funds or resources to entice the local adventurers to assist you, do let me know.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
@toportime FYI
After a peaceful negotiation, I shall take over the representation of the Wild Walkers to ensure this war is concluded. You will find that I am less bound by the Oath, though I shall still represent their interests.Do we have a fully prepared plan for engaging the enemy? And what else do I need to know, to ensure the Wild Walkers assist the war effort to the best of our ability?
Wildwalker Leaf,
Allow me to first congratulate you on your newly appointed seat on the Council of Twelve Peers. You have come at most trying times, which will help shape the kingdom for years to come.
As to your question, certainly I do. The battle plan is divided into several parts to ensure our victory but also attempt to minimize causalities as much as possible. Our previous successful operation, Pitfall, ensured that there will be limited amount of outsider forces on the Griffin Hill battlefield.
Stonebolt Trail:
- We place our trebuchets on several locations along the Stonebolt trail, as denoted in the map. These will provide our long range artillery cover fire.
- Marked by the red X was the tunnel we discovered, dug by the Duke's Ravens and collapsed. I suspect there may be several more tunnels that can be used to encircle our forces and destroy our siege weapons. Thus we will need to station infantry to protect our assets and also scouts to maintain open eyes on any suspicious activity
- The Wyvernwatch will be converted into a gathering spot and field hospital for wounded troops
Griffin Hill:
- While our Trebuchets, stationed alongside the Stonebolt Trail provide covering fire to our troops, we will be sending in regular troops as well as our first Battle golem that was constructed by Captain Tanya towards the point designated
Red one
. This will pave the path for our elites to follow through, as they take on the points designatedRed two
. - Once the points designated as
Red two
are taken - Those two hills will be used to bring in our Catapults for additional firepower - Once our artillery and troops engage the Duke's force from the south, we will send in a second force comprised of Adventurers and led by myself. This force will use the hard-earned trail that we cleared through the desert, by the brave Fellowship, and encircle the Duke's force from the north east. The second force can arrive from one of two paths, designated as points
Blue one
andBlue two
and follow along the denoted trial - Once the two forces converge, they will engage the enemy. I believe that at that point it will be a matter of resolve and mettle as we take over the hill
If you have of course suggestions on changes to the plan, or even additions, I would welcome you to state them and see if such can be incorporated with our battle plan.
((OOC: Its worth mentioning that this is a suggestion and its very possible the team will decide to go another route and its up to them))
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
I find the battle preparations simple and to the point. In my experience, simplicity often wins the day.
As to the adventurers taking the route through the mountains... Are we certain that the Fellowship actually harmed the Scourge enough for us to get through the Stonelands without having to face them as well? Or would it be more prudent to them take part of the main assault as supplement to the elite forces? That is for you to consider.No doubt the path north will be deadly. If I were to defend Griffin Hill, I would have dug countless tunnels for my Ravens to attack from the rear, and then collapse them as my enemy tried to follow me through them.
At any rate, I shall do my best to be ready to stand with you when the time comes.
Ghost scouts have reported that the main command of the Scourge Tribes are intact but their forces are much depleted. It will take some time for them to recover. Their elites may make a move, but we doubt it as the nurse their wounds.
We must assume the Scourge won't get involved, if they do, it won't be in numbers.
- Dame Drakesbane
In that case, I see no reason why the plan of attacking from the Stonelands is not our best option. It will be a long treck, but if our scouts can keep an eye on the mountain pass until we march, no doubt we can get there without too many deaths.
@O-louth marching a sizable force through the Stormhorns is unfeasible unless you're willing to divulge druidic secrets.
- Dame Drakesbane