Expand Half-Orc Head Selection
Because goddamn it if I'm going to actually make a H-Orc with high charisma I don't want to look like I sniff glue first thing in the morning.
I have not been threatened, bribed or coerced.
Less heads. Less choice.
( But only if Mortui plays the char for more than a week )
To expand on
Replace half-orc model with human model as an option if possibleuse half-orcs model to customize orc tribe npcs/spawns
@ruler this is actually doable
Server needs more blood and bones
Find me a head hak pack with decent halforc heads and i'll add it (or ask Spiffy to do it for me).
I've looked. I didnt find anything decent.
Half-orcs aren't meant to be pretty.
As a current half-orc player, +1.
@voss_ why not
Half-orcs absolutely can be charming or rugged in a charming way rather than just playing Hrarrgh Smashface. The old -2 Cha is a way of the past, right? :)
@echo Just give them access to Human heads.
This is just my take, but orcs are a brutal race and that should be reflected in their appearance. Half-orcs are widely outcast and discriminated against for their similarity to orcs, this is part of what makes them interesting and fun to play. No one says you can't be a charismatic half-orc. Your charisma score can be reflected in your personality, the contrast between the orcish and human side of a half-orc's ancestry.
In more recent editions of DnD a lot of races were made ''prettier'' so they would be more widely appealing. I think this takes away from what makes them unique.
Besides the fact that human heads would look incredibly janky on half-orc models. I'm against just making them big green humans, because thats what would happen.
Summarized, I don't think there should be handsome half-orcs for the same reason there shouldn't be ugly elves. It does not fit their lore and aesthetic.
I may have missed that memo. Oops.
Not sure which ones we have but...
https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/hakpak/original-hakpak/custom-content-challenge-april-2014-orcshalf-orcs -
Various new heads added for half-orcs, thanks @Strife-and-Discord !
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions on
@Ruler said in Expand Half-Orc Head Selection:
To expand on
Replace half-orc model with human model as an option if possibleuse half-orcs model to customize orc tribe npcs/spawns