Silver Weapons
Some time ago we changed +ab bonuses to not interact with DR.
As a result Silver Weapons stopped doing what they were supposed to do, so they should probably be switched to Enhancement.
Pretty sure this is fixed now.
Yeah I did it in my last update, should be live now actually
@zool Can confirm, the silver-tipped spear is a +1 enchant vs a list of creature types
@druidtek Did you make it since version 7447?
Old ones wont be automatically updated , only things which are made after that version number.
They all be +2 Vs shapechanger and Undead (except the throwing weapons which have a couple other bits because they are shit)
I just spawned this from the pallette (which is where the crafting system gets them from)
@zool Nope, that's better than the one I have which is +1 not +2
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on
@druidtek Yeah like I said, only new ones since the update I did will be the above.