More balance ideas! Specifically regarding hp, classes, and xp, ready your salt shakers
Didn’t mean to derail.
More dmless dungeons that offer high risk high rewards for the 8-10 range. Totally agree this sounds good. Ofc bad guys to support the fear involved with these areas.
I think more areas like the Haunted Halls (but even more dangerous) would be cool. One of the issues that stems from the massive rebalancing effort of CARES spawns and quests is that nothing feels dangerous anymore, outside of obvious "PLEASE DON'T TOUCH" NPCs like the Hive Mother in the Helmlands or DM spawns.
The wilderness doesn't feel terribly wild.
@Acemvi said in More balance ideas! Specifically regarding hp, classes, and xp, ready your salt shakers:
like the Haunted Halls (but even more dangerous)
If they're not sufficiently dangerous enough, then I've failed in my intention.
@Echo said in More balance ideas! Specifically regarding hp, classes, and xp, ready your salt shakers:
@Acemvi said in More balance ideas! Specifically regarding hp, classes, and xp, ready your salt shakers:
like the Haunted Halls (but even more dangerous)
If they're not sufficiently dangerous enough, then I've failed in my intention.
They made you nerf the slimes with acid fog though, so it's not really your fault.
This is good feed back. Do you feel the Veluuthra are scary in the Hullack? Or the earth Drake's?
Earth drakes are scary. The elves used to be scary but when my fighter was buffed, I ripped through them like butter, but that also might be a mix of as intended and being my first non-gimpy build
Earth drakes are cool but they're not terribly difficult. I don't know what I'd do to them to make them scarier without also making them overpowering. If there's a way to increase their damage without significantly increasing their AB, that might be interesting. If they could pierce Blur that would definitely add to the challenge.
The Eldreth Veluuthra that spawn aren't particularly powerful either. I don't remember their numbers off the top of my head but I think they could use a buff to their AC and AB. Especially if their strength is on the lower end anyway.
Mind you, these are things I usually fight with Naresh, so my perspective might be skewed.
I've watched the Veluuthra put more than enough players in the fugue for me to think they're scary, I just wanted to know where on the "average spawns of the server" list you would put their power level. 1 being like, a Rat. 10 being (imo) an Eye Tyrant. I would say veluuthra should come in around an 8. But im looking for player opinions, not my skewed view.
drakes can see invisible people? those things scare me, and make me hesitant to simply explore, lately i have been doing the one courier quest that lets you learn the basic lay of the land,i do hope those things are not in those areas, as i feel i have no real defense for many things since my summons seem rather inept, what is easy for one person may be hard for others like me.
since many times i am alone when i am in the game (not able to find other players or none being on,or worse setting me to dislike, i usually go out escorted)
@Lord_Acererak Hmm... I think EV (the ones in the Hullack, right? Tend to spawn with gray wolves?) would be about... 6? Earth drakes and ancient dire bears would be 7.
Earth Drakes are spooky mainly because of the Petrify gas they release, EV can be pretty hard hitting if you let them get their buff round in or get caught in the Wolf howl.
A group of Three or someone fairly prepared can deal with it for the most part.
@Zool said in More balance ideas! Specifically regarding hp, classes, and xp, ready your salt shakers:
They made you nerf the slimes with acid fog though, so it's not really your fault.
the fighters have an ab of approx +15 and 3 attacks a round with double bladed sword.
the mages are quite decent with a range of offensive spells.
the rangers have approx +14 ab and use poison arrows, or dual wield scimis.the group of these is the thing i worry about meeting in hullack most, bullettes proabbly the second cos of earth sense but earthdrakes, orc, giants, ettins, bugbears and goblins are far more manageable as either impotent or appear as single mobs..
@Echo It's very hard to tell how difficult the Haunted Halls are with our group.
Most of our concepts were made with this specific activity in mind, and we are pretty stacked as a result. So do I think it should be harder? Yes, but not at the cost of restricting access to more casual groups.
Expanding so that there are more degrees of difficulty the deeper you go (with equivalent rewards) is probably the better way to go about it.
That said, we haven't explored the whole thing so it may very well be just that!
I don't know how well I can explain the point being made here, but I'll try.
Dungeons should offer progressive rewards the deeper you delve into them. This can come purely in the form of better loot, but also in other less physical rewards like xp boosts, language placeables, prestige, ect ect.
I think the more progressive style is a better fit for high level content, as it lets your players better set their own range of difficulty without excluding other players.
Suggestions and feedback reviewed, with changes implemented.