Add a Dual-Wield Feat Item to Pure Barb Store
For totally and completely non-selfish reasons do I hereby submit that the barb store should offer a two-handed weapon and ambio-dex feat item.
The reasons for this suggestion are as follows:
The pure rogue and ranger store has it apparently, barbs need two-sided axe love as well.
It'll be badass.
Barbs always need more love, always.
I'd love this.
I tried running a dual wielding barb years ago and it was incredibly painful to make work.
@SpiffyMeister said in Add a Dual-Wield Feat Item to Pure Barb Store:
For totally and completely non-selfish reasons do I hereby submit that the barb store should offer a two-handed weapon and ambio-dex feat item.
The reasons for this suggestion are as follows:
The pure rogue and ranger store has it apparently, barbs need two-sided axe love as well.
It'll be badass.
Barbs always need more love, always.
On it
Just.. like that?
No notion or need of even considering whether this might not be great in terms of de-valuing that exact same perk elsewhere?Is that really.. about making a good argument, here?
@EyeOfGruumsh said in Add a Dual-Wield Feat Item to Pure Barb Store:
Just.. like that?
No notion or need of even considering whether this might not be great in terms of de-valuing that exact same perk elsewhere?Is that really.. about making a good argument, here?
It’s being discussed. That not good enough?
Maybe not translated right.
he didnt say we were adding it for sure
i guess "on it" didnt translate right?
it's "under review" -
Really sounded like if the right person requests it, it’s just a formality.
If it matters at all, I would like to submit to the team’s internal decision process that simply adding identical stuff to one class that presently is unique for another class really also takes something away.
Kinda lame to just assume that given all the effort I have put into making things for the various stores, the player input, the adjustments of suggested items for balance and then pricing/ accessibility that have been the foundation of new content for you to make that assumption.
So my bad for not being crystal clear. As with all suggestions, the team will review and then we will make a decision. I am “on it” to get the discussion rolling.
Thank you for the consideration and content-focused discussion, then. I said that this was what it sounded like, and I stand by that even if that may be kinda lame.
Or add them to the crafted items and that way ANYONE can use them!
wink wink -
@jalafoon said in Add a Dual-Wield Feat Item to Pure Barb Store:
Or add them to the crafted items and that way ANYONE can use them!
wink winkThat is highly unlikely for the reason already brought up. Items to support less optiminal types of builds or less frequent mechanics get reviewed. There are stores to support the least played pure builds and some have additional perks tied to the class.
For what it's worth this type of item is already in two stores to facilitate the dual wield rogue (which is an iconic archtype) and the ranger to allow them to still dual wield in medium armour. (another icon archtype)
Barbarians wielding a double-axe is another great visual and we have spawns doing just that because it's awesome.
Whips were made two weapon viable because of a player suggestion though I had forgot and we did not update the forums appropriately.
Just like the other times suggestions around gear were made, we'll see what happens. Pure Monk store was a player idea. Pure Rogue store was a player idea. We added/expanded the rogue store after a player suggested two weapons would be awesome but almost impossible to do. Pure Fighter store was a player idea. The duelist idea for a fighter was then supported by a player suggestion.
One of my favorite things to do is add thematically appropriate items to support the fringe/niche cases so when a player suggests something and puts effort into making it non-generic I think is great and I get excited. Be it crafting recipies and contenbt, store items, spell updates, new spells, new npcs to support concepts, new QoL and so on.
Back to the original suggestion though, the team will discuss and any other player feedback about this or other suggestion will be considered.
For completely serious and non-malicious reasons, I’d suggest this item be a pink feathery loin cloth or some other bright color. Perhaps, it makes the wearer more reckless in combat and more resilient to damage for a -1 or -2 to will saving throws and 10% immunity from some form(s) of physical damage. Something in the description about how the sight of the ancient tribe wearing these items on the warpath instilled terror in early agricultural settlements.
In my view, simply copying two iconic items from one store to another store does not add something cool and unique. Nor would it immediately strike me as an impressively creative effort. Instead, I believe it devalues and takes away uniqueness from the copied-from other fringe classes.
If the double-axe dual-wielding enraged Barbarian (Conan?) is something that truly excites people in a positive way - then perhaps think about ways in how this specific thing might be implemented in a thematically appropriate and unique way.
For example, How about a OUB: Barbarian axe that grants ambidexterity, and another OUB: Barbarian axe that grants the other feat?
So a rogue and ranger get a great perk for balance and because a different player suggested it, but a barbarian who wishes to dual wield somehow gets put at a disadvantage? What if the barbarian doesn't want to wield an axe? What if the rogue item combo was a long sword and a hand axe?
There is creativity/thematic from a item point of view. Then there is finding a way to open up a substandard form of combat to more concepts and helping make them a bit for viable.
Seems a bit like looking for a reason to say no then saying yes to expand the ways for interesting concepts and less optimal builds to be played and fun had.
@foamcastle said in Add a Dual-Wield Feat Item to Pure Barb Store:
For completely serious and non-malicious reasons, I’d suggest this item be a pink feathery loin cloth or some other bright color. Perhaps, it makes the wearer more reckless in combat and more resilient to damage for a -1 or -2 to will saving throws and 10% immunity from some form(s) of physical damage. Something in the description about how the sight of the ancient tribe wearing these items on the warpath instilled terror in early agricultural settlements.
This made me laugh. Well done!
Seems a bit like looking for a reason to say no then saying yes to expand the ways for interesting concepts and less optimal builds to be played and fun had.
Maybe let me just try to say it from my own personal experience over the last 9 months of playing a rogue.
I have greatly enjoyed having this unique perk of being able to make a dual whip-wielding rogue work. It helped to make this character feel special to me, and having those items in the store definitely helps in making rogues a little bit more attractive, in general. That said, over those 9 months, I only noticed one other pure rogue (Verk’s Richard). So, I think it is fair to say that rogues are definitely a fringe class, too.
I do not see the burden of coming up with a great alternative to be on me. That should be on the people who want to make dual wielding barbarians.
Now, and this was my main point to begin with, I feel that if a different class gets exactly the same perk, this then takes away from the uniqueness of playing a rogue. If it is to be a dual-whipping barbarian, it will take away something from the previous uniqueness of playing my character in particular. Lastly, if it is Spiffy (a former DM!), I am sure he will have a thousand other ways of having fun.
Please note, I am not at all against some fresh and thematic new perks also for Babarians. But why would it have to be exactly the same?
How is that fundamentally different from any other instances where one special perk is made more widely available? E.g., making spell regeneration also available to Clerics would likewise make a special perk available to a larger number of other concepts. But my point is that it would, in so doing, make that same ability feel a lot less unique for Sorcerers and Bards.
I understand that making this work as much fun as possible also for the Admins here is important. You are not doing this for money, have already invested a huge amount of time - and seeing someone like Spiffy back in action with a fun concept is certainly great, too. I appreciate all of that. Nevertheless, I will try to keep my own emotions out of this discussion as much as possible. Apart from that point about the loss of uniqueness, which I hope might be understood.
After some discussion the DM team has come to the decision to add the dual-wield feat item to the pure barbarian store to support dual-wield barbarian concepts.
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on