[Set]Proposal: Daleroy Promotion/DS/Crownguard
Captain of the Royal Muster…
Royal Muster sounds good
Shouldn’t have Royal anything in the title. The rest is great. He’s already rank 2 with 25 gp. We can give him a custom rank (not Royal but the others are good) and bump his wage to 50. Suppose we can give him a private room too.
Official Muster
Captain of the Crown's Muster?
@man-in-the-mist said in Proposal: Daleroy Promotion/DS/Crownguard:
Captain of the Crown's Muster?
Sure. I can live with this.
It looks like an overwhelming approval. Call it confirmed?
@man-in-the-mist yes
Yep. 24 hour confirmation.
[6:16 PM]Professor Misclick: Hey. Would you mind weighing in on Daleroy's app?
[6:16 PM]Professor Misclick: I put it in 24 hour confirmation to give you time but has a lot of yes votes
[6:17 PM]Professor Misclick: And both Spiffy and I are IG to set him up with your blessing.
[6:17 PM]Professor Misclick: @Echo
[6:17 PM]Echo: Its fine.
[6:17 PM]Professor Misclick: OK! -
IG promotion- Spiffy
Wages- 50gp Spiffy
Mustard uniform- pending
Private room (modified cell)- pending. -
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on