[Set]Proposal: Daleroy Promotion/DS/Crownguard
Daleroy is a drunken power-hungry fool who has raised around 100k in fines for the Crownguard. A staggering sum to raise in any scenario, but especially from outright antagonization and conflict. I'm sure to most of the Crownguard Daleroy is a joke. A drunken lowborn idiot, hired on as a tenacious prank. Nobody's laughing, because none of the blue-blood members have raised such a sum. They've been outdone by a peasant. The captain can see his use; not only has he bolstered the coffers of the Crownguard, he's lit a fire under the asses of all his blue blood compatriots.
A promotion is in order- but a promotion of a peasant? It doesn't feel right.
Daleroy might be an idiot, but he's an ambitious idiot. That sort of thing is useful.
A simple solution: Make him captain of the lowborn members of the Crownguard. This would come with only a slight payraise. (Rank 2,) and should probably have it's own name. A part of the Crownguard, certainly, but a derogatory title for lowborn members. Serfguard, Copperguard, Peasantguard. I'm open to suggestions. The armor should still be teal and gold, but perhaps a faded, muted teal, and tarnished, possibly rusted armor with only faint outlines of painted gold.
This strengthens the character's identity while staying true to the vision of the Crownguard, and also gives him the ability to pursue his goal of absorbing the militia into the Crownguard.
Captain of the Royal Muster…
Royal Muster sounds good
Shouldn’t have Royal anything in the title. The rest is great. He’s already rank 2 with 25 gp. We can give him a custom rank (not Royal but the others are good) and bump his wage to 50. Suppose we can give him a private room too.
Official Muster
Captain of the Crown's Muster?
@man-in-the-mist said in Proposal: Daleroy Promotion/DS/Crownguard:
Captain of the Crown's Muster?
Sure. I can live with this.
It looks like an overwhelming approval. Call it confirmed?
@man-in-the-mist yes
Yep. 24 hour confirmation.
[6:16 PM]Professor Misclick: Hey. Would you mind weighing in on Daleroy's app?
[6:16 PM]Professor Misclick: I put it in 24 hour confirmation to give you time but has a lot of yes votes
[6:17 PM]Professor Misclick: And both Spiffy and I are IG to set him up with your blessing.
[6:17 PM]Professor Misclick: @Echo
[6:17 PM]Echo: Its fine.
[6:17 PM]Professor Misclick: OK! -
IG promotion- Spiffy
Wages- 50gp Spiffy
Mustard uniform- pending
Private room (modified cell)- pending. -
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