(Not a bug. Just vanilla) Parry acting strange
@sharkinajar Not sure that applies to this situation, the creature only had 1 attack a round.
It was strange to me, because I also thought that perhaps nat 1's just auto failed for parry, but in that example you can see another nat 1 being rolled and parried. My AC at the time was 18 as well.
Yesterday we came to the theory that if the incoming attack roll missed your AC, a parry check would not even be rolled. However, this example also shows two 17's. One that misses and one that is parried.
@swifty-willownall said in Parry acting strange:
It was strange to me, because I also thought that perhaps nat 1's just auto failed for parry, but in that example you can see another nat 1 being rolled and parried. My AC at the time was 18 as well.
We meant a Nat 1 on the parry roll, which isn't shown to the player, rather than a nat 1 on the attack roll.
Oh good point. I've never read anything about a nat one being an auto fail for the parry, but then again I have no idea how it's coded, haha. Though, would it fall under skill rolls not failing on nat 1s thing? I actually don't know if we have that on CoA. I've never really seen a nat 1 taunt fail when it passed the DC or a nat 1 disarm trap fail when it passed the DC. etc
That does bring an interesting thought to mind of how extensively Parry was tested when adding info to the nwn wiki, because that means in theory a nat 20 parry check could parry any attack roll total, even if it was higher than the maximum parry check, unless that attack roll was also a nat 20.
@swifty-willownall The Parry Wiki says attack rolls of Nat 20 cannot be parried specifically.
@swifty-willownall nwn is a jumbled mess with lots of spaghetti that is a mystery how it's inner workings truly work. XD
But in stuff like this, there's nothing we can do, really. Hard-coded stuff isn't things we can edit.
@toportime I meant, the parry check being a nat 20.
@sharkinajar Yeah, that was my gut feeling. Was told I might as well post it under the bug forum.
Yep, totally irrelevant weather something is going wrong or not, because we can't do anything to this stuff anyway.
@zool said in Parry acting strange:
Yep, totally irrelevant weather something is going wrong or not, because we can't do anything to this stuff anyway.
This. It’s “working” as it always has. Reporting is sketchy. Guts of the mechanics are a mystery. As long as it parries and ripostes then that’s all we can do.
Closing it
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