Remove Fear Aura
It's the worst thing ever, especially in a server where nat 1's are still failures.
Constant checks in the aura, especially with ai sometimes weaving in and out, makes it pretty much guarantee a stunlock.
@sharkinajar I think there are a few different potion effects that render one immune to a fear aura, which I've seen in the potion shops.
@tqmockingbird Unfortunately no, tested. Remove Fear does not grant immunity.
PfE is finnicky at best regarding the fear auras. There's Clarity, but clarity is expensive as all heck.
@sharkinajar What creature did you encounter that has fear aura?
@echo Dwarven Mobster on Warm Waterfall
Pretty much every single enemy in Undead Redwoods
Troll Chieftan in Trolls quest
Boss in Frozen War
Boss in Undead Eveningstar Watchtower
I'm probably missing a good few.
@sharkinajar PfE might not work but potions of bravery will
The Team will discuss auras and make a ruling.
@echo Tested Potions of bravery. They don't grant immunity after drinking, just a bonus vs them. They will remove the fear, but don't protect against it
@sharkinajar said in Remove Fear Aura:
@echo Tested Potions of bravery. They don't grant immunity after drinking, just a bonus vs them. They will remove the fear, but don't protect against it
I was going to comment this. It can be a life saver, but it's not a preventative.
You also cannot drink a potion of bravery while feared.
Fear Aura is an NwN classic and I'd be sad to see it removed.
Can we simply edit magic circle of alignment to simply grant the spell 'protection from X" in its radius instead of being an aura spell itself?
@spiffymeister Another option is to make it so Remove Fear grants immunity to all Fear for a turn or so, instead of just a small bonus vs fear. Makes the potions/spell much more worthwhile to use.
@sharkinajar I'd be fine with a temporary fear immunity.
Under discussion by the Team
Just to say, what's "finnicky" about PfE?
It should be granting immunity to mind effecting spells against the specific allignment chosen.
Is it not? Is there a bug report?
(This is me asking separately to the actual fear aura discussion, as we're doing stuff anyway - but this spell should work...)
@zool Sometimes it just doesn't work. Might be because the enemies are the wrong alignment, or there's just something weird going on with lag and nwn jank. This is just in regards with auras, I've never seen a problem here with howls and the like. Rarely comes into play, but I've had this issue happen before.
As for supplies end, it's incredibly expensive if you're relying on potions for just PfE. They have a very bad duration due to their innate caster level being 1.
v Professor 7423
Fix applied thanks to @Zool scripting
Auras will only check once every 6 rounds regardless of how many times you enter and exit them unlike now where they check every time you enter and exist one.We just record when a fear save was made in the fear aura script.
When we are going to do another fear save from the aura, we check if the minimum time between saves has passed.
If not, don't make a new save.
If so, make a new save, and record when it was made. -
Moving this to closed given no additional reports in a week.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Suggestions on