Topic Title: MarcusThornberry / Istrath Foveros / Subrace: Werecat
Topic Title: MarcusThornberry / Istrath Foveros / Subrace: Werecat
1). Human / Wizard / NE / 4 / Istrath Foveros
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Subrace: Lycanthrope (Werecat)3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
As a magic user, the Chessentan City of Madness, Luthcheq, was an unkind home to Istrath. His early years were spent cowering while a rampant serial killer stalked the streets, a werecat Dubbed "Terror". Istrath was to fall victim to the killer but in a stroke of luck or fate did not perish, and the curse was passed on. Driven mad by the new presence in his mind he surrendered to the animalistic hunger and became the next terror. But this time it was different. In the hands of a learned wizard the Terror became calculating and cruel. He learned to play with his victims and learn all they feared. His eye was caught by another slave, Pythia (MiscreantBehaviour) who would be the first to pass his trial of terror and recieve the blessing of lycanthropy. Not long after, the pair fled the city, escaping hunters and seeking to spread Istrath's truth in the softer, more vulnerable west.On escaping Luthcheq, Istrath's delusions were further strengthened by the established existence of "the waiting terror", believing himself host to a godly entity and understanding his purpose to expose citizens to true horror. Eventually devising a nightmare compound to unleash into the water supply, affecting everyone.
Istrath, with the help of his handmaiden will begin amassing power, gathering followers and advancing our knowledge on spreading fear and ending hope.
To amass power, Istrath will indend on gathering a cult following to appeal to extraplanar powers.
To gather followers for The Waiting Terror, Istrath will spread the "Truth" that Fear comes to consume all, only by understanding it and aligning with it can anyone hope to survive in the new world. Using his handmaiden to work as a soothsayer and gather information of others by taking PCs hunting to read the guts of their kills to spin lies about their future, and continue the Trials of Trauma that pitch powerful players against each other (competitions culminating into a final deadly showdown) to pass on the gift (lycanthropy) to someone worthy as before.
To advance knowledge, he will seek tutelage under established alchemists to learn their craft and apply it in the creation of terror-inciting compounds to eventually use to cause mass hysteria in the city streets. This will be achieved through learning the in game crafting, experimenting with arcane magics and other RP driven events and failures.
To spread fear, he will construct trails of terror to test those around him. This would involve hiring players to tame beasts, set traps, and willingly accept curses and other afflictions in the hopes of unlocking their true potential. Other terrors would involve stalking and ambushing players for experimentation and development of the nightmare compound. -
Dude you dont get to vote on your own app. Noob.
I think weremole fits better however I will also approve kittens.
"believing himself host to a godly entity and understanding his purpose to expose citizens to true horror."
"Other terrors would involve stalking and ambushing players for experimentation and development of the nightmare compound."
I want this to exist. Pls.
this isn't my app it's samb's
@SpiffyMeister said in Topic Title: MarcusThornberry / Istrath Foveros / Subrace: Werecat:
this isn't my app it's samb's
Well that part was left out.
4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?who is samb?
i just copy/pasted it.
Samb is miscreantbehavior's buddy in this concept.
As long as they understand the consequences of being found out as a lycan.
Whomever sets them up please tell them
The moment you are outed there will be consequences.
@Echo said in Topic Title: MarcusThornberry / Istrath Foveros / Subrace: Werecat:
As long as they understand the consequences of being found out as a lycan.
This. Same goes for the PCs who are known associates.
If everyones alright with it, due to the increased lycan activity, I feel the Ghosts would be repurposed back to their old Monster-Hunter roots.
Anyone mind?
@Lord_Acererak We were going to re-open the ghosts a bit ago, didn't happen though for reasons.
Opening them now might get weird when we start opening the new factions, as they aren't included.
I am betting you just mean NPC's, but again, I still think it might get a bit weird with players maybe expecting them to come back. -
I dont mean as a player faction, just as the NPC response to the influx of lycans who arent being hunted by adventurers.So the ghosts would be more on seek and destroy the lycan menace grounds.
Gives the lycans a feeling of threat, and the players working against them a feeling of not alone-ness.
EDIT - but you're right. that would prolly confuse the players.
Yeah not a good idea
Tried to set them up last night.
Dot command not working.
Deth is looking into it.
Will update later.
Okay bye. -
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on