I have collected two promises of Wayward Farmer's, one in person and one gifted by Miel.
I shall see these turned into the House of the Morning.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
I have collected two promises of Wayward Farmer's, one in person and one gifted by Miel.
I shall see these turned into the House of the Morning.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
A report from Alethra Sands.
Beloved High Lord Belon,
Knights of the LightsPer request of the bishop, I excorted the Mayor of Immersea back to Arabel, after she had come to request extentions on her many loans. The Counsellors spoke of Fishmen attacking in the Hullack, and believed it could be related to the many missing trade vessels. They spoke of a map, leading to some old caches of weaponry and fish, and believed it may be related also.
I offered the mayor that I take up residence in Immersea, and see if my presence could root out whatever is causing the delays and mising shipments. She told me she could not pay me, and so I offered her a coin, had her return it to me, and informed her that any ally of Eveningstar could always expect our aid when needed.
I let the mayor and her retinue continue onwards to Tilverton, no doubt seeking extentions on loans from Lord Misrim also, and I have ventured south, and taken up residence in Immersea for the next few days, as I investigate and see if His light can illuminate any troubles.
I have had to set up camp on the outskirts, as my... unique bloodline drew unwanted attention at the tavern. I shall purchase a helmet, perhaps that can solve the issue for the time I am here.I shall do a full inspection of the village, form a report, and deliver it in person before the sun sets on the tenday.
By his light
Alethra Sands
Awakened sword of his Divine warmth
In my opinion she would do well among our ranks, consider this my recommendation for her lift to Dawnsquire.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
Name: Alethra Sands
Status: Holds the cloak of the Awakened.
Notes: Holy warrior from the Deserts to the North, dedicated in her duty and service.
Account name: Olouth
I have a spare map of the Eveningstar if anyone requires an up to date copy.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
A simple note is made in his journal of thoughts
Brutus of the Greywatch seems to have little love for the Ravens. Told me he'd lend his support in any action against them if requested.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
Dawnbrother Aland Signe has died, along with Warden James Rawen of Tilverton and Luckbringer Grete Moonsilver, Councilor fighting the orc horde of Zugak.
Aland was a good man and will not be forgotten.
Arton Blackwood
@William Thatcher Report on the fall of Zuguk and the Restoration of the Spirit:
On this day, a collection of adventurers, councilors, and representatives from Tilverton and Eveningstar set off to conduct the ritual. With it, we had hoped to divine the location of the spirit that this gem, this "heart", belonged too. As they often do, our plans changed and we all went to the ritual location. The ritual itself was a success, and we discovered the location of the spirit, deep within the forest of eyes. As we traveled there, the party was attacked by all manner of corrupted creature and plant. Nature itself had been warped to stop us. Even the very water rose to claim us.
After hard fought battles we eventually made it and came across a figure that had a gaping hole in its chest. The "heart" was returned to this spirit, though it asked for more to repair what had been broken. Grete, Ethel, and Miel paid the costs. Both Miel and Ethel aged, seemingly giving up years of their life. Sadly, Grete's cost was too much. Ethel also paid though it seemed like her mind was the price. She doesn't even remember who she is anymore...
On our way back, we were blockaded. Zuguk and his orcan army came to find us, and take the "heart" for himself. To say it was a hard fought battle would be an understatement. There were countless orcs, and countless more bodies on the floor. The sand turned red. Zuguk himself barred the way, and attacked us in a frenzy. He too however, was eventually brought low by our concentrated efforts, thank the gods. However, once the dust had settled, three more among our number had fallen. Rawen of Tilverton, Aland of Eveningstar, and a halfling. One last trial awaited us however, as some...other worldly being appeared before us.
Seemingly wanting to cause more chaos and strife, it offered us a.."reward" for our victory. We could bring one of the deceased back from the dead, or restore Ethel's memories. A vote was held, with a tie between the halfling and Rawen. The tie ended up being decided by a duel between mister Cambrian and mister Shepard. The latter one, and so the halfling was brought back.
The final casualty count:
The warlord Zuguk and his orcan host
Numerous eyeballs, beholders, and monsters
Rawen of Tilverton
Aland of Eveningstar
And Ethel who is but an echo of their former self
The results of our actions today are...inconclusive. We can only pray we did the right thing, and that the land will begin to heal itself.
-William Thatcher
Name: Arton Blackwood, Dawnsquire of the Aster
Sponsor: House of Morning, Seat of The Bishopric of the Eveningstar
Seems someone's watching my actions "A beacon of light toiling in the north, fighting bandits ever with a bird's eye on his back" to paraphrase.
Few men ever died of threats.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
General Information
Current Council of Twelve Members
Council of Twelve
Institution Seats
- Greywatch Seat- Open
- House of Morning Seat- Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
- Precept Seat- Bloodhound Ydira
- Tilverton Seat - Raven Arn Targon
- Wildwalkers Seat- Bodvar
Merit Seats
- Merit Seat- Diviner Aurora
- Merit Seat- Luckbringer Grete Moonsilver
- Merit Seat- James Underhill
- Merit Seat- Sasha Xisdrith
- Merit Seat- William Thatcher
- Merit Seat- Julien Toussaint
- Merit Seat- Open
I have been inducted at the Council representitive of for the House of the Morning.
Seems there is no small amount of nonsense and waffle within, though it is my duty to see the Eveningstar represented well.
Arton Blackwood
I undersaw the induction in the ranks of the Awakened a priest of Lathander by the name of Asgrael Caurallin.
He will make himself ready for the House.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
@puffy Sorry, looks like there's the same issue with the Laam Wiliaml Replica (Great Sword as well)
Dawnsquire Aritian said in The Eight Tentaments:
Watch each sunrise. For each day is a gift.
Always aid. Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all kind and its allies.
Nurture life. It is a sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Return to rest that which is unlife, tarry not a necromancer in your midst.
Perfect yourself. Be fertile in mind and in body.
Bring Hope. Wherever you go, plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all.
Avoid negativity. For from death comes life, and there is always another morning to turn a setback into a success.
Be just in your actions. Live your life with Order, and let not chaos hold sway. Follow the law and rules to their utmost- unless it drives one towards darkness. In which case it is a False law, and must be destroyed to make way for the new.
Give Evil no purchase, for we are the light that beats back the tide of darkness. However, if that which has lurked into the depths may once more turn towards the light, show leniency and understanding.
Dawnsquire Aritian
Brothers and Sisters of the House of the Morning!
We have grown in recent weeks, myself among them.
I know duty spreads us thin however it would be good to join in chorus with yourselves, if but briefly so we may share our bonds and see them strengthened!
If there is some time and date that suits you let it be known.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
//I'm GMT but I'm free most of the time at the moment.
Very well, I'll take the role.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
My apologies, that should read poisons, not potions. Small spider and arsenic.
Dawnsquire Blackwood
Location : High road between Eveningstar and Arabel
Report : Headed out of the Eveningstar I came across a trail of black bird feathers, a crow or raven leading to a banner of Lathander and a pair of vials of potion at the base.
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood
Can we merge some of the pinned topics together please? I did try to make one report thread but I'm not an admin so I can't unpin them.
Find below the files for Reports for our Order
Arabel Downtown Security - Reports
Eveningstar Security - Reports
Dawnsquire Arton Blackwood