False alarm apparently. I went up from below and all climbing nodes were present... Must have been a rendering issue on my side.
Leaving this up in case someone saw it and was looking for the bug in the module.
False alarm apparently. I went up from below and all climbing nodes were present... Must have been a rendering issue on my side.
Leaving this up in case someone saw it and was looking for the bug in the module.
Version 250223 Strife 8673
THere are some climbing nodes missing on this side that let you get to the other side where those light beams are. THere are also climbing nodes missing on the side you can get to (right behind my position here) that allow you to climb down.
Did this quest today with 3 people.
2 level 10's and a level 9.
Got a bunch of skeleton sorcerers, archers, demonic ghouls and voidwraiths.
The three loot chests at the end of the quest spawned with:
1 lesser restoration
the barbarian rags
a heal kit
One item in each chest.
The one chest that had a trap had weak spike trap instead of the usually lethal ones.
The challenge wasn't insurmountable, we still had one death despite being over prepared and liberal with consumables, but the reward feels really off for the challenge and general vibe of the quest.
It's short and sweet, but it could use a bit of loot love, I think.
Server Version: 8625
Prismblade Bless Weapon does not work.
I unfortunately don't know where this item is found, it's been sitting in my pack after a quest for a while, but when I tried to use it the Bless Weapon charges don't do anything.
It says 'Casting Bless Weapon' in the log and then does nothing.
It's pro-social in that it encourages people to keep and maintain friendships and gives people incentives to do interesting stuff with the mechanic all on its own-- enslaving PC's to use as XP batteries, for example. :P
Jokes aside, I think it would be a cool way to handle it in ways that're materially substantial but aren't strictly tied to how deep your purse is.
You could frame it any way you want. That'd be the charm!
I really like this idea, actually...
You could turn it from mourning into the creation of a ritual space where people willingly sacrifice of their own essence (xp) to help bring someone back.
This could be a PC only feature if you really wanted it to be, maybe something that could make PC raises more enticing than NPC.
But making it an option for the bringing of a miracle keeps it in context to the game world and makes it feel like something is actually happening rather than 'that person is casting the spell that raises a dead PC'.
Tested and working perfectly. Thanks!
Makes sense. I wasn't sure if this was intended behavior or not, so I thought I'd post it. :)