Cloth Customization Mannequins in More Private Place
Currently, the mannequins at Arabel are in the middle of the street, which might prevent some interesting Roleplay scenarios for seamstresses to take measurements and all that.
I would recommend adding an additional pair of Mannequins at Dublir's in a back room.
Yes move them there but signpost them clearly at faceless inn
I think it would be better to just add another back there for those (likely not all that frequent) occasions? I think usually, the present spot will be better suited to “draw people in”. Backroom stuff is generally something that tends to limit things to the people directly involved.
Downstairs in Faceless Inn? Literally the spawn point?
Adding another set somewhere more private seems like a decent plan yeah
@zool said in Cloth Customization Mannequins in More Private Place:
Adding another set somewhere more private seems like a decent plan yeah
I agree.
Live 7764 in Dulbiirs
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