Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background
So this post is a little bit confusing so I'll summarize how I understand it.
Ceak wants to play a minor noble whose house fell out of favor after the rebellion. They'll follow their view of Malar's dogma which means that the poor/non-nobles should be hunted down if they don't bow to nobility.
Their ultimate goal is to dethrone the Queen and insert their own household as the new ruler. I presume this will translate into trying to make their own house more prominent for the most part.
To jumpstart that they'll latch onto whichever noble house faction will suit them best.
The part about the Fire Knives seems to be a bid for NPC sponsorship from an assassins guild. I don't know what they're expecting from this, but it's EIG I guess so that's fine?
To get attention they want to start a semi-secret ''gentleman club'' with anti-queen sentiments to promote themselves over the more established nobles.
The actual on-creation application distills down to ''Minor Nobility.''
Which they'd need for any of their motivations to make sense and have at least a little bit of sway.
before I'd even consider it, it needs a writeup of the house like is found in these places said in Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background:
remove the Queen from her position
yeah okay... how? why?
what's he going to do that includes others? adds to the story of the server?
@Echo said in Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background:
@Voss_ said in Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background:
remove the Queen from her position
yeah okay... how? why?
what's he going to do that includes others? adds to the story of the server?
On top of this, it sounds like another fast track to his character being alienated and caek losing interest.
@Erebus said in Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background:
@Echo said in Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background:
@Voss_ said in Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background:
remove the Queen from her position
yeah okay... how? why?
what's he going to do that includes others? adds to the story of the server?
On top of this, it sounds like another fast track to his character being alienated and caek losing interest.
Asked him to put together a Noble blurb per the examples above.
This kind of a concept is not a burn bright burn fast concept, and might take several months to see any traction. Is Caek capable of playing such a long game?
@Strife-and-Discord said in Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background:
This kind of a concept is not a burn bright burn fast concept, and might take several months to see any traction. Is Caek capable of playing such a long game?
I think the longest character he's played in over a decade may have been about a month long.
@Hangman said in Caek/NoName/Minor Noble + Background:
Asked him to put together a Noble blurb per the examples above.
did he do this yet?
No, I’ve nudged him a few times, will see what he’s doing with this. My instinct is he’s gone off the idea.
Think we can pull this, he said he hasn’t given it anymore thought.
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on