Apoptosis/Shadow Dragon
Human Dragontouched / Ranger / Chaotic Evil / 0 / Beckett Black
Shadow Dragon Touched SubraceFun™: Establish a loosely official exploration/adventurers troupe (NA TZ) that pursues the more dangerous and lesser seen zones/quests. As the group's fame/infamy grows, seek sponsorship to pursue more questionable ventures, Netherese ruins, Deadwell, Tethgaard etc. that would provide immense treasure/knowledge to all involved but obviously present moral challenges/despair as well. Socially, he will gladly play all sides of the fence, if only to enjoy the chaos/drama his influence causes.
Background: Ostracized for his draconic heritage, but moreso the inexplicable feelings of dread and sorrow that plagued those around him, Beckett sought out any that would have him. Though he has bounced between various questionable jobs and locations, he has most recently worked as a mercenary for the Zhentarim, satiating his need for material wealth and the joy of seeing others suffer around him. After hearing several rumors concerning the influence of the Shadowfell in Arabel, Beckett parted ways with the Zhentarim to follow his "true" purpose.
More: As a dragontouched, he is stereotypically greedy and envious to a fault, willing to cross any line for something he desires. As a shadow dragontouched specifically, he experiences an inexorable pull to Shar and her dogma; he believes that knowledge (especially forbidden) is power and therefore worth seeking. Ultimately, he believes himself some sort of prophet of Shar during the silence and that his strivings to embody Shar's dogma will unlock his full potential.
I mean, its a pretty threadbare application with little meat on the bones, but Apoptosis is a decent player and if it means more people IG I'm for it.
@Hangman i agree
could use more details but really... even when we write up full details, plans change once you get ig and interact with others -
Would love to see some clarification on how he would interact with the various groups in the region(HoA, Braerwinter, Delzuld, Ashkara...)
@Strife-and-Discord said in Apoptosis/Shadow Dragon:
Would love to see some clarification on how he would interact with the various groups in the region(HoA, Braerwinter, Delzuld, Ashkara...)
Yeah I'm curious about this too
I'm fine now with the addition. With the merchant "freak" stuff and the ecl +1 subraces not all that in demand (based on the few number we've have).
Player needs to be told that we do not and there are no plans to support Shadow Weave (and that it's such a secret right now that almost no one in FR even knows of its existence.
24 hour confirmation
@Prof-Misclick said in Apoptosis/Shadow Dragon:
Player needs to be told that we do not and there are no plans to support Shadow Weave
confirmed (yeah it's only 23 hrs, sue me)
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