Creatures that drop double items
Hullack Spider appears to drop its gland next to it in a bag, while also being harvetable.
Sinister Worg - double pelt (harvestable + loot bag)
Frog, Common - double Frog Legs (harvestable + loot bag)
@King-Shunia said in Creatures that drop double items:
Hullack Spider appears to drop its gland next to it in a bag, while also being harvetable.
Fixed 8557
@TheMinionOfArabel said in Creatures that drop double items:
Sinister Worg - double pelt (harvestable + loot bag)
fixed 8557
@King-Shunia said in Creatures that drop double items:
Frog, Common - double Frog Legs (harvestable + loot bag)
fixed 8557 - along with all other frogs
Black Boar drop their hide via harvest and a dire boar hide via loot bag.
Dire Winter Wolves drop their pelt via harvest and a copy via loot bag. -
Female Elk drop double pelt (harvest + bag)
@TheMinionOfArabel said in Creatures that drop double items:
Female Elk
Black Boar
Dire Winter Wolvesfixed v8567
Dana's House - Stink Beetles and Fire Beetles - harvest for one but drop a bag with another, even on failed harvest.
Desert Owls (were called Stonelands Desert Owl but think it got the area prefix on.)
@TheMinionOfArabel said in Creatures that drop double items:
Desert Owls
fixed 8571
@listen4silence said in Creatures that drop double items:
Stink Beetles and Fire Beetles
fixed 8571
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