Creatures that drop double items
The following creatures give double their item. Once from harvesting and once from regular inventory drop in remains bag.
Will add more as I find them.
- Fey (fairy dust - Bramble, Dobie, Petal, Quickling and probably the others too. They do not always have some.)
- Wyvern (wyvern blood)
I did not get 2 wyvern blood. When you harvest the body you get that green message of +1 of whatever items but they don't appear in your inventory they then appear in the loot back to loot. So may need to double check that its actually double and not the messaging
Just make sure not to pick up any double items
Some creatures are set to drop more than one like birds are 1d4 feathers and such, but pelts should only be 1. skulls should obviously be only 1.
Blood from wyverns might actually be more than one if it's an adult. Just add stuff here, and I will check and if it's wrong.I will fix it. if it is correct.I will leave it alone and let you know
what I saw was you harvesting and getting the blood and there was a loot bag on the ground with an extra. No one picked it up.
Moonsea ride, griffon hill
Black adders give loot bags as well as a harvest able remainsAround Tilverton Goblins give 2 ears
@Darlene-Te-len said in Creatures that drop double items:
Around Tilverton Goblins give 2 ears
some goblins are 1d2 on skinning
or did they drop it in a loot bag? -
@Echo i remember something dropping a loot bag, a single coin in a couple, and 10 gold in another and at least one scroll (i think that was from a ogre) but no ears were in loot bags
i will make sure to pay attention better the next time i encounter anything
@TheMinionOfArabel said in Creatures that drop double items:
Wyvernfixed 8550
@Darlene-Te-len said in Creatures that drop double items:
@Echo i remember something dropping a loot bag, a single coin in a couple, and 10 gold in another and at least one scroll (i think that was from a ogre) but no ears were in loot bags
these things are fine. they arent "harvestable" (skin, bones, eyes, teeth, heads, organs)
@Darlene-Te-len said in Creatures that drop double items:
Black adders give loot bags as well as a harvest able remains
fixed 8550
Hullack Spider appears to drop its gland next to it in a bag, while also being harvetable.
Sinister Worg - double pelt (harvestable + loot bag)
Frog, Common - double Frog Legs (harvestable + loot bag)
@King-Shunia said in Creatures that drop double items:
Hullack Spider appears to drop its gland next to it in a bag, while also being harvetable.
Fixed 8557
@TheMinionOfArabel said in Creatures that drop double items:
Sinister Worg - double pelt (harvestable + loot bag)
fixed 8557
@King-Shunia said in Creatures that drop double items:
Frog, Common - double Frog Legs (harvestable + loot bag)
fixed 8557 - along with all other frogs
Black Boar drop their hide via harvest and a dire boar hide via loot bag.
Dire Winter Wolves drop their pelt via harvest and a copy via loot bag. -
Female Elk drop double pelt (harvest + bag)
@TheMinionOfArabel said in Creatures that drop double items:
Female Elk
Black Boar
Dire Winter Wolvesfixed v8567
Dana's House - Stink Beetles and Fire Beetles - harvest for one but drop a bag with another, even on failed harvest.
Desert Owls (were called Stonelands Desert Owl but think it got the area prefix on.)
@TheMinionOfArabel said in Creatures that drop double items:
Desert Owls
fixed 8571
@listen4silence said in Creatures that drop double items:
Stink Beetles and Fire Beetles
fixed 8571
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