The Angry Bone(r) Tribe
When I made this quest, supplies were a bit more abundant and counters to swarms of enemies were more common (such as blur).
This isn't the case anymore.
Either the quest needs to be more rewarding (potion) wise, or it's difficulty needs to be scaled back, such as the Elite Bone Crafting Goblins need their dispel magic removed.
To add on to this, the raging goblins are a bit strong. The regular goblins were stronger than the bosses on this quest, and were hitting for +18. I don't know how angry a goblin can get, but I feel that I should never fear one more than I do a frost giant. The goblins that cast animate dead also seem to summon the undisarmable default skeleton warrior/skeleton chieftain.
All of the goblins on this quest also seem undisarmable.
The layout I thought was good. I liked having to defeat things to get keys to unlock doors. Quest loot seems pretty darn strong.
Main boss is all by his lonesome and is by far the easiest encounter in the entire quest. He could use from friends. (Do goblins even have friends?)
The quest boss was originally meant to spawn after a horde/wave invasion of three-five waves of zombie goblins appeared and at the end of it.
I'll look over the quest and give it a tweak
Also make the naming a bit more mature
Please dont make it easier. Make it more rewarding. Totally fine to have hard quests.
How hard do you want it? The way this quest is currently set up, it's far too hard I think. Is it do-able? Yeah, but it feels more like a level 10 only quest rather than a 7-10 quest.The only people that can do this quest without being completely destroyed IMO are summon spammers.
minion and i did it 2 man with my melee archer and their barbarian,
it was a tough job but we managed it. -
@Cadiz Oh, that's a good point. We did it with a party of 4. So the difficulty scaled on us.
I think we were also practicing some severely bad tactics.
The quest needs a slight reward scale, it's much harder than any other 7-10 quest afaik.
@SpiffyMeister Also true. That was my first run of the quest so I had no idea what spawns and from where.
mwahahah! that was epic. Scary as hells but epic.
Sapphire was a mini monster :D think she was lvl 9 when we did it? Can't recall if I ever hit 10 with her.The difficulty is great. I've done it a few times. The reward just needs to match.
Thread Necro!!
I was asked to post here...Anyway my suggestion was to increase the gold reward on completion to 1000gp. And maybe an increase in XP reward.
I dont think 1000gp is too much. Ive seen DM events award that much.Compare the difficulty and the rewards with some of the "DMless events" that have been set up recently
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on
@Strife-and-Discord said in The Angry Bone(r) Tribe:
Make it more rewarding
upped the gold payout somewhat
recently added barricades to keep players from being swarmed in the first room -
S Strife and Discord locked this topic on