Tailoring suggestions
Ribbons, scarves, handkerchiefs
These could be used for tournaments or other instances as a show of appreciation or favor, and might appear under "cloth". Optional addition: It might be really neat if the script used to name containers might be adapted to work with this so that players might be indicate colors and/or names of the people involved.
Name Mat'. A Mat'. B Mat' C Mat'. D Recipe Level Stats Simple colored ribbon cotton (2) greenstone dust (1) lesser enchantment oil (1) - 1 flavour; used for other items Embroidered leather ribbon leather strap (1) cotton (2) fire agate dust (1) lesser enchantment oil (1) 2 flavour; used for other items (e.g., a dress or fancy leather armor) Finely embroidered handkerchief simple colored ribbon (1) ruby dust (1) single red rose (1) moderate enchantment oil (1) 4 7 charges: daze (1) 1 charge/use; charm person (1) 1 charge/use -
Silk Tunics and Dresses
All silk tunics require 1 bolt of silk, 1 pattern and 1 Pristine enchanting oil. Silk tunics may be dyed but NOT otherwise modified. Additional materials listed below.Name Mat'. A Mat'l. B Mat'lC Mat'lC Recipe Level Stats Fairy Tale Dress (AC 0) Iron rivets (2) 5 fairy dust 2 lesser illusion ink 1 polishing oil 7 perform +2, persuade +1, bluff +1, pickpocket +2; color spray (3) 5 uses Sparkly Dress (AC 0) Copper rivets (2) 5 copper wire 5 fine fire agate 1 Sunrod 7 persuade +2, bluff +2; 13 charges: eagle's splendour (3) 1 charge/use, searing light (5) 2 charges/use Checkered Feather Dress (AC 0) Bronze rivets (2) 3 fine onyx, 1 enchanted diamond 10 raven feathers 10 owl feathers 7 AC +2 vs. undead, hide +2, move silently +2, search +2, spot +1 Elegant Ball Gown (AC 0) Gold rivets (2) Simple colored ribbon (3) diamond dust (2) Enchanted Emerald (1) 10 Will Saves +2, Persuade +2, Discipline +2; spell immunity: Fear Acrobat Suit (AC 0) Platinum rivets (2) frog leg (2) spider gland, large (3) Catnip leafs (5) 10 Reflex Saves +2, tumble +2, 13 charges: Feline Balance (3) 1 charge, Worm Wriggle (3) 1 charge, Spider Climb (3) 1 charge, Toad Leap (3) 1 charge Dreamwalker Dress (AC 0) Mithril rivets (2) Camomile (5) Bottled Shadows (1) Knockout Gas (1) 11 Save vs Mind Affecting +2; 13 charges: Sleep (5) 1 charge/use, Greater Sleep (7) 3 charges/use; spell immunity: Greater Sleep Extravagant Scaly Dress (AC 0) Mithril rivets (2) small dragon scales (1) wyvern blood (3) bag of sparks (1) 12 perform/bluff/persuade +2; save vs. poison +2; Summon Juvenile Wyvern: 3 uses Description (Extravagant Scaly Dress):
This exceedingly tightly cut dress cunningly accentuates the figure of the person daring to wear it. Strikingly, tiny enchanted dragon scale fragments draw the attention of the viewer, rendering the courageous owner of this piece more interesting to behold. -
Woolen Tunics
All woolen tunics require 1 bolt of wool, 1 pattern, and 2 Basic enchanting oils. Woolen tunics may be dyed and modified. However, earthen colors and simple styles are prefereable (do not make this look like silk!) Additional materials listed below.Name Mat'. A Mat'l. B Mat'lC Recipe Level Stats Peasant's Robe (AC 0) Copper Rivets (2) Leather Pouch (3) Sage Leafs (5) 3 AE +1, save vs. poison/disease +1; Impede (3): 3 uses Oiled Beggar's Robe (AC 0) Bronze Rivets (2) Leather Pouch (3) Magical Jar of Grease (1) 5 persuade/pick-pocket +1; Tight Space +2 bonus; Spell immunity: Entangle Sturdy Working Clothes (AC 0) Iron Rivets (2) Leather Pouch (3) Dire Rat Leather (1) 6 AC+1, fortitude save +1; intimidate +1; Endurance (3): 4 uses Robe of the Drunken Master (AC 0) Mithril Rivets (2) Sapphire Dust (3) Iceberry (2) 7 AC +2 vs. Chaos, save vs. poison/disease +2; Bonus Feat: Extra stunning attacks; OUB: Pure Monk Robe of the Sun Soul (AC 0) Mithril Rivets (2) Mineral Diamond (3) Sunrod (2) 8 AC +2 vs. Chaos, Undead, save vs. poison +2; Continual Flame (3): 5 uses; Speed Bonus: 10%; OUB: Pure Monk Cotton Tunics
All cloth tunics require 1 bolt of cotton, 1 pattern, 2 cloth, and 1 Greater enchanting oil. Cotton-based tunics and armors may be dyed and modified. Additional materials listed below.Name Mat'. A Mat'l. B Mat'lC Recipe Level Stats Servant's Outfit (AC 0) Gold rivets (3) Embroidered leather ribbon (1) 2pp Tethgard Coin (4) 7 persuade +2, discipline +2; save vs. fear +1; appraise +1; lore +1; Mage Armor (3): 5 uses Rich Merchant's Travel Outfit (AC 0) Platinum rivets (3) Embroidered leather ribbon (2) 10pp Tethgard Coin (1) 9 AC vs. Chaos +1; appraise/persuade/lore +2, bluff +1; Cloak of Mist (4): 7 uses Jester's Costume (AC 0) Mithril rivets (3) Simple colored ribbon (7) Glitter Bomb (1) 10 Perform/tumble/spellcraft +2, Spellslot Bard 1/1; Tasha's hideous laughter (3): 5 uses Padded Armors
All padded armors require some wool padding in addition to cloth, i.e., 1 bolt of wool, 1 pattern, 2 cloth, and 1 Moderate enchanting oil. Padded armors may be dyed and modified. Additional materials listed below.Name Mat'. A Mat'l. B Mat'lC Recipe Level Stats Bospirian Sheepherder's Vest (AC 1) Bronze rivets (3) Onyx Dust (2) Holy Water (2) 7 AC +2 vs. undead; AE+2; 13 charges: Disrupt Undead (6) 1 charge/use; Polarization (6) 2 charges/use; Death Ward (6) 3 charges/use Duelist's Padded Vest (AC 1) Iron rivets (3) Embroidered leather ribbon (1) Bronze Studs (4) 8 AC +2 vs. chaos; Parry/tumble/discipline +2; Lesser Heroism (5): 3 uses Vest of a Noble Champion (AC 1) Platinum rivets (3) Embroidered leather ribbon (3) Enchanted Emerald (3) 12 AC +2 vs. chaos; Parry/discipline/perform/taunt +2; Aura of Glory (5): 5 uses -
All Cured Hides are made at a Curing Tub. All recipes require 1 Curing Salt, 1 Tanning Acid and 1 Skin of their respective animals.
Hide Type Recipe Level -- Hide Type Recipe Level Black Doe 4 -- White Stag 4 Sabre Tooth Tiger 4 -- Elk 3 LEATHER
All Leather is created at a Hide Rack. All recipes use 1 Tanning Oil and 1 Cured Hide of their respective animals.
Leather Type Recipe Level -- Leather Type Recipe Level Black Doe 5 -- White Stag 5 Sabre Tooth Tiger 5 -- Elk 4 (Note: White Stag and Sabre Tooth are still WIP)
Deer (common)
Item Recipe Rec. Level Stats Leather Strap 1 cured hide (yields 8) 3 used to make other items Leather Wrap 1 leather (yields 6) 3 used to make other items Leather Pouch 1 leather (yields 5) 3 used to make other items Bedroll, Normal 1 leather, 1 cloth, 1 padding, 2 leather wraps 4 5.5 lb Bedroll, Lightweight 1 leather, 1 cloth, 2 leather wraps, 1 greater ench. oil 6 0.5 lb Leather Blindfold 2 leather straps, 1 leather wrap, 1 cloth, moderate enchantment oil (1) 7 Causes the wearer's vision to go dark (as in the sleeping-script); cannot be taken off while being tied up with a tying rope; otherwise scripting as for a tying rope Elk (theme: keen senses/acid resistance)
Revered by the fabled Elk Tribe of the Silver Marches, elk leather is said to convey some small echo of both the spirit of these hardy animals as well as some of the hardships and skills attributed to the Elk Tribe.
Item Recipe Rec. Level Stats Leather (AC2) 3 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 2 bags of acid 10 +1 AC vs. lawful; AC +2 vs. dragon; 10% acid resistance; set traps/disarm traps +2; +1 saves vs. fear; spell immunity: Melf's acid arrow Studded Leather (AC3) 3 leather, 2 studs, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 3 bags of acid 10 +1 AC vs. lawful; AC +2 vs. dragon; 10% acid resistance; set traps/disarm traps +2; search +1; +1 saves vs. fear; spell immunity: Mestil's acid breath Cured Hide (AC4) 3 cured hide, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil, 3 bags of acid 11 +1 AC vs. lawful; AC +2 vs. dragon; 10% acid resistance; set traps/disarm traps +2; +1 saves vs. fear; spell immunity: Mestil's acid sheath Boots 1 leather, 1 cured hide, 2 leather wraps, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench. oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 9 5% acid resistance; +2 saves vs. acid; Resist elements (3), 5 uses Hood 1 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 2 wyvern blood 11 Search/listen/spot+2; 5% acid resistance; Remove deafness/blindness (5): 7 uses Belt 1 leather, 1 leather strap, 1 studs, 1 greater ench oil, 1 small dragon scales 10 AC +1 vs. dragon/lawful; taunt/listen+2; saves s. acid +2; Amplify (5): 7 uses Cloak 1 leather, 1 cloth , 2 leather pouches, 1 greater ench oil 12 +1 AC vs. dragon/lawful; 10% acid resistance; +2 saves vs. acid; Bark Skin (5) 5 uses Gloves 1 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 iron spikes, 2 leather pouches, 2 bags of acid, 1 greater ench oil 10 5% acid resistance; +1 saves vs. acid; set/disarm traps +2; Protection from Law (7): 5 uses Bag 1 leather, 1 studs, 2 leather wraps, 1 lesser ench. oil, 1 greater ench. oil 10 50% weight reduction of contents; base item 50% weight reduction (.5lb) Blood-smeared elk-leather mask 1 leather, 2, leather straps, 2 greater oil, 1 bolt of wool, 1 vial of PC blood 10 Bonus Feat: Alertness; spot/listen+2; Blood Frenzy (5): 7 uses, OUB: chaotic Black Doe (theme: unstoppable, dark rage).
Item Recipe Rec. Level Stats Leather (AC2) 3 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 11 AC +1; AC +2 vs. lawful/good; intimidate/taunt +2; +2 saves vs. fear; +1 save vs. death; death armor (3): 13 uses; spell immunity: impede Studded Leather (AC3) 3 leather, 2 studs, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 12 AC +1; AC +2 vs. lawful/good; intimidate/taunt +2; 10% negative energy immunity; poison (spell): 13 uses; spell immunity: color spray Cured Hide (AC4) 3 cured hide, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 12 AC +2 vs. lawful/good; intimidate/taunt +2; 10% negative energy immunity; spell immunity: confusion Boots 1 leather, 1 cured hide, 2 leather wraps, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench. oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 10 intimidate/taunt +2, save vs. disease +2; Bull's Stength (4), 7 uses Hood 1 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 wyvern blood 11 intimidate/taunt +2; Spell immunity: Hold Person Belt 1 leather, 1 leather strap, 1 studs, 1 greater ench oil, 1 toll blood 11 Safe +2 vs. fear/death; intimidate +2; blood frenzy (7) 10 uses Cloak 1 leather, 1 cloth , 2 leather pouches, 1 moderate ench oil, 1 greater ench oil 12 10% negative energy immunity; taunt +2; Aura of Shadows (5): 7 uses Gloves 1 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 iron spikes, 2 leather pouches, 1 bag of fire, 1 greater ench oil, 1 lesser ench. oil 12 5% negative energy immunity; Intimidate/taunt +2; freedom of movement (7): 3 uses Bag 1 leather, 1 studs, 2 leather wraps, 1 moderate ench. oil, 1 greater ench. oil 12 70% weight reduction Whip 1 leather, 2, leather straps, 2 greater oil, 1 bag of fire, 1 studs 12 Bonus Feat: Disarm (Whip), Negative Energy 1d8, Fire 1d6 , Intimidate/Taunt +2; dominate person (9): 6 uses; OUB: Evil White Stag (theme: healing and purity).
Item Recipe Rec. Level Stats Leather (AC2) 3 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 11 AC +1; AC +2 vs. chaos/evil; heal/discipline/parry +2; +2 saves vs. disease; +1 save vs. death; life bolt (3): 13 uses; spell immunity: dark bolt Studded Leather (AC3) 3 leather, 2 studs, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 12 AC +1; AC +2 vs. chaos/evil; heal/discipline +2; +2 saves vs. disease, death; clarity: 13 uses; spell immunity: infestation of maggots Cured Hide (AC4) 3 cured hide, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 12 AC +1; AC +2 vs. chaos/evil; heal/discipline +2; +2 saves vs. disease, death; spell immunity: Evard's black tentacles Boots 1 leather, 1 cured hide, 2 leather wraps, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench. oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 10 heal/discipline +2, save vs. disease +2; Endurance (4), 7 uses Hood 1 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 2 holy water 10 heal/listen+2; will saves +1; Lesser Resoration (5): 7 uses Belt 1 leather, 1 leather strap, 1 studs, 1 greater ench oil, 1 toll blood 11 heal/discipline/persuade+2; fortitude saves +1; Water Jet (7) 10 uses Cloak 1 leather, 1 cloth , 2 leather pouches, 1 greater ench oil 12 +1 AC vs. undead; heal/hide +2; Sanctuary (5): 7 uses Gloves 1 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 iron spikes, 2 leather pouches, 1 bag of fire, 1 greater ench oil, 1 lesser ench. oil 12 5% cold immunity; heal/discipline +2; Silence (7): 5 uses Bag 1 leather, 1 studs, 2 leather wraps, 1 moderate ench. oil, 1 greater ench. oil 12 70% weight reduction Whip of white Silk 1 leather, 2, leather straps, 2 greater oil, 7 chamomile flowers, 3 potions of cure disease 12 Bonus Feat: Disarm (Whip), 1d2 slashing dmg, On hit: Remove disease (5) FELINES
Sabre Tooth Tiger (theme: apex graceful predator)
Item Recipe Rec. Level Stats Leather (AC2) 3 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 11 AC +2; persuade/tumble +2; jump+2; +2 Animal Empathy; Cats Grace (7): 7 uses; 10% weight reduction Studded Leather (AC3) 3 leather, 2 studs, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 12 AC +2; jump+2; Animal Empathy +2; Greater Magic Fang: 7 uses; 10% weight reduction Cured Hide (AC4) 3 cured hide, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 13 AC +2, 10% Slashing/Piercing Immunity, +2 Animal Empathy, +1 Search; 10% weight reduction Boots 1 leather, 1 cured hide, 2 leather wraps, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench. oil, 1 moderate ench. oil 10 move silently/hide +2, tumble +2, climb +2; Worm wriggle (4), 7 uses Hood 1 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 greater ench oil, 1 potion of Eagle's splendor 11 hide/intimidate/taunt +2; persuade +2; Charm person or animal (3): 7 uses Belt 1 leather, 1 leather strap, 1 studs, 1 greater ench oil, 1 toll blood 11 Safe +2 vs. fear/disease; intimidate +2; search +1; Fear (7): 7 uses Cloak 1 leather, 1 cloth , 2 leather pouches, 1 moderate ench oil, 1 greater ench oil 12 hide+2; intimidate/taunt +2; Summon Monster II (5): 7 uses Gloves 1 leather, 1 cloth padding, 1 iron spikes, 2 leather pouches, 1 bag of fire, 1 greater ench oil, 1 lesser ench. oil 12 1d6 slashing dmg, 1d6 piercing dmg; discipline +1 Whip 1 leather, 2, leather straps, 2 greater oil, 1 bag of fire, 1 studs 12 Bonus Feat: Disarm (Whip), Slashing 1d8, Piercing 1d6, Intimidate +2; climb +2; hold person (5): 7 uses -
@EyeOfGruumsh said in Tailoring suggestions:
Black Doe
currently Black Does are set up as "boss" spawns, like the red squirrel and arabellan hare, meaning VERY rare so making these would not be achievable in any decent timeframe.
@EyeOfGruumsh said in Tailoring suggestions:
Ribbons, scarves, handkerchiefs
We do not currently have models for these. I mean, I can make an item but no one would be able to see it (you cant wear or hold them, for example)
If something isn't extremely rare - no one will buy it anyways. At least not as far as tailoring seems to be concerned. I would not mind that at all, personally. Presently, tailoring is very much lacking in a "mithral-equivalent", in my opinion. Though, I do not know just how rare that is.
Your current suggestion for black doe would be weaker than Grizzly which is a flat +1
Also the high level leathers are considerably weaker than say a platinum chain shirt which is a flat +2
Perhaps the top end leather, studded leather and hides could also be made +2
Good point! I have changed the suggestion to a flat AC+2 for those armors now. Thematically, I would like it to be better against lawful (e.g., AC+2; AC+3 vs Lawful), but it feels like there may be an unwritten rule that player-craftable must not include anything with a „+3“, or higher. Not sure.
Based on the conversation with Evangeline in game last night, I felt reminded that there is likely no IC-argument in the world that could convince people to try leathers rather than platinum.
On another note, I think it would be really nice if armor being worn in certain places might cause some NPC sneers, for example.
As for the ribbons et al., visible would be cool - but not necessary, in my opinion.
This post is deleted! -
One suggestion per topic please. Items is fine to bundle but other things should be another topic
Various updates and some re-organization of the suggestions in the tables from the above posts.
Unlikely to re-add white stag items. They were removed along with winter wolves and malar panthers because they are magical creatures (or shapeshifters in the case of MPs).
Some of these items are being considered, though. If you have any practice with the toolset and want to design the looks for any of the tunics/dresses @EyeOfGruumsh , I'd like to use your designs.
Thanks for considering these - will get in touch via Discord.
Added a suggestion table for Elks (see: https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/64708/tailoring-suggestions/12?page=1)
Some recipes are implemented with v8343
Thanks to @EyeOfGruumsh for the ideas. -
Elk stuff added with some modifications to stats.
As always, bug report issues. -
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on