File: Qo'i
We have recieved this from Conrad.
@gloomy_sunday said in Dominic:
I have learned that qoi betrayed your group and aided Volmar. Volmar was considered a threat to Tilverton in particular due to his attack on the town, and I wish to request that qoi be handed over to face the Dukes judgement as a co conspirator.
There will be a bounty of ten thousand gold coins and you will be congratulated through bulletins as a protector of the realm.
Conrad Van Drichten
I find it odd the Ravens would want him, And Qo'i often makes sendings to gather in Tilverton to explore Stonelands and he was present in Tilverton when Donie made the mixture against Volmar.
Let us question him on this, I have no intention on giving him to Conrad for if Qo'i knows things he would almost certainly be silenced by them
One of the Guards handed me this.
Seems Qo'i is trying to claim he's a secret bloodhound, The Precept will be asked if this is the case and if so why he was aiding an Abyssal cultist
They seem to be having a problem with Strays
@cadiz said in Hector Delacroix:
hand delivered to the Arcanum
I languish in the cells of the Crown Guard currently. Having been assaulted in the field by the Guard Dominic whilst attempting to aid in bringing down the abysal Volmar. The fog of war seems to have claimed him such that when i acted to try to aid he ran at me and forced me to defend myself which i failed to do obviously.
I believe that it time that i reveal myself as one of your Bloodhounds and that you claim me publically that the city may know that the job of policing the Blooded is fulfilled. Treth was finally silenced by my hand in the end when his actions crossed the line that could not be ignored for the greater good, the Bloodhound's duty fulfilled.
As you know i was also instrumental in the capture and subsequent execution of the Lycan Sirona, though the Crown guard seem to have ommited that from any reports they have published on the matter.
I will brief you in full on the happenings in the eastern reaches when i am free to come to you.
I have always respected the freedom you have allowed me in my role, and hoppe that you will not discard me to the Crown Guard now, for with the oath taken we stand by one another as family do we not.
Maire has sent us this
@paramour said in Crown Guard Records, c/o Dominic:
I write this to affirm the following:
- That I did accompany Dominic upon his quest to slay Volmer, demonic servant of Change.
- During this fight, amongst other things, I witnessed the person known as Q'oi initially join the fighting. I lost track of him, and the next time that I noticed him he was standing off to the side, without engaging either side.
- When I was the last soldiers standing healing Dominic, I did call out to Q'oi to join us and asked why he had not. I also heard Volmer call out to him, saying to come and join him instead.
- When Q'oi did join the fight, he joined on the side of Volmer, attacking Dominic directly and ignoring me. I struck him in the knee with my flail, knocking him down long enough for Dominic to deliver a debilitating blow upon him before returning to the fight with Volmer.
- I can not speak to whether or not he animated the corpse of Treth, the infernalist, as I did not personally witness this happen and it was outside my field of vision at the time.
- At the time that Qo'i joined the fighting, it did appear as though we were or would be losing badly.
This comprises what I have been asked to give witness testimony upon, though I may be contacted for further inquiry at the House of the Morning in Eveningstar.
There is always another Dawn.
~ Dawnsquire Maire Anglemorn
~ Paladin of Lathander
~ Order of the AsterIt is correct and Qo'is claims that we struck false against him are false
I spoke with Kira on this in the Precept, and Founder Delacroix states that Qo'i is not a bloodhound
When Qo'i is ready for questioning he will be searched and questioned to ascertain his real loyalties
Regardless of questioning and searching I will charge Qo'i with the crime of aiding creatures of evil as stated in the crime Arabellian Citizenship as a cultist of the Abyss
-Arabellan Citizenship- People of civilized descent that does not pose an inherent risk to the Kingdom of Arabel are automatically considered citizens within the Kingdom of Arabel. Creatures of evil such as Drow, Lycanthropes, Undead, and other monsters are to be killed on sight ((Normal PvP rules apply)) Conspiracy with, and/or assisting creatures of evil and traitors of the Kingdom, will result in being named a non-citizen and other charges at the discretion of the Realm. Those not considered citizens, are not protected by any law. Descents considered civilized are the following but children under their majority may not be harmed ((PCs are always considered Adults regardless of age. Children concepts are not supported)):
His execution will bring us no glory, He is no great and dangerous criminal, He is a cowardly wretch who sides with whoever he thinks will win and mostly pokes in ruins.
I think a sentence of re-education under the guidance of Helm is fitting, He can be instructed to speak with the Ravens on the fact that he witnessed Treth using wicked and evil means and suggest they should advise their Duke to end the alliance with the Precept as it has been confirmed Treth commited infernalism in Tilverton too.
The sentence of Re-Education is approved. Find a way to use this wretch to benefit the guard. I know that the Ravens and Morning house both want him. Decide quickly where he's most value and carry out the sentence.
Count ImmerduskThe council has been in discussion and want the prisoner questioned and then executed for Treason. Would coorperating with the council now be a boon to us in the future? How little they understand what treason as a law means. Dame Saga will address that.
** Winter**//We need to get this sorted asap. Player has been waiting for a bit due to OOC contraints.//
Qo'i is being a pain in the backside and not co-operating but he has not commited treason.
After speaking with Tass of the House of the Morning I have agreed he is to serve his re-education with the House of the Morning assisting them dealing with a coven of vampires said to be in the Haunted Halls
A fine effort, regardless of your disadvantages.
We get the credit for the capture and I'm sure Sir Myrkyr and the others will enjoy re educating this monsterous freak.
Count Immerdusk
[Sifting through the mess of paperwork, Ilselore picks this one up with surprised interest and takes it to one of her two desks for personal reading, making a small footnote for future reference]
Qo'i. Still alive and kicking. Wonder how re-education went.
Rather badly
He aided a devil since.
@v-rage said in Report: Adventurers aiding devils:
Count Immerdusk
The Raven Conrad and his ally Qo'i took a job from a devil to clear the way to this Pillar and fought alongside devilish soldiers
Ma'Crag of the Lathanderites attended first but wisely decided he would not fight alongside Devils and called for aid.
Myself, Adelaide and Donie met with Ma'crag and entered the nest after Conrad and Qo'i had entered and witnessed them assisting the devils and myself, Adelaide and Ma'Crag fought both the devils and demons and asked Conrad and Qo'i why they were aiding devils
At this point the fiend Za'gal flew in and said it would destroy the pillar and said Conrad would be rewarded for clearing the way.
Myself, Adelaide and Ma'crag challenged the devil and asked if the pillar could be destroyed another way, Donie didn't even attempt to make studies and said he believed it would take too long and that he was an old man and didnt have the energy
To answer the questions
1: I believe the devil did benefit from destroying the pillar, it has been actively recruiting adventurers to further the devils side of the planar incursions
2: We should challenge the Ravens for taking work from devils, They did this not for the good of the kingdom but for their own gain as they were promised rewards for this
3: Unfortunately we cannot be sure if there was another way as Donie didn't even study the pillar to find out if there was an alternative or not, Opting for the quick and easy optionDominic
I enclose a report on the matter I made some weeks back
You have followed up with him on this matter? Anything else of note?
He left the region for a few weeks and only recently returned. First time I've seen him since was in Tilverton just before the battle of the blasted lands and chasm.