Whip Suggestions
I think it would be neat to be able to make several different craftable whips. Like use crag cat skin, and lion skin to make whips that can do different kinds of damage. Maybe not make them oub evil for kicks. We do have the Beastlord's Whip, but could some lesser whip versions be made? Or do something like the Scout's Belt where you use a scroll and other items to make a more powerful whip? I just think being able to craft more than just one whip would be pretty cool.
Agreed, would be nice to see some more options (but its also quite rewarding working up the the beastmaster)
Whip crafted from woven roses... now thats Saladin's flamboyant dream
If you arrange the suggestion stats similar to other crafting items, it would help a lot
I just don't know what to have as stats. Suppose I could just offer a suggestion.
Crag cat whip: AB+1, 1d4 fire damage, disarm
Lion whip: AB+1, 1d6 electrical damage, disarm +skill like search, spot, hide/ms something like that?I guess I don't know how powerful they should be. I don't want to make them too op.
Whips generally suck, so can have more powerful stuff on them than most other weapons.
Bear in mind d6 anything automatically make the weapon glow, which is really annoying because it means we basically can't use that (because glowy stuff is deemed a very special DM reward)
Good to know. I wasn't aware of that. I was just looking at some other weapons for ideas, and throwing some suggestions. I also saw the Beastlord whip above has negative damage of 1d8, so I was just using that as a guideline.
I say d6 anything, d6 physical damage doesn't create a glow, just anything elemental, or divine, magical, all that kind of stuff.
I did make beastlord whips for @V-Rage and @A_Dreamboat and they were d8 damage. I'm pretty sure the whips didn't glow when you used them. Although I could be wrong.
Yeah the Beastlord Whip doesnt glow and it has d8 negative on it
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