The Helmlands Beholder
With the revolution crushed this should become a main focus again.
I'll see about obtaining more blood samples to see what the Precept can learn
Sir Pierre
I've learned more of Beholder... "culture" recently. I'm at the point where I need to attempt to communicate with one of them.
That will obviously be extremely dangerous, and I don't think I'll be able to do this alone.I'll be in touch if I need aid from council members.
I suggest you do take aid Izereth
We have seen before that beholders will try and charm or take over your mind, The blue eyed man was clear proof of this
We cannot risk the beholders having a councillor in their thrall
Sir Pierre
Let it be known that the Hierophant did call a Moot and did decree that the local circles shall be taking the lead in removing the beholder tyrant from the place called Helmlands. I did be elected by the leaders of the local groves to lead this doing. I ask that Tilverton, the Precept, and any others who wish to see this Hive removed to speak with I. There is much work to be done.
Ursula -
Seek me out Ursula, seems our two groups goals align once more.
Ursula, can you inform the council of any developments the Wildwalkers make regarding this? It's a very large issue, and while your Hierophant has decreed the circles will be taking the lead, it would surely benefit the Kingdom if the information you find isn't held inside one single group. It will make it much harder to help adventurers to work with the council on this for one thing.
As a side note, just so you are all informed - The crown has granted me legal leeway regarding research into these beings not long ago, so if anything interesting is found, I can look into it without having to worry too much about any legal issues, in case that becomes useful.
I employed a scout and map maker some time ago to map the Helmlands regions, and have since travelled to the locations they found.
One of which is some kind of Temple, seemingly Beholder related. I could not find a useful entrance the last time I visited, but I think it may be useful to try and learn more of this place, very soon.
We will be seeking first the wizard who does hold a tower in the Forest of Eyes. Are you knowing of him? What are you knowing of he?
Any map you have and will share with the Circles will be of great use.
Ursula -
[Forest of eyes]
The "Unknown cave" is a series of tunnels that run below the Helmlands, in which I have personally fought Beholders before. I advised the map maker not to venture there, as I wanted to actually get my maps.
The tower is the in the centre of the map, roughly, and appears blocked by a large boulder (potentially this is more than simply a physical obstruction, as it appears outwardly.)
There is an odd circular symbol on the ground behind the tower.-Izereth
(Ursula makes a copy of the map and the given information.)
This campaign takes place with the blessing of the Royal Family.
- Royal Herald
@v-rage said in Letter: Councillors Ursula and Tass:
I enclose a report from an expedition I led last night
I made a sending and assembled a group comprising of myself, Treth, Izereth, Conrad the duelist, Quo, and we were later joined by Donie
We descended into the Forgotten Tunnels beneath the forest of Eyes to investigate the lead from the statues in the Mines
We came across a deeper section known as the Caves of Wickedness, Upon entering we heard the screams of tortured souls and eventually came upon a sealed door, upon nearing it I heard a whisper in my head saying going further would cost my soul.
The mural on the door was also vile, it showed someone with a tormentor sword torturing people with it.
I believe the statues were to try and lure people into damnig themselves hoping some power hungry people will try and bypass the door and damn themselves
Helms Protection
Dominic, Crown Guard
I advised them not to go deeper into that cave, it holds only temptations for power hungry wizards. They pushed on anyway.
Is there any news on this Ursula? Have you been to this Wizards tower yet?
I am an expert on wards, and it may well have one blocking entry. Get in touch if you need a hand with that.
//Due to RL, my toolset time is limited, but I will be posting dates about these events.
Perhaps it would be beneficial to share the research I sent you regarding beholders with the Council? The more we all know regarding this threat, the better. Also, has anyone else seen an eye-kin called 'Bleeder'? Dominic lead a group in the Eastern Marshes, and we came across a undead eye-kin there someone referred to as a bleeder.
Never seen this "bleeder" - eye-kin can take many forms though. Did anyone have the wherewithal to take any samples from the corpse once killed? It may have yielded useful research results we could utilise in future battles.
Yes, share this knowing with the Council. It will be good for them to be knowing.
Ursula -
Tass' summary of beholder lore, as requested by Ursula.
Mages of all backgrounds have over the years made bounties, and formal requests for parts of beholders. Eyes, eyestalks, and body fluids are among the most common parts requested. The most recent example of these bounties, come from Izereth who has made multiple posters offering rewards for the items. Oddly enough, she and the lower house hosted a sun themed fair for Lathander some moons ago, one of the main challenges was to deliver the eye of a beholder. It is also worth mentioning a prominent member of the Precept Arcanum by name 'Belinda', who frequently reward people for eyestalks, its unclear if they are used for experiments or.. if she eats them?On a extreme case, someone was selling the body of a beholder tyrant. And, there were several posters warning people not to subdue beholders and bring them into the city alive. A little odd.
Previous attempts:
Besides Izereth's campaign for beholder bodyparts, which appears to be a common theme within the Precept. I also came across a disbanded group which once held a holding within the Helmlands, with the aid of House Mossmere. What is interesting, is that they referred to a specific beholder as 'God-Eater'. I am uncertain of why, but it is worth noting for future references.There were more beholder activity at the beginning of the year, with the fight against them being lead by the Wildwalkers. In their publishing poster, they even mention an undead beholder and its minion being slain. The light of Lathander was also mentioned, allowing the party to defeat the powerful eye-kin. However, I am more concerned about their mention of a 'beholder mage' and 'beholder cultist', something which speaks volumes of what peopel are willing to do for power.
Beholder types:
- Eyeballs, the color of its iris decides its power. The black ones are the most powerful, but all eyeballs are weak in nature
- Gauth, a lesser eye-kin, alone it pose no threat and there appears to be no references of them having minions
- Beholders, powerful eye-kin capable of deadly magic. For example, their gaze can turn people to stone, and some are even rumored to kill people with a mere glare
- Elder Beholders, it is unclear if they are the same as Tyrant beholders, but they are more magically adept than normal beholders
Thank you kindly, also I came upon a wizard by name Albert Sinclaire, together with his apprentice Wilfred. They are both expert in paranormal hunting, specifically undead and aberrations. Albert would be most willing to share his research notes on beholders with you, and aid you in the cleansing of the hive.
The library research has bore more fruits, I have summarized the librarian's knowledge here.
@spiffymeister said in Tass' beholder research:
Beholder is less a definition and more of a 'class' of aberration, namely- characterized by levitation, a maw of sharp teeth, and a singular (with branching stalks tipped with eyes) orbulent eye in the eye where it channels various powers depending on the breed and species.
Beholders are known to largely dwell in dark, damp places- and are characterized by madness, often suffering from multiple personalities and extreme narcissism. They can only work together when an overpowering presence, often a Tyrant- a massive creature of its kind, forces them to work together.
It's unknown how Beholder's breed, as no one has survived in their haunts long enough to learn.
As with all aberrations, they are all poorly understood, and lesser 'eyekin' often serve greater ones. They can charm, set fire to, or the more powerful turn their targets to stone or disintegrate them- and alongside their ability to fly, make their hives extremely dangerous places to be.
Worship of beholders would likely fall under the 'worship of blasphemous powers' and is thusly outlawed- though, being a lesser crime, would only see light fines or slap on the wrist if publicly practiced.
As for the consumption of their flesh, it's alluded that the consumption of magical creatures, in more pagan and savage circles, might bestow their might upon the imbiber.
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Many aided the Wildwalkers yesterday in regaining grounds in the Helmlands. A war camp is now established, which will upon the wars completion be Ursula's grove. The losses were many, in supplies and strength. A new dawn is approaching the Helmlands, and I am proud to see the House of the Morning and so many others aiding the Wildwalkers with the cleansing of the once forsaken land.
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