Reduce Drop Rate of Undead summoning notes
Please reduce the amount these drop. They're flooding the lowbie quests! They're taking up like 1-2 lootables per lowbie, which is half the quest.
@sharkinajar Perhaps better to add a bit of prestige to them, as reducing drop rates isn't super easy (as you simply have to increase the amount of other stuff that can drop) In chests with only a few possible drops I can see how these could be a problem though.
I feel like when I created the randomised treasure map drop system, it may have been worth creating one for "clues" which would encompass these and other such things - as then we could simply put one "clue" item into a chest, and it could draw from any of them in the game - (could even give them levels....) then it'd only ever take up one slot in a chest...
I wish I had time to script that actually.
@zool could make the map items parts of sets so you needed 4(?) items to get an actual map.
I know that there are similar things in place on euf that are basically collect all the sets to create a thing.
@zool said in Reduce Drop Rate of Undead summoning notes:
Perhaps better to add a bit of prestige to them
Added v7413
@echo Jeez that was quick! they were all manually added to loot chests. Awesome work Echo.
@zool I updated them in the palette then ran an "Update All Instances". Might've missed some but we'll see!
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on