Petey/Jericho Wells/Ranger Level 6- Special background and starting gear
someone summarize this for me tl;dr
This character is already and game. Kind of late to apply for a background isn't it
Basically he wants to have his backstory be that his friends died down in deadwell and he lost some thematic gear. He wants to free his friends souls and find his gear.
Sounds fine to me, since he sort of has to EiG the loot anyway, and I dunno if he really even needs to app to say his friends died in deadwell.
If he leads fun delves into the mausoleum, then I dont see why he wouldnt get some fun loot anyway.
@Hominid said in Petey/Jericho Wells/Ranger Level 6- Special background and starting gear:
Basically he wants to have his backstory be that his friends died down in deadwell and he lost some thematic gear. He wants to free his friends souls and find his gear.
Sounds fine to me, since he sort of has to EiG the loot anyway, and I dunno if he really even needs to app to say his friends died in deadwell.
If he leads fun delves into the mausoleum, then I dont see why he wouldnt get some fun loot anyway.
Why app tho
@SpiffyMeister If you want something you app for it lol
probably he wants it sooner rather than later. Can just tell him EiG but we're ok with the idea
Told Petey that the stuff was EiG. He’s not asking for much so should not take very long or be hard for him.
Any objections to moving forward with some thematic gear appropriate to the character and in line with high tier crafted?
no objection
He has his armour.
It's a nice piece of kit.
AC vs undead/shapechangers/outsiders 5% physical immunity
Plus, it has level 1 and 2 ranger spell slots - Reason being, they had a cloak with that on, and the outfit looks dumb with a cloak, so the item says //CANNOT WEAR WITH A CLOAK on it, and it has the spell slots on the outfit itself.
He got it when he took people to Bospir to defend against Nihlos's undead- they then went into Deadwell where Nihlos had set up a load of undead and put down some remains. I said the remains (dug up from Deadwell by Nihlos) were one of Jerichos old crew, and he also found his old armour nearby.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on