Petey/Jericho Wells/Ranger Level 6- Special background and starting gear
Human/Ranger/CG/ Level 6 / Jericho Wells
Applying for: Special Background, armor to reflect said background.
Background/Goal Outline: Jericho Wells was a member of a small group of vampire hunters calling themselves The Darkwell Lodge who formed after the demise of Deadwell. They recently returned in an attempt to cleanse the area and claim some measure of justice for their lost home, but were ambushed and brutally defeated. Many of his friends were turned into various undead creatures, but Jericho managed to escape. Never much of a holy man, he has nonetheless collected symbols of the various faiths respective to each fallen member of his fellow huntsmen.
His goals are pretty simple. Free the spirits of Deadwell through any means necessary. He knows this is a suicide mission but is determined to carry it out anyway, once he's prepared adequately enough. In the meantime he will gather allies for his quest by doing what he does best: killing paranormal entities, and right now Arabel has plenty of necromancers and lycans to choose from, each of them infamous enough to garner support from powerful allies, should he succeed in taking them down.
While I don't want to dilute the focus on the Order of Aster, it would be nice to establish the Darkwell Lodge as a rather niche faction akin to one of the embassies of Arabel for other players to eventually join if they wished, down the line.
I'd really like some studded leather armor of his lodge. Specific with bonuses against lycanthropes, undead, and infernal creatures. Some h/ms bonuses would be nice too.
Furthermore, I've made multiple references IG to his “Kit.” Which had to be abandoned in Deadwell, and he keeps an eye out for the many tools that were contained in it. It would be neat if uncovers more and more of these tools as his story progresses, at the DM's discretion. I know making your own loot is really fun, but if you wanted some inspiration I've two examples to reflect the sort of things that might be a part of this kit:
A powerful compound crossbow, designed by the Lodge's inventor and covered in religious iconography ala Hellboy style.
A holy silvered whetstone, designed to not only sharpen a blade, but bless it as well.
Furthermore, and this is purely at DM discretion, but it may be neat if he encounters his fallen comrades during his many outings to Deadwell. I'm taking the liberty to provide names and short descriptions of each one, but it's totally fine if you guys never end up using them.
Rickmond Solustar: A devout lay sword of Lathander, and the official leader of the Darkwell Lodge. Very much acted as a mentor to Jericho.
Lukas Grey: A grumpy inventor who designed much of the practical weapons against the Lodge's favored foes. He found delight in the poetic justice of Hoar, and many of his cruel tools are designed to reflect this. His the most similar to Jericho's own nature, and for this reason they low-key despised one another.
Kit Jennings: A healer in dedication to Ilmater, Kit was kind-hearted and gentle- the antithesis to Jericho's own personality. They had an on-again off-again relationship and he loved her very much.
Deadeye: An elderly marksman whose throat was ripped out by a werewolf. He was saved by the swift intervention of the expert healer, Kit Jennings, though his voice never recovered. Though mute, he somehow maintained his sense of humor.
Madame Vistra: A wizardess specializing in divination, and rather unusually, in service to Helm. She assisted the Lodge by divining the location of their dangerous prey, and could pierce through the veil of trickery often employed by said prey. Acted as a sort of matronly figure to the entire group.
Further Notes:
I know this is a weird app. I'm happy simply with some studded leather armor that will compensate for Jericho being a poor fit for the current available factions, and thus unable to enjoy the perks that come with that. Everything else is just for reference if any of you take interest in the character. Cheers and thanks for taking the time to look this over!
(If the studded leather had the trench coat robe, that'd be amazing. Yes I do realize it's cliche and over the top, but it'd really get that cringe edge lord vibe I'm going for to come together.)
[10:30 AM] UrFavBoi: I uh
[10:30 AM] UrFavBoi: Ended up writing a little blurb for each of Jericho's fallen comrades. I think I did a good job iterating this is purely for if a DM takes interest in the concept
[10:30 AM] UrFavBoi: but you might remind the others if any of em seem annoyed by it xD -
Note PC is already made
someone summarize this for me tl;dr
This character is already and game. Kind of late to apply for a background isn't it
Basically he wants to have his backstory be that his friends died down in deadwell and he lost some thematic gear. He wants to free his friends souls and find his gear.
Sounds fine to me, since he sort of has to EiG the loot anyway, and I dunno if he really even needs to app to say his friends died in deadwell.
If he leads fun delves into the mausoleum, then I dont see why he wouldnt get some fun loot anyway.
@Hominid said in Petey/Jericho Wells/Ranger Level 6- Special background and starting gear:
Basically he wants to have his backstory be that his friends died down in deadwell and he lost some thematic gear. He wants to free his friends souls and find his gear.
Sounds fine to me, since he sort of has to EiG the loot anyway, and I dunno if he really even needs to app to say his friends died in deadwell.
If he leads fun delves into the mausoleum, then I dont see why he wouldnt get some fun loot anyway.
Why app tho
@SpiffyMeister If you want something you app for it lol
probably he wants it sooner rather than later. Can just tell him EiG but we're ok with the idea
Told Petey that the stuff was EiG. He’s not asking for much so should not take very long or be hard for him.
Any objections to moving forward with some thematic gear appropriate to the character and in line with high tier crafted?
no objection
He has his armour.
It's a nice piece of kit.
AC vs undead/shapechangers/outsiders 5% physical immunity
Plus, it has level 1 and 2 ranger spell slots - Reason being, they had a cloak with that on, and the outfit looks dumb with a cloak, so the item says //CANNOT WEAR WITH A CLOAK on it, and it has the spell slots on the outfit itself.
He got it when he took people to Bospir to defend against Nihlos's undead- they then went into Deadwell where Nihlos had set up a load of undead and put down some remains. I said the remains (dug up from Deadwell by Nihlos) were one of Jerichos old crew, and he also found his old armour nearby.
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