Ice Palace (Dwarven Rescue Optional)
Module version: 7013
Quest name: Either Ice Palace or Ice Giant's Cave
Quests giver: Ice Giants' Cave
ZQA: ZQA: Storm Horns: Ice Palace, Exterior
Level range: 6-10 (locked behind a 7-10 quest though)
Party requirements: 2+
Number of people that did the quest: 4
Party composition with levels: Cleric, sorc, barb, fighter
Quest turn in gp and xp: 200gp per person and 180xp (not including any scaling)Quest was amazing. Enemies were fantastic. It's also bonkers tough, but the reward was very subpar- there was no loot, only 1 chest spawned midway through the quest that had 3 gp and a tethgard 2p coin. No loot in boss room or anything like that. Payout wise the gp and xp were too low, compared to other high end quest- and I'd consider this one of if not the hardest quest on the server aside Frozen War. It's up there.
Recommended: better loot in the actual quest itself, upping XP and GP reward to be in line with other 7-10s or higher.
Loot was vastly improved
Loot markers are all set at 100% chance to spawn
Base End reward is 400xp/400gp - same as other 7-10 questsv7359 More items/potions have been added
Closing this.
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