Suggestions: Monster tweaks
Ghosts and their Negative blast are a bit rough when encountered in groups of more than one. They heal eachother and damage the party at the same time. And the damage is often double digits. Facing 3, you might get hit for 45 hp of damage easy in one round. And they can do it again their next attack.
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Arabel, Historic Farmlands (4-6): Insects have too much HP. There are 7 waves in total, with 2 spawns per, in 3 directions. Ladybird has 23 hp, Dung Beetle 19, and Ember Beetle 21. I suggest lowering them to 15, 12, 14, or something along those lines, and lowering the number of waves to 6. The ladybirds can hit pretty hard for 4-7 damage or so as well as the dung beetles, so I also recommend lowering their strength by a point or two, as well as upping their CR by a tiny bit as they give a fraction XP of what the other two types do.
Ladybird- CR 1/2. Can't easily adjust this one. Reduced difficulty instead for the low xp reward.
- lowered HP
- lowered bite damage
Dung Beetles
- Lowered HP
- Lowered AC
- Lowered AB
Ember Beetles
- Lowered hp
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Arabel Sewers, Rotting Goblin Tribe (4-6): The boss, Fazhul the Animator, is a level 8 wizard level 1 Pale Master. He casts haste x1, vampiric touch x1, and Negative Energy Burst x2, as well as a number of circle 1 and 2 spells. I suggest removing his circle 3 spells entirely, as not only are they heavy hitting, NEB also saps strength and lesser restores are pricey/hard to come by.
Removed Palemaster
Lowered Wizard level
Removed NEB
Other adjustments foig -
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Arabel, East Way's Farmlands (4-6): Has the invasion trigger issue reported here -
However, the enemies in this quest still need tweaking. The Hungry Wolf mob has 6 ab, and 32 HP. While 6 AB doesn't sound like too much, when you're surrounded by them flanking brings it to 8, which will maul a low leveled pc apart, and 32 HP is really high. I suggest dropping their AB to 4 (the regular wolves have 2), and lowering HP to 20, if not lower (the regular wolves have 15). The boss, Starved Dire Wolf, has AB of 10/5, with a strength of 20, so he hits quite hard, as well as having 65 hp. My suggestion would be to lower his AB to just 6 (so no 2nd apr), drop his strength, and lower his HP to something closer to 35 or so.Hungry Wolves CR 2
- lowered strength
- lowered con
- lowered wis
- lowered level of animal class
- lowered ab
- lowered hp
- lowered damage
Starved Dire Wolf CR raised from 4 (4.24) to 5 for xp.
- lowered str
- lowered dex
- lowered wis
- lowered level of animal class
- lowered hp
- lowered APR
- lowered damage
- lowered AB
- AC make them very easy to hit.
@Valkyrie said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
The statues in the eveningstar bandit quest are insane lol.
lowered str
lowered hp
removed true seeing
lowered Construct level
lowered AB
lowered APR
lowered damage
removed manual adjustment -2 to CR to give an xp bump
removed weapon specialization -
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Arabel Sewers, Kobold's Nest (4-6): Lower the Kobold Chief's HP from 59 to 40, and remove his rage. Currently boosting his AB up to 8.
Seems to have been no boss. Put Kobold Chieftain back in the encounter
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Bospir, Haunted Hill (4-6): Remove the Skeleton Priest from the quest encounter- It casts Hold Person, which can wreck someone hard at that low level. One of the encounter Triggers has a ghoul ravager in it, which is a CR10 mob. I have never seen it spawn, though odd that it is there, as well as the ghoul lord. Another encounter spawns curst enemies, such as the dreaded curst ranger that has 11 ab and chunks with a great-axe. I'm not -sure- where that AB is coming from, as it is a vanilla mob. I suggest completely removing that trigger and replacing it with one of the normal zombie encounter triggers. Also, this quest needs more undead sheep. Because it does. Baa ram you.
- Removed Ghoul
- Removed Skeleton Priest.
- Added some more variety in spawns
- Removed all Curst enemies. I can't modify them so will put them back when the Undead Catagory is done.
-Bospir, Haunted Hill Interiors (4-6): The boss area of the quest, Rotting Jake, is a CR 12 enemy. It has an AB of 12/7, 109 HP, and 18 AC. It knows Called Shots, Power Attack, and Knockdown. I suggest lowering its level to 5, instead of 12, removing it's second APR and dropping its AB by a good amount to 6 or 7 AB, then lowering its AC to 14, as it is a slow, awkward zombie.
- Lowered class levels
- Lowered AB
- Lowered speed from normal to slow (peg leg zombie after all)
- Lowered AC
- Lowered HP
- Reduced APR
- Artificially raise CR to 8 for bump in XP
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Arabel Dwarven Embassy, Upper Brewery (4-6): The boss, the Drunk Satyr, has 71 HP, which is a bit too much, I recommend only 50. He has 6 AB, which is a good amount, however he knows weapon specialization unarmed so his punches really hurt. Also, he has armor that has 5/+1 DR on it. I suggest removing the DR armor, and removing the WS unarmed feat. He also casts a level 4 War Cry, which is a little funky. The archers also have pretty high AB of 6-8 when flanking, and combined with their 1d6 sneak attacks, the dazes+sleeps of the petal fairies, you end up going through some pretty heavy damage from them. I suggest reducing their AB by 2 as well.
Drunk Satyr
- Lowered Creature level
- Lowered HP
- Lowered Con
- Lowered AB
- Unarmed specialization does not affect Creature Weapons. Removed anyhow.
- Removed DR
- Removed -2 CR for a bump to experience.
- No Change
Added more variety to the encounter so should not always get the Archers and/or Petals
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Moonsea Ride, Wyrm Cave (4-6): The fire elementals spawned have 8 AB each. I am not sure of their damage, because they're the vanilla spawns. However they do have on hit fire, and pretty hefty attacks. I am not too sure, but I think that the encounters might have been intended to have the custom fire elemental resrefs. The boss is perfectly fine.
There are two fire elements. One is standard the other custom.
- Changed the Minimum Creatures from 2 to 1. That should allow for greater flexibility for the encounter system to adjust to party size and to make it less deadly for solo types.
Helmland Fire Elemental
- Lowered Elemental class levels
- Reduced APR from
- Lowered AC
- Lowered con
- Lowered hp
- Lowered AB
@Latok said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Sewers spawn large packs of spiders at once. None of the spawns themselves were very rough, but when they web you up in a small corridor you get surrounded and have no where to run. These would be good in the big open areas of the sewers but spawning in the small corridors are rough. The spawn in question was: 3 giant spiders, 2 skitterlings, 1 sword spider, 1 ettercap
Would you check CARES please @Puffy ?
@HellzYeah said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Young Wyverns have DC 26 Con poison
This seems high
Standard spawn. Will address when we get to the Dragon Category.
@Orin1234 said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Ghosts and their Negative blast are a bit rough when encountered in groups of more than one. They heal eachother and damage the party at the same time. And the damage is often double digits. Facing 3, you might get hit for 45 hp of damage easy in one round. And they can do it again their next attack.
There are two types of Ghost that can do this. Ghost1 is lame and doesn't get to sit with the cool Ghosts.....
- Lowered Undead level
- Monster Ability Negative Pulse
- Lowered uses from 5 to 2
- Lowered damage (based on Creature HD)
- Lowered DC to save for 1/2 damage (based on creature HD)
- Lowered HP
- Lowered Undead level
- Monster Ability: Negative Pulse
- Lowered uses from 5 to 2
- Lowered damage (based on Creature HD)
- Lowered DC to save for 1/2 damage (based on creature HD)
- Lowered HP
- Removed Negative Energy Dragon Breath
- +2 CR for XP and increase challenge due to spell like abilities.
That's it nerds? Come at me bro/sis!
ZQA: Redwoods, Haunted Castle Exterior (7-10): Overall, this quest is really fun. Enemies are well-balanced, (though put in more ghouls, those are juicy!) aside from the boss. Blackguard and Apostle of the Demon Prince has 200 HP, 24 AC, 22/17 AB, CR 20 with 10 levels of fighter and 10 levels of undead, and when you smack it everyone gets hit by NEB which is a bit a lot much.
@sharkinajar said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Blackguard and Apostle of the Demon Prince
Updated to be less.. well ridiculously OP barely cuts it.
Work/rl has slowed down again so I am able to be much more active. Please use this post again for suggested monster tweaks, quests and random spawns.
Dragon Trail: Mining Tunnels Area
Character is level 4 -
I suspect a high level was in the area fore you and that spawned when he/she was around but did not encounter them. They do not despawn when said high level leaves.
Bump, looking for feedback
Replaced with other new thread!