Suggestions: Monster tweaks
@Puffy said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
@V-Rage said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Remove zombie warriors from the sewers. High damage for an area two low level quests are in
Please bug report this, I don't even know why they spawn there. Where are they spotted?
In fairness to Verk, I told him to post it here.
Hyenas are a bit too powerful, fear howl, decent AB and spawn in high numbers with powerful gnolls.
What about the Giant miniaturized Murder Geese?
In some places those geese spawn in groups of 4+ and I love the trolling they do, reminds me of real geese but either reduced spawn numbers or a nerf in power would be helpful.
- Goose updated 6893
- Hyenas updated 6893
@Puffy lol
But it was great to have a goose with the similar stats as a dire wolf as an animal companion..... oh well. Guess I will have to try Wyverns again.
@Orin1234 I think Puffy updated them by adding a radioactive breath weapon. You may want to keep your goosezilla.
Ogrillieon Wicce in the ogres quest. They cast improved invis, stoneskin, and elemental shield from the get go. You can't melee attack them and you can't range attack them due to the imp invis so you just stand around bored for awhile taking missile storms to the face because it causes less damage than hitting the monster.
Mountain lions could be toned down a bit, they have 3 attacks around at 19/14/9 AB
Not a problem with the spawn itself, however, there are spawns in the Forest of Eyes that are named "Minotaur Steers." Steers are castrated cattle... not sure if that was intentional.
@DarkDecay not a bug
@DarkDecay Ogrillions have been updated now.
@Latok said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Black Adder:
Spawned in a group of 4. Every bite has a DC 12 to be poisoned and a DC 15 to be diseased. I feel like one or the other would suffice. The disease is a powerful one as well. I lost 4 strength when it kicked in and damaged my abilities.
Removed On Hit: Red Adder Disease. Lowered AB, Lowered HP
@Puffy said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
- High AC and high AB, Forest Trolls with their call lightning spell may be over kill
Reduced Spell casting level and spells (Still has call lightening though)
Reduced AB, AC, HP, and Damage potential/Strength -
@V-Rage said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Hyenas are a bit too powerful, fear howl, decent AB and spawn in high numbers with powerful gnolls.
Lowered AB, AC, and Damage potential. Significantly lowered HP.
@V-Rage said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Mountain lions could be toned down a bit, they have 3 attacks around at 19/14/9 AB
Drastically reduced AB, Damage potential and HP. Only 2 APR now as well.
@Ruler said in Suggestions: Monster tweaks:
Beech Treants
- High ab/dmg/attacks with dmg red. Requires a group to kill, otherwise avoid at all costs.
Lowered Damage potential. Significantly lowered HP. DRASTICALLY lowered AB and reduced from 3 APR to 2 APR
Skeleton warriors/chieftans
- Average dmg output is a little to high, usually 15-20 a hit. AB might be fine
Undead getting a complete make over as a group. Currently some being used are vanilla some are custom
- These have always been very tough but I like the direction of it. Generally they hit for 10+ dmg, a deeper variety of zombies would be cool moving forward. I know most people struggle with these when spawned in med-large amounts.
Undead getting a complete make over as a group. Currently some being used are vanilla some are custom
Frost Giants
- I've spawned these a few times, generally they come in twos. I understand they should be difficult but I'd maybe limit it to 1 frost giant and two lesser creatures. High ab/dmg/hp.
Let @Puffy or I know where the spawn is and we can review the number. We have multiple Frost Giant types so let us know the exact name please. Giants as a category will be getting a complete make over
- The lowly spawns of these could be a little stronger imo. Low AB/Dmg.
Enjoy it while it lasts!Thanks for the feedback. We'll revisit the new creatures to increase their challenge at a later date however. :PGhosts
- Insane ability to spot stealthy pcs. Their attack involves a reflex save for an average of 20+ negative dmg. Depending on dc, this may need rework
Undead getting a complete make over as a group. Currently some being used are vanilla some are custom
Bandit Warden
Poison arrows with high ab, spawned in droves in the bandit hullack quest behind barricades is most unpleasant. I'd suggest lower hp if you wanted to keep their spawn number high so that a fireball is mostly a quick answer. Otherwise lower ab. Dmg seemed fair
Lowered AB, AC, HP. Still dangerous but less so.
Displacer Beast
Spawns in 3's in the helmlands and high crimmond. Disarm spaming is a bit much
To confirm I think you mean Dirlagraun not Displacer Beast (they look the same though)
Let @Puffy or I know where the spawn is and we can review the number.
Lowered AB significantly and reduced APR from 3 to 2. Will still attempt disarm but less overwhelming. Please advise.Young wyverns
Spawns are to many. The action economy results in definitely being con poisoned. Would tighten the amounts per spawn. Their Power level seems fine though
Let @Puffy or I know where the spawn is and we can review the number.
Satyr's - City brewery quest
Way too strong for what level the quest is for. High dmg/ab and other tools at their disposal decimates.
Is this current?I ran the quest with a lvl 5 a couple days ago and it was only difficult at the very end.
Changes live vProfessor6911
Keep the suggestions coming