Protection from Evil
It is not providing bonuses versus saves versus fear.
Fear is not a mind spell. Items that Grant vs. Mind spells do not count against fear either.
According to the NWN Wiki:
Fear is indeed a mind-affecting effect. So it should get the PfA CoA bonus, since the CoA bonus replaces the immunity that is normally given.
The Fear Spell however only has the Fear descriptor, not the mind-affecting descriptor. This is silly in my opinion, since fear is classified as a mind-affecting thing, so protection from alignment should apply to the fear spell. And if it doesn't, we should change it so it does.
fear is under necromancy, isnt it?
@Echo yes
However, immunity to mind spells at the spell originally granted also blocked fear. The bonus should apply to the fear spell and scare spell.
It should just provide a bonus vs mind afecting spells.
Why is fear getting brought up? If it grants vs mind spells, should all be good. If it isn't, that's a bug.
If a bonus vs mind spells isn't working against fear then there is something else much more problematic than our code going wrong.
if(!MySavingThrow(SAVING_THROW_WILL, oTarget, GetSpellSaveDC(), SAVING_THROW_TYPE_FEAR, OBJECT_SELF, fDelay)) { //Apply the linked effects and the VFX impact DelayCommand(fDelay, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eLink, oTarget, fDuration)); }
New Protection from Alignment:
nMindImmunityBonus = GetMindImmunityBonus(oCaster, nCasterLevel); eDeflectionAC = EffectACIncrease(SPELL_AC_DEFLECTION_BONUS, AC_DEFLECTION_BONUS); eDeflectionAC = GetVersusAlignmentEffectByalignment(eDeflectionAC, nAlignment); eSavingThrows = EffectSavingThrowIncrease(SAVING_THROW_ALL, SPELL_SAVING_THROWS_BONUS); eSavingThrows = GetVersusAlignmentEffectByalignment(eSavingThrows, nAlignment); eMindImmunity = EffectSavingThrowIncrease(SAVING_THROW_WILL, nMindImmunityBonus, SAVING_THROW_TYPE_MIND_SPELLS); eMindImmunity = GetVersusAlignmentEffectByalignment(eMindImmunity, nAlignment);
You can see that the Fear spell is rolling will versus Fear saving throws, while our new protection versus alignment rolls versus Mind spells. The original Protection versus alignment had immunity to mind spells and according to the 2da at least, Fear doesnt have that type of immunity - Its fear.
We can validate in-game but the old version shouldnt have allowed the user to be immune to Fear either.
Fix-wise its an easy fix anyway to the new alignment code.
@Strife-and-Discord it may now be intended behavior, but i would argue that fear saves should be accounted for.
Or at least the spells that grant fear. I imagine howls can still be pure fear and not a mind spell.
@Strife-and-Discord said in Protection from Evil:
We can validate in-game but the old version shouldnt have allowed the user to be immune to Fear either.
This is the key thing.
Cos... I swear it did.
- The mind-affecting effects are charmed, confused, dazed, dominated, ---frightened---, paralyzed, sleep, and stunned. Any attempt to apply one of these effects to a creature with immunity to mind-affecting spells will fail. As exceptions, stunning fist and death attack bypass mind-affecting immunity, even though they inflict mind-affecting conditions (stunned and paralyzed).
- This is a mind-affecting effect and as such it can be blocked by immunity to mind-affecting spells.
so the old version should have.
New version should too, as we wanted to make it boost the saves, instead of have blanket immunity, but we didn't decide to remove anything from what it boosted saves for. -
Fixed deployed in version 20241121 Strife 8618. Please confirm once the new version is live.
@Strife-and-Discord Fix confirmed,
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