caek/Andrik de Viir/Specialist Peace Keeper
Human / Ranger / NE / 6 / Andrik de Viir
Specialist Peace Keeper - Arcane / Undead Focused
Focus on the magical crimes in the lawbook, putting further pressure on spellcasters, and going further different faiths
Form a partnership with Harriet (already started) and give more presence to the Peace Keepers, opening up the chance to turn it into an actual faction
Use the position to put pressure on the Courts to change the lawbook, giving the HoA more influence in dealing with undead (and allowing them to use them legally) and wrestle power away from the Arcane Guild
Use the position to offer deals to criminals, information in exchange for immunity etc (classic "crooked cop" vibe) -
Follower of Shar, wants to weaken the reliance on the Weave due to the death of his family at the hands of nasty spellcasters.
If this means stepping down officially from the HoA then all good, however doing both roles would be a really interesting dynamic and I think could work well together
I like the result of it and think it could be fun, but not sure why he'd be given this power? It's missing a stepping stone event in which he earns the authority. Unless I've missed something.
@Hangman no, you are correct. He is making a big leap from where he is to where he thinks he is going to be, but he has missed some steps in between, like getting a recommendation from Harriet
Maybe in the future but I want to see more towards earning this.
I agree, would like to see character development in between the two. Not saying it should take a long time, just some more substance.
Also, I don't think stripping power from an organization like the guild is something to take lightly(As they work similar to a non-profit and have reputable sponsors)
But I definitely support the idea and like what is going on here. I wrote up an interaction I intend to encounter him with in the next couple days to show some love.
Informed him to seek a recommendation or otherwise earn the position.
@Hangman i also tried to guide him in his plot Ticket
unsurprisingly, caek decided to leave
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on
Truly shocking.