Tone down the Stormhorn Spawn difficulty - like a lot...
First things first. Puffy, Echo, Strife and the rest, you are doing an amazing job of bringing new areas and content to the server atm, hands down. But if you want us the players to experience them... You need to consider the scale of the spawns you allow.
I am a level 8 ranger. That should in CoA terms, be survivable in the wilderness, unless I really want to poke the bear. I took a wandering through the Stormhorns today. Eventually I snuck into a corner and logged, and will not be back until a reset. I made it 1 area in. Walked around for -less- than 10 minutes. And this is what I found....
10 seconds in...
- Snow Orc spawn, around 6? With 2 Adult Owlbears, one Cyclop and three boars.
Invis is my friend, snuck around... - Two Snow Oozes with TS or tremor sense (same thing to a player)
- Path north blocked by 6 or 7 giant tracks (chose not to walk that way at all...)
Managed to get to a transition. Found a cool quest. Walked a bit further. - Giant Owl + White Lion
- Two Frost Giants, with some goats (who killed the Giant owl in 10 seconds, and then proceeded to chase me despite not seeing me)
- Mountain Bear
- Two more snow oozes, killed by the lion and me!
- Three Snow oozes who slaughtered the white lion, with around 20 damage pr. attack?
Managed to get away by sacrificing the lion, and logged from a corner. Long story short, its way too hard to get around and explore in those areas.
Especially if you cannot gather an optimal party during low player time zones.
I know quite a few players who will not touch the mountains with a ten foot pole now, because they are a death trap. Perhaps it needs a looking into?
- Snow Orc spawn, around 6? With 2 Adult Owlbears, one Cyclop and three boars.
Seconded, Stormhorns are Suicide O'clock.
adjustments have been made
as always, travel at your own risk -
any further exploration since updates were made?
@Echo currently there seem to be no PC's who have the Stormhorns as interest, so no.
@Zolm said in Tone down the Stormhorn Spawn difficulty - like a lot...:
@Echo currently there seem to be no PC's who have the Stormhorns as interest, so no.
Respectfully, that is incorrect :)
There are by my count at least 3 PCs who have interest in the Stormhorns. -
@Echo said in Tone down the Stormhorn Spawn difficulty - like a lot...:
any further exploration since updates were made?
Witnessed two lvl 6s exploring with no issues
@Strife-and-Discord well I stand corrected then!
@Puffy said in Tone down the Stormhorn Spawn difficulty - like a lot...:
Witnessed two lvl 6s exploring with no issues
issue resolved then, closing.
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on