Tailoring suggestions
If something isn't extremely rare - no one will buy it anyways. At least not as far as tailoring seems to be concerned. I would not mind that at all, personally. Presently, tailoring is very much lacking in a "mithral-equivalent", in my opinion. Though, I do not know just how rare that is.
Your current suggestion for black doe would be weaker than Grizzly which is a flat +1
Also the high level leathers are considerably weaker than say a platinum chain shirt which is a flat +2
Perhaps the top end leather, studded leather and hides could also be made +2
Good point! I have changed the suggestion to a flat AC+2 for those armors now. Thematically, I would like it to be better against lawful (e.g., AC+2; AC+3 vs Lawful), but it feels like there may be an unwritten rule that player-craftable must not include anything with a „+3“, or higher. Not sure.
Based on the conversation with Evangeline in game last night, I felt reminded that there is likely no IC-argument in the world that could convince people to try leathers rather than platinum.
On another note, I think it would be really nice if armor being worn in certain places might cause some NPC sneers, for example.
As for the ribbons et al., visible would be cool - but not necessary, in my opinion.
This post is deleted! -
One suggestion per topic please. Items is fine to bundle but other things should be another topic
Various updates and some re-organization of the suggestions in the tables from the above posts.
Unlikely to re-add white stag items. They were removed along with winter wolves and malar panthers because they are magical creatures (or shapeshifters in the case of MPs).
Some of these items are being considered, though. If you have any practice with the toolset and want to design the looks for any of the tunics/dresses @EyeOfGruumsh , I'd like to use your designs.
Thanks for considering these - will get in touch via Discord.
Added a suggestion table for Elks (see: https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/64708/tailoring-suggestions/12?page=1)
Some recipes are implemented with v8343
Thanks to @EyeOfGruumsh for the ideas. -
Elk stuff added with some modifications to stats.
As always, bug report issues. -
E Echo moved this topic from Suggestions on