Fellowship and 12 peers prestige point mix up
Similar to this bug: https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/61361/tilverton-raven-and-obsidian-skull-prestige-point-mix-up
Area name: King's Forrest: Interiors
Issue Location: Back room
Quest Name: N/A
Store Name: Julien Sugarloaf - Fellowship prestige store
NPC Name: Julien Sugarloaf
NPC Location: King's Forrest: Interiors
Server Version: 7755
Screen Shot: -
99% sure I know what's causing it
99.99% sure I cant fix itWill get back to you on this and the Skulls/Ravens one once Deth and I have time to discuss options.
I have a good idea of a fix.
- Faction Prestige NPC needs unique tag VIP 10
- Think they have the wrong convo
I'll try test that once I can get the module downloaded etc
Professor v7760
S/b fixed -
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Bug Reports on