OOC: Faction Prestige Gear upgrading
Professor 7639
Effective above you may turn in armour/clothes/shields/helms/cloaks bought with prestige for a 50% credit towards the purchase of other gear.
- You would put the gear you wish to trade into the appropriate faction prestige chest (Greywatch for Greywatch, Precept Arcanum for Precept Arcanum etc)
- 50% of the original prestige spent should be credited back, adding to your total, for the purchase of new gear.
- Be careful on the math so you are not left without gear
- Only items purchase going forward from this post will receive the 50% turn in value
- Gear should only give you 1 PP if you turn it in to another faction
- Values subject to change
Please report anything unusual or not working.
Cheers and Happy Gaming!
P Puffy pinned this topic on
P Puffy pinned this topic on
The above should now be live.
Added starter chainmail and starter leather for 5 pp each to the faction store.
I shall not pester needlessly, but! I know the other factions have a few items in their Prestige stores, beyond the uniform itself. The Precepts have their spears, Aster has weapons and shields, Wild Walkers got a decent upgrade of weapons, shields etc. last year from Spiffy.Would it possible to expand the prestige pool with a few similar trinkets, properly themed?
Something like:
"Fencers bane"
*An enchanted buckler, the perfect finish to the attire of any true Crown Guard, enchanted to help in duels.
Small shield: +1 AC, +2 Vs. Chaos, 5% piercing immunity. -
You get rods, with spell uses.
Ah, had not noticed those! Forget the suggestion then ;) -
The prestige loot (Hat) cannot be turned in for the 50% return of prestige points. It looks very wonky on my head model, but when I placed it i nthe chest, it merely stated that there was one item they would not accept.
@zool said in OOC: Faction Prestige Gear upgrading:
You get rods, with spell uses.
Can't see these in the Prestige Store - any ideas?
@greenlung have you checked all stores?
@spiffymeister why are there multiple stores..? Just have one store with it all in!
@greenlung i dunno i just know there might be more than one
Can we get a penal work helmet/cloak? Should look extremely dweebish helmet, rusted.
If it's a cloak, it could be resembling the Illuminated Blades one, for the IG flair.
Could we tag the helmet so it can't come off unless wanded by a crown guard item?
@gumba said in OOC: Faction Prestige Gear upgrading:
penal work helmet/cloak?
Would have to have an IC push for this as it isnt something in place as it is