Knightmare /Tamsin Eleint/ Ravens/Dhampyr (re-app)
Dhampyr/rogue/CN/creation/ Tamsin Eleint (re-app)
What specific perk(s): Raven/ Dhampyr
If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
Hominid/Knightmare/many alt accounts of little significanceBrief background as relevant to the application.
Born of a mother bitten by a vampire during pregnancy, who died (whose parents killed themselves), Tamsin was raised by the Church of Cyric in Tilverton, is surname reflects the month of his birth. He developed a love for the people of Tilverton, but is mistrustful of much of its elite class including the Duke, and of people in general, eventually joining the Ravens as a means of both protecting the people of Tilverton and influencing its leadership. Tamsin is more antihero than villain, but is definitely not “good”.A few sentences on how you plan to make the server more fun to play on for everyone, through your characters actions/story.
Tamsin believes that all beings are inherently wicked in some way – greedy, violent, etc – and that those who act otherwise are dishonest. He will function as a corruptor, trying to identify, nurture, and expose, the wickedness within others – helping them realize their “true selves”, believing this to be the ultimate form of honesty. I portray him as hedonistic yet charming, polished, self-aware but also arrogant in his conviction. Functionally, he will both help and hinder villains and heroes alike, seeking to understand them in the process.
He will work to both protect Tilverton/Arabel from true perils, but is not particularly loyal to the Duke or Ravens, which could land him in trouble.RE-APP NOTE: I got busy with a major grant proposal and haven’t played Tamsin for a few weeks. He was only two weeks old and I never really got far on him, but liked the character and would like to continue. As a Cyricist (though not baby eating evil one) I think he could fit into the cyric/lathander plot well.
Been a few days, how about it folks?
24hr confirmation (Could even just call it confirmed but want to give the non-voters a chance to speak up @Prof-Misclick @Puffy ) -
Yeah sure
[2:54 PM]Hominid (Luka Rask): idk if I'm supposed to ask in a subchannel or something, but I can be removed from Ravens. I don't have time to do a faction/subrace PC justice. Sorry for being a turd and wasting everyone's time with the re-app
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