Olouth / Ileryl Rooster /Aasimar paladin of HoM
1). Aasimar/paladin/LG/Lvl 1/ Ileryl Rooster
2). I am applying for subrace Aasimar and dawnsquire of HoM
3). Ileryl is an orphan, adopted by the House of Morning when she was left at the bridge of Eveningstar as a baby. With no clue as to her heritage, though Belon, who she perceives as her father for lack of better, sometimes hints he may know more than he lets on. With the deaths of the elven siblings, she has taken up the mantle, as a sword of the Church, vowing to increase its influence.
• Through plotting, make Aster the “authority on all undead” related matters
• Work with Precepts to “unlock” secrets of her bloodline, whatever it may be
• Earn favor with the Crownguard, to establish the Aster as Knights of the Realm, not just E-star
• Become an authority of law outside the cities, by simply claiming it, and see what happens
• Establish the faith of Lathander INSIDE Arabel, increasing its influence
• Convert goodly folk and those seeking redemption, by showing the Light is the way
• Bud heads with evil peeps, as the unflinching banner of all that is good
• Delve into Haunted Halls, and use it for own Eveningstar plots
• Take an active role in the Celestial plot, and spread it as much as I possibly can
Note: I will portray Ileryl the aasimar as kind but stern, and who views non celestial, nonholy folk, as ignorant children in need of education. A calm, controlled diplomat, though who becomes pure divine fury when angered. She is fiercely devoted to both Belon and the conservative, Lathanderite doctrine. Big on converting and preaching. She is keen on redemption, but only gives one chance, before harsher methods are taken. Silvery hair, shiny golden eyes when furious, and golden ish skin. -
RIP Florent.
This is app pretty basic aasimar, but I like that it interacts with a lot of different stuff. So fine by me.
@voss_ said in Olouth / Ileryl Rooster /Aasimar paladin of HoM:
I like that it interacts with a lot of different stuff
as long as the hips dont sway :D -
@echo But Echo, they're playing a paladin and her hips don't lie.
i give it a week or two before they get frustrated and quit
Wasnt Olouth the one complaining that ECL sucked too much to play as?
@spiffymeister ofc I shouldn't talk and play a pc longer than a day or two
No to Subrace.
- play a character for awhile
- complained so much about the ECL last time we let him remake the character as a human.
@prof-misclick said in Olouth / Ileryl Rooster /Aasimar paladin of HoM:
No to Subrace.
- play a character for awhile
- complained so much about the ECL last time we let him remake the character as a human.
@prof-misclick said in Olouth / Ileryl Rooster /Aasimar paladin of HoM:
No to Subrace.
- play a character for awhile
- complained so much about the ECL last time we let him remake the character as a human.
Again I wish he played dudes lol
Agree to the above.
HoM yes, subrace not at this time -
Confirmed HoM no subrace
Which is denied really, because with zero faction members, getting into HoM is a case of logging a character in and saying Lathander is pretty cool.
@zool She can start at Rank 2 instead of 1.
Gets a wage and forum access
Doesnt have to get the IC recommendation (which we've done away with sorta anyway). -
@echo said in Olouth / Ileryl Rooster /Aasimar paladin of HoM:
@zool She can start at Rank 2 instead of 1.
Gets a wage and forum access
Doesnt have to get the IC recommendation (which we've done away with sorta anyway).Yeah, which... is basically nothing, takes a day or a week at most to get rank 2.
"Hi Voss. I have given it some thought, and the lure of playing the aasimar was my main thing. That said, I want to give my noble another college try, but simply quit the Crownguard, which was the part that felt... meh to engage in. Think that is at all possible? Or has the ship sailed in that regard?"
I don't see why not, so I'll just remove them from crownguard IG if there's no protest.
Personally glad they decided that.
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Player Applications on